
The Mage's Evolution

An young boy, Thalion. A humble and powerless mage, who finds himself trapped in a cycle of failure and ridicule. Despite his earnest efforts, Thalion's magical abilities never develop, leaving him an outcast among his peers at the prestigious Academy. After a particularly humiliating defeat in a duel, Thalion is consumed by despair. One fateful night, as he wanders through the forest, he encounters a dying elder dragon. The dragon, recognizing Thalion's latent potential, offers him a choice: to die a powerless mage or be reborn with the dragon's essence. Thalion accepts the dragon's offer and is reincarnated with new essence.

SoldierOwner · Fantasie
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49 Chs

The Importance of Learning Part 1

I nodded with resolve. "Certainly, it's wise to be prepared," I replied, acknowledging my lack of knowledge in their use but embracing the potential for learning in the journey ahead. Though my combat style was unique, I realized the importance of having a weapon at my side.

The marketplace teemed with vendors hawking their wares. I gazed in wonder at the displays of weapons, armour, and other equipment, their craftsmanship rivalling those forged by the finest blacksmiths. A particular piece of gear caught my eye, a gleaming sword that emanated an aura of power and majesty.

My gaze drifted toward Reina, whose eyes spoke volumes.

"It's quite expensive," Reina admitted. "However, it's worth the investment if you plan on using it."

I nodded in understanding, for such an artefact would not only add to my arsenal of weapons but also serve as a symbol of my dedication to the path of adventure. The price was steep, but I knew it was a worthy investment.

The weight of the coin tugged from Reina's pocket, and the warmth of the sword in my palm confirmed the completion of our purchase. The weapon was both a tool and a symbol of my commitment to the journey ahead. It would accompany me as I honed my skills and forged my own path in the world.

As my own growth continued to unfurl, a small hand grasped the weighty hilt of the sword. It was an unfamiliar sensation, for the blade felt substantial and substantial in my grip.

Our journey persevered through this enigmatic kingdom, and amidst the hustle and bustle of the marketplace, my keen eye fell upon an item that beckoned my curiosity. In my past life, as a merchant and salesman, I possessed an innate sense for the value of goods, and this particular item held the promise of being worth its weight in gold pieces.

My fingers tightened around the sword's hilt as I contemplated the mysterious item that had captured my attention. With a sense of purpose, I made my way toward the merchant displaying it, a glint of curiosity in my eyes.

The merchant, a weathered figure with a shrewd demeanour, noticed my approach. He greeted me with a knowing smile that bespoke years of haggling and trade.

"Ah, young one, you have an eye for quality, I see," he remarked, his voice a smooth cadence that resonated with the art of persuasion. "This here is no ordinary trinket. It's a relic from a distant land, imbued with ancient magic. A collector's dream trial, I dare say."

Intrigued, I examined the item more closely, noting the intricate engravings and the faint, pulsating aura of power that emanated from it. The merchant's words held weight, and a sense of destiny seemed to beckon me toward this enigmatic artifact.

"How much?" I asked.

The merchant grinned. "For you? One hundred gold coins."

A pang of guilt washed over me as I contemplated the steep cost of the artifact. The allure of obtaining a valuable relic from a distant land was undeniable, but the price seemed exorbitant. Despite my hesitation, the merchant's grin remained unwavering.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he prodded.

With a handful of gold coins securely held in my grasp, these funds had been generously bestowed upon me by Reina and Yuna during our journey. I mustered the courage to present my offer to the merchant. The glimmer of the coins did not escape his sharp eye, and a subtle nod conveyed his acceptance of the transaction.

The merchant chuckled as he regarded me. "For a young one such as yourself to possess such wealth, it must be a weighty responsibility," he remarked.

I nodded in agreement, accepting the gravity of the responsibilities that came with this newfound acquisition.

I walked away from the merchant and returned to my waiting companions, eager to continue our journey through this intriguing kingdom. It wasn't long before I learned that the name of this realm was The Kingdom of Varenorn.

