
The mage of the Apocalypse

“Samuel, you are the last of your family, the power that your bloodline holds will make you a target for almost anyone who seeks power.” an old man spoke as he looked at the young child that was tied to a table, hundreds of runes drawn on his naked body. “You might hate me for this. No you will hate me for the pain you will feel now, but I promised your mother that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, and if it experiencing the pain of having a part of your soul being cut off will give you a second chance in case you die, I don’t mind living with the guilt of forcing you through this hellish experience.” Sam cried as he looked at the old man in fear. *** “I always hated you for the hellish pain you caused me.” a young man muttered as he looked at the ruined streets from the window. He closed the curtain and walked back to his bed. “But I can’t not be grateful for the second chance you gave me.” He couldn’t live freely, fearing those who sought him for his bloodline, but now he can live freely in this new apocalyptic world.

Grey_Sean · LGBT+
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2 Chs


Dark brown eyes opened in daze as the sound of roaring leaked into the room from the tightly closed window.

Pushing himself into a sitting position, the young man gripped his head tightly as his head throbbed with pounding pain.

"...don't let him run!..."

"...Shoot him!..."

"...Make sure to not damage his core…."

"...we lost his tracks!..."

"...if we don't find him, we will be killed in his place…"

"...lit the forest on fire…"

"...Here he is!..."

"...Get him!.."

Memories flashed in his mind at an incredible speed as the situation became clear and clear for him.

Waiting until the pain subsided on its own, the young man sighed heavily as he moved his heavy body and got out of the bed.

"Hiss!" the young man hissed in pain as he stood up, he looked down and his eyes immediately landed on his right foot which was covered in a bloody bandage.

Gritting his teeth and ignoring the pain he walked to the window and slightly opened the curtain.

Looking at the people that were wearing tattered clothes and wandering aimlessly in the streets, the young man's eyes sharpened as a roar sounded and all of the people rushed in its direction.

He could hear the sound of a car engine from the direction of the roar.

Samuel silently closed the curtain and walked back to the bed.

He picked up the bag that was thrown beside it and took a bandage from it.

As he started taking off the bandage and cleaning the wound, Samuel couldn't help but mutter underneath his breath.

"That old bastard." he cursed as he looked at the deep cut, from the memories he received it was caused by a sharp metal scrap when he was running away from a Maniac.

"Even in death, the pain you caused me seems to keep showing its benefits." he muttered as he started warping the new bandage around his foot.

Samuel Heartflare, no, Samuel Farlly isn't originally from this world.

He was a young mage from another world who was hunted down due to the greed of people and died in the end.

The Heartflare family were an old family that had Elven ancestors, the eleven blood in their veins allowed them to have a chance of awakening mutated attributes.

Samuel was hunted down for that, he is the last of the family and he only survived until 19 because his mother checked in a favor from a very powerful mage to hide and protect him.

His mother died shortly after that and he was only three years old.

Samuel unconsciously gritted his teeth as he remembered that old bastard.

The mage was powerful and he had the ability to keep him safe, but sadly he was poisoned and only had less than ten years to live.

The bastard took promises and favors extremely seriously, so when he found out that he couldn't protect Samuel to adulthood, the bastard started preparing contingencies to make sure Samuel will be able to live and survive even with the greedy people hunting him.

Samuel still remembers the pain he felt from the precautions the mage took.

From using very powerful and complex Magic arrays to basically uploading a whole library of magical books into his brain and then forcing him to go through hellish training to practice the theoretical knowledge he has.

To performing the ritual that killed the bastard, a ritual that split a small part of Samuel's soul and sent it to another world for it to start a new life.

This is how Samuel ended up here now.

The ritual is made so that when he dies, his soul and memories will automatically get transmitted to the soul part that took roots in this world, granting Samuel a new chance at life.

After finishing treating the wound, he headed to the kitchen and took out two protein bars and started eating them.

Before Samuel's soul traveled to this world, his other self who lived in this world got injured in his foot when he was out to a nearby grocery store in an attempt to find food.

