
Chapter 22

Davien P. O. V

I pulled over at the packhouse's estate bright and early the next morning, I'd rather have them holler at me, than endure another second of being around that runt's axis.

"Where's the pup? I don't see him with you." Oliver noted alighting his motorcycle.

"Great to see you too." I greeted with a pat on the shoulder, he chuckled, "Did you reject him already? Here I was thinking he was your destined mate." Oliver said, irritating the fuck out of me.

"What the fuck is that?"

"You know, I thought third time's the charm…or in your case fourth? I don't know, I really thought he would be a deal breaker for you." The more he spoke about Kian, the more his image played before my eyes.

Especially how he looked last night…I didn't like seeing that expression on him.

Changing the topic I looked behind him. "Are the old bastards that mad?" I asked, Oliver scoffed, "Mad doesn't cut it, if you didn't reject Kian when you did, they would've made you. Oh well, considering it's you, I'm not surprised."

I wanted to tell him that I hadn't rejected him…yet. But time didn't permit that, someone came over and informed me the elders could vividly see that I was around and slowing down the inevitable.

"Well if it helps, Gwen called and said she had something important to discuss with you, you can keep your mind busy with that the entire time. And before you know it, you'll be back to bedding all the fine women this city has to offer." Oliver grinned and returned my shoulder pat.

I forced a smile as I watched him make like the wind and leave with the woman who delivered the message. Once he was gone, I straightened my back and braced myself to get scolded big time.

"I don't understand why the Silvertail pack would even invite that rotten Omega to the seminar!" The loud pitched voice of Gretel, one of the elders cried out, her irritable voice rang in my head, like a terrible alarm clock buzzing on a quiet morning.

"And how dare he embarass us like this?! Does the Silverfang pack think we won't take action just because he's your… I can't even say it." The straight laced Vincent spat out, taking the role of the instigator in this earful.

I sat at the head of the table, with six old timers seated by threes on my left and right, whilst my father sat across me on the ridiculously long table.

This was fucking great, and they wanted me to bring Kian to this? That runt would eat them alive.

A small smile played on my lips at the thought of Kian mouthing off to the elders, a smile that seemed to irritate everyone else in the room.

"Care to share what's so amusing, Davien?" I raised my head to see my father and six other people scowling at me.

I coughed, "Nothing."

"Well, now that you're here Alpha, why don't you tell us what you plan to do about that Omega? That kid is out of control!" Gretel announced with too much vigour for a woman in her late sixties.

Before I could even respond, Karl, a former beta spoke up. "Isn't it obvious what the Alpha needs to do? He has to reject him and marry Silvia immediately!"

"Yes, I hear that Saint Incorporations, is so close to bagging the deal with on that plot of land. If the merger happens first, Moore group will have the long end." Vincent chipped in, the others at the table nodded.

"I agree with everyone else as well, Davien, you need to…"

Tired of all this bullshit I spoke up, "I appreciate all of your…timeless wisdom." I mumbled the latter part, ruffling their feathers a bit.

"But when it comes to who I mate with and who I marry, I won't let anyone interfere." I announced, then attempted to leave, there were much better things to do with my time.

Gwendolyn had gotten back from the archives and with her came the key to ascertaining what I would do about Alpha Renold and the Halfmoon pack.

"Sit down Davien! We're not finished speaking!" Father barked and banged his fist against the table, then used his angry eyes to gesture me to sit down.

Ralph was pissed as hell.

"I am done speaking, and it's Alpha to you." I hardened my tone, verbally reminding father that even though he was the chairman of the board, I was still the Alpha of the pack.

He hissed, "It isn't very becoming of an Alpha to blatantly ignore his responsibilities like this. Are you just going to keep on grieving the pack? We need a Luna, Alpha." He uttered the word Alpha with spite in his tone.

The council of elders played a major advisory role for the Alpha to help him make decisions. But that was all, they couldn't directly interfere with my work or ove-rule my decisions.

