
The magical badass lady

The story is about a girl in ancient times who is extremely beautiful but unknown about it. She is tortured by her stepsister and stepmother. Her father had died due to blood cancer. Her fiancé Cheng Lin Joon had betrayed her. She is so hopeless now and only choice she has to kill herself to protect herself from others. she jumped into a well and tried to drown herself. While she was dying the pink gloomy light appeared before her eyes. A beautiful fairy can be seemed there. That fairy was her fairy godmother named Luna. "Oh I am so sorry my child. I am your fairy god mother. I couldn't come when you were bearing all those things. what they had done to you but now I am back. I will get your revenge back." She said these words and whispered some magical words. suddenly the girl opened her eyes but it was not Chu Yu Jo (the original owner of the body). It was Chen yu Yan a modern girl of 21st century, completely different from Chu Yan Jo. yes their souls had transmigrated. Yu Yan is more likely to be Moana than Cinderella. She is not like that weak Chu Yan Jo who can be scared so easily. She is a tomboy girl who has brilliant marshal skills. Beside this She is a genius minded girl who doesn't have any interest in love relations. She has good hand in many other arts. she also have many supernatural powers and she is the second most powerful creature in the universe after god. it's said that her soul contains god's part. Now, it will be kind of interesting to see how she will get Chu Yu Jo's revenge? Will She ever fall in love?Will she ever get back to her real world? Will her identity be revealed? Let's check it out.

Nwriter · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Date and Sucide part 2


Chen yu Yan was getting ready for her so called blind date. Xiaoxiao did her makeup and helped her in dressing like normal girls do.

On the other hand, Chu yu Jo woke up from her dream. Her sister taunted her for being so ugly and fatty and told her about her and Cheng Lin Joon's wedding ceremony will be their after two weeks. Also, She gave her advise to kill herself.




21st century

"Yu Yan, the man whom you are going to meet is chairman of Qin industries. I heard that from many people that he is very handsome and intelligent. He had started paying attention in family business since he was of 15. I guess he will be right choice for you." Xiaoxiao said.

"Oh please, Don't you ever say that. I am not interested in him at all and also it's quite difficult for me to like a business man. They are always scheming and had done mastered in betraying. I have no good feelings for any business man in the world except my dad." yu Yan replied in little anger.

"oh in that case, what's about a doctor?"

"They are always busy."

"Engineer ?? "

"Too work holic"

"Umm..... scientist ??"

" Bookworms"

"Huh ! Yan... no t a business man, not a doctor, not a engineer.. then what kind of man you want in this world ?"

" None"

Xiaoxiao and Chen yu Yan were talking suddenly yan's mom interrupted them.

"Oh my god, Yan you are looking so gorgeous. The name I have given you is completely accurate for you." Her mother said.

" Okay, so I am going now on so called date arranged by you. Are you happy now ?" yu Yan said expressionlessly.

"Yeah! I am so happy. Take care and please don't be yourself. Behave like normal girls."

'uhh.... I will try."

Chen yu Yan left her home and went to a resort.


" Hello miss.. welcome in our resort... Mr. Qin has been waiting for you at upper floor. Please follow me."

"Ohh... yeah sure... thank you..."

While she was going at upper floor. She saw few guys irritating a girl outside of resort through a window. She asked manager.

"What is going on there?"

" Miss... it seems like those guys are troubling her."


On listening that she ran away from there to help that girl. Manager was a little nervous about Chen yu Yan so he told everything to Mr. Qin.

"Hey, what is going on here? Let that girl go otherwise you will be responsible for your own condition." Yan asked from those guys.

" haha... we are scared... what can you do if we will not stop...wait ... do you wanna join us by the way you are also beautiful." One boy from that gang said.

Listening that nonsense yu Yan got pissed off so she punched that guy so hardly that his two tooth spit out from his mouth.

" if you will not stop.... then.. I will do this." yu Yan replied.

