6 Chapter 6

Clara was having normal days in school for the most part. Normal for that world anyways. She was getting a handle on alchemy class a little bit. Emmett and Clara become best friends after a week and she thought she could tell him something, so that's what she did while they were hanging out. Emmett had taken her to a beautiful view of the resident area and it made her happy.

"There's something I need to tell you Emmett. I am not supposed to tell anyone but I need someone outside my family and the council to know, " She began and looked at Emmett. He looked right back and smiled.

"Of course Clara, you can tell me anything. I will be right here no matter what, " Emmett had his arm around her shoulder.

"So I wasn't actually kidnapped all those years ago, " She felt Emmett's arm move away and quickly looked away. "I have a destiny to fulfill and I don't know what it is but it put me in danger to live here. It's also why I have so many abilities. "

"Your family is known for having a few that have multiple abilities. So your parents and the council came up with a story to have you sent to the other world. I guess your brother watched after you?"

"That seems to be it. Philip mentioned a destiny but I didn't ask. I haven't really thought about since I came here, I've been so focused on create a life here. I miss my old world a little. It's scary here for me. "

"Why is it scary? No one will try to hurt you with Councilman Brento on your side. He'll be your biggest ally."

"The only reason he's on my side is because I understand the inflicting and so does he. I've hardly had it and I already need to control my emotions so much, " Clara laughed and looked at Emmett. "I've never had to control my emotions but if I have an outburst of emotions I could take down half the people in this world. That's why I was sent a way into a world without abilities."

"No way are you that strong. Brento isn't even that strong, " Emmett shook his head in disbelief.

"I am. When Philip triggered my abilities I hit him so hard with emotions that he wouldn't wake up. I had to help wake him up, " She had a grim look and the looked away from Emmett again.

"What is if Clara?"

"Maybe I shouldn't have people around me. I am so dangerous with my inflicting and unknown ability but at the same time I am helpful because I can heal people. Isn't that just a crazy thing to put a person through."

"I guess it is but your destiny needed someone people are afraid of and trust. Making you scarily powerful with dangerous abilities and a helpful ability will do that for you. I wonder what skill sets you have advanced. Memory is definitely one if you have a photographic memory."

"Skill sets?"

"Yeah everyone has them but everyone is born stronger in a few. I'm stronger at levitation, enhanced strength and night vision. So I can levitate higher and I can levitate multiple people at once. Typically someone can only levitate themselves and one other person."

"Oh so I have a stronger memory. That's gonna suck when I'm old and remember everything isn't it? "

"Yes that could suck, " Emmett chuckles and smiles at Clara. "Only a few people have strong memories and from what I heard their brain is like spider web maze for telepathics and washers."


"Some telepathics like your brother can also wipe memories. It isn't ideal but it works and can save someone from a mind break."

"Oh that's sounds scary. So like they aren't themselves anymore?"

"Mind break means that who they are is basically gone. No one longer there. It is very scary," Emmett looks up at the sky and let's out a long sigh. "You don't know so much about this world. I will be here to teach you whatever you want to know and you don't want to ask your parents."

"You wouldn't mind doing that? I don't want to be annoying."

"Clara I'd be glad to help you. Let's figure out what this density of yours is and how I can help you work towards it okay?"

"Okay we can do that. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"You are already helping me by being my friend and I think you know that. We have gym tomorrow and I think you might be able to win the sploch game with some help."

"Sploch game?"

"So it's using telekinesis and typically telepathics are stronger with telekinesis. I have a feeling your telepathic ability is way more than others making your telekinesis wickedly strong. The whole point of the sploch game is to overpower your opponent. You will get to pick the color of the sploch ball because you are the youngest."

"Oh what does the color do?"

"Well it's the last period of the day and the person who loses is stuck with that color so make sure it's something to have fun with, especially Scarlett. Go easy on me though please."

"I'll compete against you?"

"Yeah I usually get to the 3rd round so there is a possibility. Make it a normal color for me and bright pink for the others."

"Ha we'll see. So what do I do for telekinesis? Like is there some certain way to use it. "

"Just focus and mentally push something. Try to push this around, " He grabbed a ball and was tossing it in the air. "I want you to catch it with your mind."

"Okay I can try," and she kept trying eventually getting it. They practiced for hours and Clara was really strong with it just like Emmett said. She was out doing him easily in no time and she was so excited whenever she won. The ball wasn't going to hurt Emmett but it definitely stung from the few times Clara got hit so they took a break. "I guess you were right about the strength of my telekinesis."

"Some part of me hoped I wasn't because that hurt a bit, " Emmett laughed and rubbed where the last one hit him.

"Here give me your hand, " when he offered, she took his hand. She used her healing but she had to touch the person she was helping. Clara smiled at the small glow at all the hit spots, on herself too. "See all better. "

"I forgot you were a healer. That is definitely handy for practicing skills. I can help train you more, but Philip can too. He's lucky he got to stay home but I'm assuming that was on purpose. Typically elite level kids will live there."

"I bet he wouldn't let me practiced the actual game though. Whose the one who always wins?"

"That would be Avery Duffing. He is a pretty good telepathic and he's a level five. You better give him one hell of a challenge."

"I will make Philip practice with me. He's an elite telepathic so I could definitely win if I can win against Philip, " Clara giggled and grabbed Emmett's hand again. "Mind taking me home? I'm still learning to light leap."

"Yeah let's get you home and I'm staying to watch you beat Philip, " Emmett light leaps them to Clara's house and finds Philip.

"Hey Philip can we work on my telekinesis with the sploch game?" Clara asks with a big smile.

"Oh you want to win don't you? And Emmett you know she has the power to right? Finally beat that fifth year Avery, " Philip just shook his head and smiled at Clara.

"I do wanna win but Emmett isn't a worthy opponent anymore," Clara laughs as Emmett jokingly hits her.

"Oh come on Philip you know you want Clara to beat him and Scarlett. Show them who is the strongest."

"I guess that is true. Fine grab a soft ball so we don't hurt each other, " Philip walks outside and Clara finds the ball. She goes outside where Philip and Emmett are waiting. "Let's see what you got Clara."

"Okay Philip, " and she handed the ball to Emmett. They began to play the game and Clara go hit a lot. Philip was obviously stronger than Emmett but she could hold her own for a few minutes and was getting stronger as she kept going. Soon she beat Philip once. "Yes! I am getting used to this. It's so weird though."

"Yes it is but that's once. I want you to be able to beat me a second time then tomorrow you will for sure win, " Philip went again to surprise her. She managed to win and Philip had a shocked face.

"I knew you could beat him Clara! " Emmett high fives Clara and laughs. "I guess you are all set for the sploch game."

"I guess so, " She laughs and looks at Philip. "You aren't hurt right? I can heal you if you need it."

"Nothing worth healing. It's just tender, " Philip smiles and ruffles Clara's hair. "I'm proud of you."

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