

When I woke Maya and Griffin were nowhere to be seen. Instead, I found a woman with long dark hair and bright green eyes.

"My daughter," she said

"I'm sorry I don't know who you are"

"I'm Athena. This is Olympus, the home of the Greek gods."

I looked around and realized I was standing on a cloud. Next to me, there was a huge white palace with many statues out front.

"Your friends think you're dead." Athena said as I turned back to her "They have abandoned you. You must find them and save your brothers."

"I will."

With that, I was gone flying back down to earth and landing in my body. I found myself in a ditch the wrecked car nearby. Maya and Griffin must have dragged me out and left me here after finding me dead. I saw a ghostly figure float past me. It stopped looked at me and called out

"I found her!"

Then I saw a figure running through the trees as it approached I saw it was Nico.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her

"Better question, what are you doing here and how did you fake death so I well even I didn't know?"

"I didn't fake my death. I was dead!"

Suddenly I got dizzy. I could feel myself tilt from side to side and then I went unconscious again.