The store was empty without a single cracker left in it, but he was lucky enough to find a small hidden backroom that had some extra things that nobody seemed to have noticed.

He found a couple of boxes in it, protein bar boxes, crackers, chips and many more.

It seems that the small room was also used for storage but none of the survivors were able to find it when they searched for food.

And Samuel who rushed into the store with a Maniac after him, found it as he was trying to find a place to hide in.


Samuel sighed as he threw the plastic wrapper to the floor without any care.

This world isn't peaceful or safe, but it can be said that it is way more dangerous than his original world.

This place used to be a peaceful city in the north of Indiana, USA but no place in this world had stayed peaceful after the cosmic wave that hit the planet.

NASA had noticed and warned about the wave of cosmic radiation that was heading towards them, they said that the planet's magnetic field won't be enough to block it, but no one foresaw what effect the radiation will have.

In less than an hour after the radiation hit, every single creature on the planet fell into an instant coma.

Be it a human, a dog, a lion, everything fell unconscious.

Most if not all electronic devices were fired from the radiation, many nuclear power plants exploded, plains fell to the ground, etc…

24 hours after every living being fainted, some people started to wake up, but those who woke up were just around 1 in every twenty people, and no matter how much they tried, they couldn't wake up those who were still unconscious.

People rushed the hospitals, but that was pointless as hospitals can't run without the medical equipment that was fried by the radiation.

The panic that was growing finally exploded when the clock hit the 48 hours mark.

The rest of the unconscious people started rising one by one, but instead of happiness, people felt horror and despair.

The people who woke up late, lost all rationality and the ability to think, they acted like wild animals and attacked anyone in their view with only one goal.

Fill their hungry stomach.

Maniacs, some people named them zombies, but Maniacs was the name that most agreed on.

They are mindless cannibalistic humans whose physical abilities seem to be enhanced, and their only goal is to devour any living beings in their view.

Humans weren't the only creatures that mutated, Mutated animals and plants started showing up left and right which made the people who were still healthy fall into a state of despair and panic.

It was an apocalypse that they now have to face.

It has been a total of five months since this apocalypse began, and Samuel had been staying in his old apartment for the whole time.

He didn't have the strength, the bravery or the friends or family that would push him to risk his life by trying to go out and look for the rumored survivor base.

Many survivors pass by this place to look and stock up on supplies, and Samuel was able to get some information from them about the new survivor base that was built in Muncie.

A base couldn't be built in Indianapolis since with how high its population was before the apocalypse, the number of Maniacs in that city is something out of hell.

Before his soul was reunited, Samuel didn't head to the base because he didn't have the confidence in his abilities to reach it safely.

But now, Samiul isn't heading to the base because he needs to restore his magic core.

Closing his eyes and feeling the energy flow in his body, Samuel can feel the mana that is flowing through his veins.

What people from this world probably didn't notice was the great amount of mana that the radiation seemed to have brought with it.

Samuel can see that the concentration of mana in the air is at least ten times higher than his original world.

But mana can't be used without a magical core which is something that will take great effort to form, especially for him who has a total of six attributes.

In forming a core, the number of attributes a person has will affect how hard the process will be.

The lower the number of attributes, the easier for the core to be formed.

A person with one or two attributes can create a core easily and with the high concentration of mana in the air of this world, it is possible for their body to form it subconsciously.

But a person like him who has six attributes, will need to manually form his core and in his case he will need to form two cores instead of one as one core can only handle a maximum of four attributes before it becomes unstable.

Felling the concentration of mana, Samuel estimates that it will take him around eight days to form the first core and another six days for the second.

Sighing deeply, he returned to the bedroom, sat down on the floor cross legged and closed his eyes.

An invisible energy that was floating in the air slowly started moving towards the young man and melting into his skin.

let see how this will do, I am an amateur writer and I posted some stories before {didn't even finish ten chapters in them before I deleted them :( } But this one, I am planning on continuing.

I may take times to post new chapters as I barly have any free time latly, but I will try my best :)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Grey_Seancreators' thoughts