That was how things were meant to go, but with father on the council, I could forget about having a smooth tenure as Alpha. If only I could get the business in my hands…

"You're already twenty six but you still act impulsive and reckless. Do you realize that with every passing second we waste, we loose good chances? Silvia is quite the catch, it's no wonder if she ends up rejecting our proposal. We should take advantage of the flow of things." Father explained, winning the hearts of the elders.

"And what about the younger one? Kian?" I asked, wanting to see how he'd answer.

Father reclined into his seat, "You've heard the rumours, he spent six months in prison abroad and was kicked out by his pack as well. And more importantly, he's a man, men can't be Luna."

I didn't know why, or what propelled me to, but before my senses could take control my fist had already collided against the door, and bore a hole through it!

Pulling my fist out of the door, I yanked hard on it's handle and placed my foot out. "If that is all you had to say, I'm leaving." I announced, walking away with both hands resting in my pockets.

"Davien don't you…" Father's words trailed off as I walked through the hallway, towards my office. I hadn't been around since the entire engagement fiasco, and knew a lot of work would welcome me back.

Stepping inside, I met with a worried looking Oliver sitting on my desk.

"What's wrong? The red hair wasn't into you?" I asked closing the door, he shook his head and shoved his phone in front of me.

"My Informant just messaged me, and I'm sure you're not going to be very happy about their finding." Oliver stated, I diverted my gaze from his anxious expression to what was on his screen.

"Silvia Saint set to be the nominee for most aspiring young business entrepreneur of the year, after sealing the deal and purchasing business Tycoon Ceaser Fabri's prized family…" I didn't need to finish reading to call on the serious bullshit this article was saying.

"I don't believe it! Have that double checked immediately!"

But Oliver couldn't have looked anymore grim, "It seems like Ceaser called off the auction last minute and decided to sell to Silvia. I don't know how she did it, but she managed to convince him."

"This doesn't make any sense. Why would that bastard…" I gritted my teeth and whipped out my phone.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asked, "I'm calling her."

"What? Why? I didn't peg you as the type to grovel Davien."

But that was where he was damn wrong, I wasn't waving the white flag, if anything I was pissed off and partly confused. Not only did I spend two hundred thousand dollars on a painting, but now I just lost one of the biggest deal breakers that could get me the company.

Kian wouldn't like this…wait, why did Kian come up in my head all of a sudden?

I called Silvia countless times but she didn't answer. Left with not much of a choice, I rolled up my sleeves and strode out of the office.

"Davien where the hell are you going?" I heard Oliver shout from behind, but I couldn't stop and wait to answer. Something wasn't right here, just how the hell did Silvia convince that dog Ceaser into selling in under one night?

*Silverfang Packhouse*

It was early evening when I arrived, our territories were about three hours apart, and I had stopped by her company first, only to find out she hadn't come in to work.

The guards at the gates didn't let me in at first, but after discolorating an arm or five they couldn't hold me back.

A million different thoughts that needed answering flooded my head as I marched through the estate, I had been here twice, so I knew which was the main house.

However, it was on my way to get some answers that I overheard two women talking about something that happened last night. I would've passed by and not given a fuck, but I heard a name that halted my steps.

"Mr Saint was so fierce last night, he didn't take the news of Kian's misconduct at the seminar so lightly." one of them said, the other nodded.

"Kian had it coming, he mouthed off to Silvia so much last night that someone had to put him in his place." The second went on to say.

Kian was here last night? When? Was it when I was at the auction at the art museum? Was that where he disappeared to?

"But still," the first sighed, "Isn't Kian her son? How could Mrs Saint push her own son down the stairs like that?" The first one said, snapping a thread I didn't know was in me.

I marched out of hiding and grabbed her by the wrist.

"Let me go! Who are…"

Flashing my violent red eyes at her, I said meaning every word, "You better tell me everything that happened last night, and don't you dare leave out a single detail."

Author's Note: Daily update October has begun!

Tell me, what character do you trust the least in this book and who do you trust the most?

Thanks for reading

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