" hey! why are you so angry girl? we were just playing."

" hmm... playing..huh... guess what I also like playing very much and now I am going to play a game with you guys."

"Wh.... which GA...game?"

"Game's name is do or die. Very simple... you just have to touch this girl and I will stop you. if you will be able to touch this girl then I will let you go along with girl but if not then I will punish you. so easy. are you ready?" Yan said.

" guys we can do this.. she is alone and we are five. Tonight we are going to enjoy two beauties. we accept it."

( sigh... fools...) yu Yan thought.

In just two minutes Yan knocked out each of them. Manager had called police already. Police arrived and arrested them.

" One minute officer.. I want to say them something. May I ?" Yan asked.

" Yeah sure miss chen. please go ahead."

" Hey, you bastards do you know why you are here in this condition. It's all because you think that a girl is a toy but no you are wrong a girl is neither a toy nor water that will satisfy your wills and thrist. So you all better change your mindset because this is 21st century and Now's girl can protect their selves as well as others. you should be grateful that I did not kill you otherwise the offence you did ... you deserve death as punishment and also if a girl says you no then it means no. So stop finding yes in her no. Understand... you better understand." yu Yan said in attitude plus aggression.

"I don't want to do anything like that I love her... I love her from last 3 years but she always ignore me. I just want to develop some feelings for me in her heart. That's all."

" Love.. huh.... Do you even know what is the meaning of love..... What you were trying to do is known as RAPE... sexual harassment.... not love... I don't know why in novels, some dramas, comics... sexual harassment is taken as love developing things but in fact this is molestation. A normal girl would get into mental trauma, depression and she will kill herself although this is not her fault but she suffers pain everyday." yu Yan said in anger.

"Take them away." Manager said.

"Girl, are you okay..." yu Yan asked the girl.

She gave her mobile number and told her to give call to her if she ever faced this kind of problem ever and asked her driver to send that girl home safely.

" Miss Chen.. you are amazing.. I also have a 5 years daughter at home... today I will tell her about this story. I am damn sure that she will get some inspiration from you and become like you one day." manager said.

On hearing that yan's anger got vanish. Mr.Qin

was seeing all this.

" hmm... interesting, strong, mature.. she is a little my kind." Mr.Qin whispered.

After a couple of minutes she entered a huge hall where Mr. Qin was waiting for her.

" I apologize for being late. Some work came up."

"It's all ok Miss Chen. I can understand."

They ordered dinner. Their was a awkward silence in the atmosphere. yu Yan tried to talk but Mr. Qin did not reply.

(Uhh... this man is surely a big NO.... even his silence is killing me... I just wanna go home.) yu Yan thought.

After nearly half an hour she arrived home.

" Finally home" she exclaimed.

Ancient time

Chu yu heng's words were rotating in Chu yu Jo's mind. She thought that her life is a wastage. Nobody loves her nobody cares her.

Her sister betrayed her. Her fiancé left her. Her mother torture her. She had not even seen her husband's face( Her husband is 7th prince of nation and always wore a mask on his face. He is described as cold prince and god of war. They were just married to each other due to their families like her cousin. Her cousin was also married to 7th prince but he doesn't have any interest in both of them.) Her mother passed away while giving her birth and later her father also died in a war. Everyone says that she is a Jinx. She is also unable to cultivate.

"I have left nothing in my life... I am not beautiful nor intelligent. I am a Jinx. I... I... bring bad luck to all... I don't.. deserve to live...I....I... should die." she was whispering all these things standing before a well. she jumped down in the well and pronounced

" Chen yu Yan"

"Chen yu Yan"

"Chen yu Yan"

her red coloured ring started shining.

21st century


yu Yan screamed. Her sleep broken down. She was sweating and her heartbeat was increasing with every breath.

The only thing she was saying is " Chu yu Jo, NO...."

her ring also started shining as well.

To be continued....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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