
Test Firing

Brandt looked on in irritation as a group of human slavers were trying to track down the elven locals for capture, before a cruel smile appeared on his face. Raising the weapon in his hand, which someone from earth would immediately recognize as a pistol, Brandt pulled the trigger. A bolt of purple energy shot forth after a loud zapping noise, putting a finger sized hole in the lead slaver's head.

While the slavers were in shock, Brandt looked down at his handiwork. The pistol had a wooden grip which ran down the underside of the iron barrel of the gun, while a small blue sphere shimmered slightly where the chamber would normally be. While it wasn't visible, Brandt knew that there was a specially made "mana battery" in the magazine slot, powering the weapon. Looking back up to his targets, Brant raised his arm once more as 19 shots were fired.

With their numbers rapidly dwindling from the attacks of an unknown enemy, the slavers started to retreat. But how could Brandt let his fellow humans go? They acted similarly to the shame of his homeland, being nothing more than racial supremacists with a side of slavery. As they fled, Brandt holstered his pistol, unslinging the rifle from his shoulder.

Leveling the barrel, Brandt channeled mana to his eyes to enhance his sight. A purple bolt of energy fired from the barrel, followed by others as the slavers died one by one. The few that escaped were quickly hunted down by the elven warriors in the surroundings.

As Brandt started to walk back to where he came from an astoundingly beautiful young woman sprinted out of the forest and into Brandt, Burying her head in his chest and pressing her impressive bust against him. Brandt sighed, knowing full well who the girl was. Vallefa Starleaf, daughter of the village chieftain and jewel of the village. Despite resisting the urge, Brandt could not help but look her over.

Fair, smooth skin with translucent green veins barely visible underneath, a set of burgeoning breasts will equally powerful buttocks, and lastly her beautiful green eyes and silky silver hair. Her tight fitting leather armor making her even more sensual than usual. Feeling Brandt's eyes on her, Vallefa smiled and looked him over as well.

Brandt Leichenmacher stood at 180 centimetres tall, half a head taller than Vallefa. He had pasty white skin and clear blue eyes, with his mid length blonde hair neatly combed back so he could see. Vallefa could also see that he was lean and well muscled despite him wearing his usual white overcoat and black shirt with grey pants. Vallefa could barely stop herself from blushing as she cuddled Brandt's chest again, while he was still unsure as to what he should to to both make her happy and escape her grasp.

"I'm happy to see you too Val." Brandt spoke as he sighed once more, patting Vallefa's head. "Can you let me go? I need to go back to my workshop for maintenance and recording the test results."

Vallefa pouted a bit, but still let go in the end. As she did so, an older elf in similar, if less tight fitting, thank goodness, armor came to talk.

"So little heart snatcher, how did the results compare to your expectations?" the old man joked., making Brandt start to review his equipment while Vallefa blushed furiously before leaving.

"The mana consumption is within expected parameters and the enchantments are stable, so if properly maintained each weapon should last a long while." Brandt spoke seriously before continuing. "Have you found your volunteers yet Cirkon?"

"Certainly, though many of our warriors are wary of your abilities, they can't deny that your creations are useful." the old elf, Cirkon, responded happily. "Oh, and why haven't you reciprocated Miss Vallefa's feelings? I know you care for her."

"I am just a passing fancy for her, nothing more. It is like when young human girls are attracted to knights in shining armor without knowing a thing about them. Vallefa is an elf, and will still be considered a child until her 50th birthday. All I have done for Vallefa is educate her in the ways of my homeland, and that is not enough for her to remember me for so long. Neither do my own feelings matter as she is not considered old enough to make the decision herself." Brandt spoke bitterly, knowing that even if she remembered him, he would almost be and old man by that point and hold no appeal for her.

Cirkon was silent in the melancholy mood, wondering himself about the matter. Deciding to mention it to the village chief, Cirkon went to report the test results after asking Brandt if he would mass produce his weapons.