
Chapter 4: Looking for you

One of the weaknesses of my love, and to love her I loved her too much, I thought it was obvious the reasons why I always looked for her, I thought it was obvious that I loved her, it was so obvious but she never saw it that way.

I see in my heart and there are those times or rather many times when I walked miles just to see her, but I always understood why I walked to exhaustion, it was like going to see the queen of your world, as if you already owed her your life completely and no distance is long to see her for a moment, because a view of her was more incredible than anything.

Those times at any time of the day, month or year, it didn't really matter, when the goal was her, it was so satisfying to see you even if you didn't have the possibilities to do it.

How can I forget when she lent me her bicycle to go and come back to look for her, as a gesture of love understood, so magical and innocent, pure and real love, that always took me to her feet, it was obvious everything I did for her, I have always loved her more than what my actions and words implied.

I chased her so much, that I went looking for her until I finished with all her love, then I understood that maybe I drank too much of the water of life that she was, and it dried up.

Marcos Jeremias

Vegaszcreators' thoughts