
The MARVELous Harry Potter

In the aftermath of the epic battle against Voldemort, Harry Potter finds himself thrust into a whole new world—the Marvel Universe. Graduation was meant to mark a new beginning, but fate had other plans. Now, armed with his magical prowess and an unwavering resolve forged through years of adversity, Harry joins forces with Earth's mightiest heroes, the Avengers. Harry must grapple with the challenges of adapting to this new reality while staying true to his own principles. Harry's journey unfolds, intertwining magic and technology, as he learns that heroism knows no boundaries—even across universes. Prepare for a spellbinding adventure where the wizarding world collides with the Marvel Universe, where magic meets technology, and where Harry Potter steps into a new role—as an Avenger. {this story was basically abandoned and i decided to adapt this story in my own writing style and a lot more help from chatbot. Story is more or less the same as abandoned one so i will try to progress this story as much as possible. It's name is same on fanficton.net.}

whitethief274 · Filme
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35 Chs



You never know. You hope for the best, then make do with what you get. ~ NICK FURY


The faint ding of the elevator echoed as Nick Fury and a dozen agents walked in.

"I have to say, today was the most stressful day of my life," Fury complained as he entered. "And it's even more stressful knowing this is just the beginning."

"Gentlemen, seize those two and be on high alert with Loki."

Fury turned to the Avengers and said, "Alright team, we have a lot to sort out. I'm taking Loki and Ross to a secret SHIELD base. We'll meet tomorrow to discuss everything. You all must be exhausted, so let's wrap up for now."

"Works for us," Harry chimed in. "We could use some rest, right?" He glanced around at the others, who nodded.

"Yeah, we're staying put today. Time to get some much-needed rest," Steve added, speaking for the group.

"I'm heading home. Come on, Domino," said Harry, turning to Domino. She happily skipped over and took his hand. "See you all tomorrow," Harry said, and they vanished.

Fury and his agents escorted the shackled Loki out, keeping Ross sedated to prevent any Hulk incidents.

The remaining Avengers dispersed to finally get some well-deserved rest after the chaos.

**In SHIELD analytics room - night**

Fury faced the World Security Council members again.

Council: Where are the Avengers now?

Fury: I'm not tracking their location. They've earned some time off.

World Security Council: And the Tesseract?

Nick Fury: The Tesseract is where it belongs: out of our reach.

World Security Council: That's not your call.

Nick Fury: I didn't make it. I just didn't argue with the god that did.

World Security Council: So you let him take it and the war criminal, Loki, who should be answering for his crimes?

Nick Fury: Oh, I think he will be.

World Security Council: I don't think you understand what you've started. Letting the Avengers loose on this world. They're dangerous.

Nick Fury: They surely are. And the whole world knows it. Every world knows it.

World Security Council: Was that the point of all this? A statement?

Nick Fury: A promise.

He adds: "Gentlemen, this was just the beginning. We're not only dealing with Earth's threats. There are forces beyond our comprehension. A shadowy figure named Thanos is lurking behind this attack with his motive being six more powerful energy sources like the Tesseract, and the Avengers may be the only line of defense."

World Security Council: Thanos? What are you talking about?

Nick Fury: Thanos, the galactic warlord with a capital G, will come here. And whether you like it or not, the Avengers are Earth's best hope.

World Security Council: And what about the scepter, the weapon Loki used?

Nick Fury: The scepter is in safe hands. Its fate is yet to be decided. But rest assured, we won't let it fall into the wrong hands again.

World Security Council: We need to discuss making the Avengers an official team, under our supervision.

They emphasized the supervision part.

Nick Fury: I've already started drafting the proposal. The world needs a team like the Avengers, and we need to be ready for whatever comes our way.

World Security Council: Before you go, where is Ross and what are you going to do about him? They asked as if they already knew who the Red Hulk was.