Our path led us to the Guild Hall, a place I had often heard my parents discuss. They had mentioned how the Guild Hall provided essential services for adventurers, such as lodging, daily job quests, and the sale of equipment and items. The Adventure's Guild building, as expected, was situated next to the bustling market, a hub where adventurers often sold beast cores and completed quests for a few coins.

Here, even those who were not seasoned adventurers could obtain their official guild adventure cards, a coveted document that bestowed upon them the esteemed status of a recognized adventurer. Memories of my parents' words about these cards lingered in my mind, a bittersweet reminder of the family I had left behind. Though I clung to their teachings, an undeniable longing for their presence tugged at my heartstrings.

Stepping through the threshold of the immense wooden doors, the Guild Hall bustled with activity, as if a grand commotion were happening within. The main hall extended the length of a luxurious city centre, its vaulted ceilings illuminated by myriad lanterns and chandeliers. Midst of our tranquil surroundings, an unexpected figure emerged, striding purposefully towards us. There was an air of familiarity between him and our group, as if they shared a hidden connection known only to them.

This enigmatic gentleman possessed an aura that could be likened to that of a wild beast. His eyes, resembling two glistening chunks of jade, bore into our souls. His luxuriant, chestnut-brown hair, trimmed in a no-nonsense fashion, framed a face that seemed sculpted from the most practical of materials. Despite his relatively short stature, his broad shoulders suggested a strength that belied his size. His fair complexion radiated an air of refinement, a stark contrast to my own delicate features. His hands, notably larger than my own petite ones, were encased in an impeccably tailored, all-black suit that exuded an air of mystique.

"As expected, the sister of House Blackthorn, your excellence," he intoned with a respectful bow, the weight of his words echoing within the chambers of my mind. The revelation struck like a bolt of lightning—Yuna and Reina, my dear friends, were sisters to individuals of high rank and prestige. The tapestry of mystery deepened, and I yearned to unravel the secrets that bound us all together.

"Lance Gust," Yuna responded, her voice carrying a complex blend of respect and apathy, "could it be that Mother has summoned you to this place? It's regrettable that she would impose upon you unnecessarily."

The man, who bore the name Lance Gust, merely shrugged in response, his nonchalant gesture revealing a deep-seated familiarity with their mother's penchant for summoning him, albeit to his chagrin. The tension that crackled between them was as tangible as the charged air before a thunderstorm, a silent testament to the enigmatic dynamics within their family.

"Contrary to your assumption, dear sister," he rejoined, his words polished and measured, "Our beloved mother's paramount concern is the safety and welfare of her beloved daughters. Alas, her methods often lead to unforeseen inconveniences," he added, gesturing elegantly toward himself, imbuing his statement with a touch of sarcasm.

The revelation of Reina and Yuna's sisterhood, despite their striking dissimilarities in appearance, left both Ayase and me utterly astounded. This revelation unfolded at the party, where the web of connections between the attendees appeared more intricate than ever, leaving us bewildered as to how these seemingly unrelated souls could share the same bloodline.

Our exchanges, while pleasant, bore a hint of awkwardness stemming from our limited familiarity with one another.

"May I inquire about the identity of these two young companions?" he gestured gracefully with his hands, his gaze directed towards me and Ayase. His manner was courteous yet somewhat reserved, hinting at a discreet distance between us that mirrored his cautious approach.

"Those youngsters are my companions," Reina responded curtly, her tone carrying an air of stern authority that brooked no dispute from her elder brother. Her command was such that it left no room for questioning, though the subtle stiffness in her posture hinted at her unease with the discussion.

The unresolved tension between them resembled a silent skirmish unfolding in plain view. After what felt like an interminable standoff, Lance relented with a terse nod, consenting to adhere to her conditions. This decision was met with a palpable sense of relief from both Yuna and Reina, as they navigated the intricate dynamics of their familial bonds.

Despite the frosty reception that their reunion engendered, Lance's countenance gave no hints of agitation. His placidity seemed rooted in the recognition that Reina possessed a distinct form of authority over their interactions, at least in the absence of their mother's intervention.


Author Note

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