
The Mage's Evolution

An young boy, Thalion. A humble and powerless mage, who finds himself trapped in a cycle of failure and ridicule. Despite his earnest efforts, Thalion's magical abilities never develop, leaving him an outcast among his peers at the prestigious Academy. After a particularly humiliating defeat in a duel, Thalion is consumed by despair. One fateful night, as he wanders through the forest, he encounters a dying elder dragon. The dragon, recognizing Thalion's latent potential, offers him a choice: to die a powerless mage or be reborn with the dragon's essence. Thalion accepts the dragon's offer and is reincarnated with new essence.

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49 Chs

Side-Punishment! Part 1

(Yuna Pov View)

A year had passed since my father had imprisoned my faithful ally. He had been stripped away from his freedom, and he was forced to live out his days behind bars. To make matters worse, my mother, the Blackthorn, was nowhere to be seen, and she'd left her son in a state of despair.

Despite having lost everything, he didn't show any signs of weakness. Instead, he endured his tormentor's cruel treatment without complaint. For him, it wasn't just about vengeance; he wanted to see justice done.

Even though he couldn't speak, he communicated through gestures alone. And because of this, my father never got the chance to truly know the man before locking him up in chains.

It pained me to see how powerless I was to help him, but there was nothing I could do except wait and pray for his release.

My father had proven to be exceptionally cruel to everyone around him, including those who were dear to him. And even though he held the power of kingship, he refused to use it to bring peace and prosperity to the people. Instead, he used it to oppress them and to further his own selfish desires.

But, When it come to Wealth, He would fight for Gorly to Gold. At the same time, I knew deep down that he was capable of good. There was a time when he had shown kindness and mercy, even to those who had wronged him. But that time seemed like a distant memory, lost in the darkness that had consumed him. As for me, I had to be careful. My father was always watching, always waiting for any sign of weakness or rebellion. He saw me as nothing more than a pawn in his game, a tool to be used and discarded when no longer needed.

But I refused to be a pawn. I refused to be powerless. If not for anything else, I vowed to protect my friend until the very end.

I thought about him often during the long nights I spent staring at the moonlight peeking through my window. Even now, he continues to inspire me. His strength gave me the courage to persevere and endure, no matter how difficult things became.

I wished I could have helped him escape, but there was nothing I could do.

Same For my other companion ally, Ayase. She too had suffered at the hands of my father's cruelty. And so did many others. It saddened me to think of all the innocent souls whose lives had been ruined by my father's hand.

When I first witnessed his inaugural match in the grand arena, he was forced to participate in the "Glory to Gold" battles by my father's cruel decree. He had become a pawn in my father's twisted games. However, despite being thrust into such dire circumstances, he displayed remarkable strength, bravery, and fighting prowess.

Following the tragic demise of Glory in the arena, my father sentenced him to solitary confinement. In that bleak isolation, his only solace came from the knowledge that he would continue fighting in the arena. To ensure his survival, I made sure he received a fair share of money to purchase essential sustenance and drinks from outside the prison.

Each day, I would clandestinely enter his cell, hoping fervently to find him alive and well. Reina shared my sentiments and would join in these secretive visits.

I grew up with my mother when I was born. I love her so much...but why my mom is so cruel?

The answer to that question still remains a mystery to me today. The woman who had raised me was supposed to be the embodiment of grace and elegance. Yet, her actions betrayed the truth: She was ruthless and cold-hearted.

She treated my father like a king while turning her back on him when he fell into disgrace. And although she was willing to spare my life, she took it upon herself to dispose of my beloved ally, Gorly to Gold.

Despite all the pain and suffering we faced, I can't forget the good times I spent with my family. I will forever cherish our moments together.

At the time, I didn't understand why she had turned her back on us. With a slender frame standing at 5'4", I possessed an enchanting allure. My most striking features were my long, flowing white hair that seemed to emit a radiant silver glow, and my captivating violet eyes, which held an air of mystique. My skin boasted a delicate tan, often accompanied by a faint blush, lending a touch of charm to my appearance. I took great pride in my well-toned figure, ensuring that my body remained fit and healthy.

Reina, my dear sister, surpassed me in height, standing even taller. Together, we formed a striking and formidable pair.

When I become an adventurer, I don't really care about my appearance. I only wear simple clothes, such as leather armour, boots, and a tunic. But now I changed my style. I wore a red cloak over my shoulders and a black cape over my chest.

I wield a magical sword called Phantom Blade. Its name comes from the way it shimmers in the night, giving off a faint purple hue. The blade itself is pure silver, but its hilt has a dark purple crystal embedded within it.

Its power is incredible. It can cut through almost any material with ease. It's one of the few weapons that can withstand the wrath.

I wonder, what kind of magical abilities and combat skills does Hiro have in his future?

It was late afternoon and I was sitting on the balcony of my room, enjoying some alone time. I stared out at the horizon, wondering if I should go back inside and get some rest.

As the evening bathed in the gentle light of the full moon, I quietly slipped into the basement room where Hiro was being held. My mind buzzed with a perplexing question: Should Hiro continue to brave those brutal matches in the grand arena, or should he take the daring step to quit?

It was a tangled web of thoughts for me, with each option carrying its own set of pros and cons. My heart ached to help my friend, to shield him from the ominous fate that loomed in the arena. But, I couldn't ignore the harsh truth that quitting would unleash my father's ruthless fury upon him.

upon him.

I had once implored Hiro to abandon the arena matches, well aware of the impending punishment my father would inflict upon him. However, Hiro's unwavering determination to prove his strength had driven him to persist. It was a choice that filled me with admiration and concern in equal measure.

After careful consideration, I concluded that my best course of action would be to leave Hiro to the hands of fate and hope for a favourable outcome. The prospect of his death weighed heavily on my conscience, yet the alternative would be to subject him to a lifetime of torment. It was a painful decision, one that I knew would haunt me regardless of the outcome. Because he wanted to make it clear that he wasn't weak!

I don't know why but I always like this boy, Hiro. He is a good friend. Maybe he is my real brother...I'm not sure.


Later that night, the stage was set for Hiro's ultimate showdown in the grand arena. The air was thick with anticipation, and the outcome of this match hung in the balance, uncertain if it would be his final battle or not.

My thoughts turned to Reina. It was an odd thing because we hadn't been together for quite some time. Yet, I could sense her presence, even from such a great distance. She seemed to linger around my side, silently offering guidance, as if she knew exactly what would happen to Hiro.

As I took my sit in the grand arena to watch the Hiro Night SHowdown match. There was a guy in a red cloak and a guy in a black cape. Then I think that the Black Cat was Hiro's enemy, then.

I turn around to see my father smirk and put on an evil mischievous grin. His face was like that of a cruel king. His smile seemed to hide the truth of how his actions were destroying everything he cherished.

I was confused by his grinning face. Is there something happening to Hiro? Or, is something wrong with the fight between him and the man in Black Capes Cat? I think so.

"It's over, Hiro." My father said.

I was stunned by my father's statement. I swiftly turned to Reina, and her expression mirrored my own inner turmoil. Her face was a canvas of pure shock, and it was as if she had foreseen the impending events of this match. I had watched Hiro's previous battles in the grand arena, but this one carried an eerie and unprecedented atmosphere. I couldn't recall ever witnessing such a look of profound concern on my dear sister's face.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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