Fury: He is currently in captivity and under sedation. We will transfer him to a containment unit built for Hulk and interrogate him about his transformation into Red Hulk. Granted, he was mind-controlled, so he will be reinstated to his position. Although, he could be a massive security risk like an uncontrollable Hulk.

World Security Council: We would like you to let him handle his old project after your interrogation. Maybe it was unfortunate, but he has been able to get the desired result. And we need more of these results to combat our new war.

Fury: Well, I also can't ask for a better outcome than this. If we can get more Hulks, then we will be unstoppable. I will send you the results.

Fury continues his confident stride towards the bridge, leaving the World Security Council to contemplate the possibility of a new war.

Maria Hill: "Sir, what do you think will happen now?"

Fury scoffed and said, "Those old coots didn't mention or apologize for their mishap with the nuke. They're going to try and cover that incident up."

Maria: "And what of General Ross? The sedatives are wearing off as his immunity seems to be something supernatural now."

Fury: "Let's go see him then."

And they walked towards the containment unit where the good old general was being held.


General Ross sits in a dimly lit room, awake from his groggy state with an expression of confusion and frustration. Nick Fury enters, folding his arms as he eyes the new Hulk incarnation.

NICK FURY: "General Ross, care to explain what happened back there? You turning into the Red Hulk was certainly an unexpected twist."

General Ross grimaced and answered, "Fury, I don't have all the answers. One moment I was myself, the next moment I got a visit from your agent on your behalf, and before I knew it Barton turned into a man with golden horns who used some kind of weapon to control me."

NICK FURY: "I can guess that much, general. What I want to know is how is it possible for you to turn into that Red Hulk. I thought your project was focused on a successful super soldier serum, not a Hulk variant with a color scheme."

GENERAL nodded and replied truthfully, knowing that withholding information would be futile if he wanted to regain his position: "The thing is, Fury, that super soldier serum was not getting results without a lot of side effects. I was also pursuing the Hulk so I could harness its powers, but Blonsky's shenanigans made me lose that chance. However, it gave me a bright idea - if he could turn into a monster that easily, what was stopping me from developing a controlled Hulk transformation rather than replicating that wild beast? So I ordered my researchers to focus on that and recruited the psycho-doctor Stern who helped Blonsky's transformation. After much time, we got successful results and just needed some final tweaks and human trials. Then Loki came along, and the next thing I knew, I was aware of what was happening but not in control of myself. Having my mind controlled was the worst feeling of my life."

After chugging the glass of water provided to him, he continued, "He controlled every researcher there and controlled me as if I was his plaything, getting all the secrets out of me to defeat the Hulk. I vividly remember blabbing and gloating about my successful project. The next thing he did was make me a guinea pig for my research. I became what you saw. But the thing is, as successful as it was, I need that Red serum each time to initiate the transformation into Hulk. A small price to pay for controlled transformation."

Nick Fury, pondering the prospects of this information, decided to ease the general's worries a little. "It's good to see you're alright, General. Now that

we have the information, you'll be free to go after some physical and mental checkups to verify you're free of mind control and not at risk of angry transformations."

General Ross grumbled at hearing this but agreed it was necessary to move past the situation.

Nick Fury sighed and explained, "We're going to have to run some tests and figure out how deep this control goes. We can't have a loose cannon, especially one as powerful as Red Hulk. The Security Council will contact you about reinstating your position. Until then, you'll have to remain in this Hulk-proof cell."

General Ross nodded, "Agreed. And Fury, when we're done here, I'm coming for Loki. No one messes with my head and gets away with it."

Nick Fury: "I'm counting on it, General. Let's get to work."

Nick Fury left with Maria Hill. On the way, he asked, "How is Coulson? Any complications with his treatment so far?"

Maria Hill: "No complications sir. He's recovering well. Doctors say he'll be awake by tomorrow."

Nick Fury: "You, me, and Coulson will go to the meeting tomorrow. We have a lot on our plates, so let's get some rest first."

They both headed to their quarters to rest up for the upcoming meeting.


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from WHITE THIEF274.