

In the ''STAR EAST COUNTRY,' a young man was once look down and has a sweeet name of waste, Derrry skips was humiliated and bullied before. his girlfriend cheat with his bestfriend, his family lookdown upon him, his cousin, uncle, aunty bullied him. And finally he was expelled from his clan, after such humiliated and treatment he got from his blood relative he was deep in pain and he was heart broken, And angry sound came out from his heart and even he was shock at that moment. after 6 years of hard work, and sweat Finally he came back form the mountain. He look at the country site and sneered. In the place of the SKIPS CLAN there is a banquet and many young and talented people gathering today is the day of his cousin jack SKIPS Banquet. A sweet sound came from the crowd, today she is wearing a blue slip dress with sexy and hot figure, holding an arms of a young man, if Darry SKIPS is there he will be shock. Because the young man is his friend feng Zhao his bestfriend. the women is his Girlfriend Shelly moon. She looked and the crowd and and said . Tomorrow is the day of my wedding day please don't forget to attend the party. the crowd whisper and talk about Darry SKIPS, When the morning sun rose up ,In the Feng Zhao place there is a full of decoration and many VIPS were gather.at the wedding place there is a loud sound boom boom boom and all the banquet hall was shattering and the crowd was in turmoil. and A young man was standing like an emperor in the sky a lookdown the crowd like an ants in his eyes. when they saw the face of the man many people was shock. After 2 years there is fairy like women who was standing in front of the gate of the royal palace. she make a loud sound. boom boom boom. she was holding a fairy like a sword and the sword was shining like a dazzling Star, she look like she lost the whole world and extremely heart broken. she say who is responsible for Darry SKIPS came out and Die.........she look cold just like an iceberg but she can't hide her beautiful like fairy figure. after the 3 days of war, her whole body was full of blood, she look like she will lose her life any moment. but she fill no regret. she look at the sky and smile i hope i will meet you soon. and i will not forgive you .and than she close her eyes waiting for the sword.... a laughter came from the sky haha haha ahahah

DrewsCarry · Fantasie
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30 Chs

An arrogant women apologize to Jessy

When she heard Darry skips words she was stunned for a moment, ok, ok, listen carefully I will say the price for these pills,

'One 3re level high-grade healing pills' cost 20k, silver high-grade coins

One 3rd level high-grade life saving energy cost' 30k silver high-grade coins,

'One 3rd level high-grade energy increase pills' cost 40k silver high—grade coins, now all total cost 260k silver high-grade coins.

Can you afford to pay it, she looked Darry skips with very unpleasant smile, Darry skips reply don't forget our bet. Even the crowd were very interest in their bet, because many young masters of the first and second class even the third class family were interest in this kind of situation.

Angelina replied how could I forget that, don't pretend that you have that much money, let her apologize now, in order not to get to much pressure from the crowd,

Darry reply when did I said that I don't have money with me, you are the one who said that, he take out the money from his bag and count the money in front of the people,

The people present were shock, where did Darry skips get so. much money, who know he steal from someone or from his clan,

In the crowd there is one member of the SKIPS CLAN is present, he know that where he got the money from but he stand their motionless,

Without taking, because many people in the city called him loser and waste but, for the SKIPS CLAN they don't have the guts to called him a waste and loser,

Only his cousin and many core member of the young talented can bullied him not anyone can bully him because there is his grandfather standing his back.

When Angelina saw that Darry has so much money she was stunned and embarrassed.

Darry take out 260k silver high-grade coins, give it to Angelina and said don't let me wait,

Apologize to miss Jessy now I have many thing to do, fast Darry roar, if she did not give a face why would he need to give him a face,

Angelina looked at Jessy, she bow down and said I'm sorry, packed the pills I'm in hurry,


she look embarrassed she was never humiliated like this before she need to apologize to his junior she was angry and his face became red, but she had a bet with Darry skips,

So she need to do what he said, Jessy was very proud today the bullied girls apologize to her, this women had a fair with the store manager,

She bullied many young staff like her, even today Jessy came with Darry skips so she just want to make Jessy embarrassed in front of many people,

But the result was not her expectation. She thought that Darry will be just a hilly boy, who came in just for fun, but today she hit the hot iron plate, she packed the pills and give it to Darry skips.

Darry take the pills and also give a 1k to Jessy and said this is for you, Jessy was embarrassed young master how can I take so much money from you,

Darry said take it this is your hard work, and he put the money in to Jessy hand, thankyou young master,

she was very happy, for her this money was very important, she get only 500 high grade silver coins a month only.

Darry ignore Angelina and the crowd and say to Jessy lets go back I have something to do, Jessy nodded her head and follow Darry skips behind like a maid, Angelina looked the back of Jessy and whisper I will make you pay back today humiliation sooner or later.

After a few minute Darry skips looked at Jessy and said I will be living take care of yourself, if you need any help asked your young lady miss Shally, I will inform your miss Shally to take care of you, thank you young master

But I don't want to bother Young Lady because of me, stupid after today incident, Angelina will not let you go easily, Jessy hesitated she say but, young master,

Darry skips love her innocent and kind character so he help her once, the rest is up to her.

Ok ok

stop messing around I will be living take care yourself, remember don't miss an opportunity that you have, and Darry said that word and Despair,

Jessy looked at the position of Darry skips and whisper thank you young master, this kindness I Jessy will repay you back.

She looked at the Sky and whisper Dad mom did you see that there is good people in this world too,

I miss both of you, there is tears in her eyes, and said someday I will be back, let them payback what they did to you and my mother, her eyes became red, her aura was mixed with hot blue flames,

If Darry skips will see this situation he will be shock and he will think, if this is the cute, talkative and innocent girls I meet before .

Because at that moment Jessy was like a Demon princess and Her Aura can burn the whole pavilion.....