
The lost MAFIA Princess

Living as one the of the mafia princesses of France. There are 7 of them ,but only her ,Aliandra, was treated differently among them. Her father, the king of the mafia world, personally in firing gun, in throwing daggers, using sword. He favor her form all of her daughters. So as her brothers, they love the girl so much, too much where they came to the point they wouldn't let the girl go everywhere freely. In short the family are obsess with her except her witches sisters. Not until she decided to escape since she can't tolerate anymore the leashes tide around her neck. And ending up in Italy..... In a dark alley he found her being beaten by some fuckers cruelly on the cold ground, with bruises on her body. She's helding a little unicorn in her right arm, like someone is gonna take it away. And that's the clue he confirm she's a little...... ----- "ssshhhh you'll be safe..

Fatima_Nai_Ra · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 1

"Ouch! Stop it please!" She shout in pain.

In a dark alley, there's three people standing beating the girl mercilessly. A guy on his 20's holding a whip, the other one is holding a knife, while the last man is standing watching the girl got beaten.

"You're damn stubborn." The man who seems to be the boss leans in to the girls face. "I almost got the deal done but your stupid ass is a damn freaking problem."

"I d-don't like h-him, sir, p-please just l-let me go." The little girl plead.

"And what would be the change?" He ask with a smirk.

"I d-don't have a-anything, please l-let me g-go."

"After feeding your ass for two months, you just me to let you go that easily? No no sweetheart, I need payment!" He said before slapping her puffy cheeks.

The little cried out loud and the guys continue to beat her.

"The freaking bastards" A voice from behind said.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The boss ask.

"Well going to gossip with you bastards."

"It's not your fucking business, go away."

"Oh this our a territory, who knows you might be beating one of our men." Pulling a gun out of his pocket pointing towards the boss.

"Your not Moretti." The boss smirk but soon enough wiped out seeing a shadow behind the mysterious man.

"But I am." With that word being said, the evil guy lay flat on the ground.

"Run for your life bastards!" The other man chasing after the two who's running towards the wood not far away.

He ran to the woods while Moretti is left behind to deal with the girl.

"What's your name?" He's cold voice boomed the girl's ear making her shiver in fear.

"N-no." She stutters out her reply to him, he look at her intently back waiting for her to say something, but nothing came.

"I only ask a question once."

"N-no! Y-your a-a b-bad g-guy!" She exclaimed looking at him with raging eyes.

Instead of being angry, he found his self being interested in her. He doesn't know why but there's this feeling that he need to protect the girl and take care of her.

Anyway, she sat on the cold floor sobbing after she broke the eye contact with him. As he approached her slowly making her jump slightly.

"Princess, no I'm not." He said kneeling infront of her.

"B-but y-you j-just k-kill t-the..."

"He is the bad guy, princess." He cut her off.


"Look princess I'll take you with me, then we go get you some ice cream." He said extending his hand towards her direction.

"I-ice c-cream?" She asked looking at him.

"Yes. We will also get you a new unicorn." He said looking at the dirty unicorn in her arms.

"R-really?" He nodded as an answer. "I-I'm going h-home?"

"Yes, come now." She hesitated but stand up to only hiss when she accidentally moved her twisted ankle.

"Let me carry you. It'll be better by that." She nodded and open her arms to him.

Moretti carry her to his limousine who's waiting in the parking lot since earlier.

"Sleep now. You need to rest." She obeyed and laid her head in his chest.
