
The lost love.

The sweet atmosphere permeated Pompeii. To prepare for the princess's wedding, all the servants had been dispatched. The princess was the youngest of the king's five children. The groom to be, Romulus, was extremely handsome, with wavy golden hair, bright blue eyes, and a sweet, kind smile. He was the smartest person in the whole land, which had drawn the princess's attention. Of course, because Romulus was extremely beautiful, some people said that he attracts the princess by appearance.

After half a day of preparation, the wedding was ready. Romulus was shy around large crowds so they held two weddings. One showed his love in front of the people, the other, more romantic, for the royal family. Most of the preparations were for the latter. The wedding that the royal family attended was particularly beautiful, with flowers and decorations everywhere.

Romulus and Joyce hugged quietly together. Talking about their own things. Of the many words, Romulus and Joyce said, Joyce, remembers the clearest and strange thing is that Romulus said "we should leave Pompeii". We'll live together in the deep mountains far away. Joyce wondered why he wanted to leave Pompeii? Romulus said I was kidding you, baby. Joyce thought it was strange because she had been with Romulus for two full years. She had never seen Romulus say such strange things. Romulus frowned, and then hugged Joyce more tightly.

The midnight bell reminded me that Romulus and Joyce were wearing bright clothes. In an instant, the sounds "Ding Ding Ding" came from a distance, and the nuns sang beautiful hymns together. With the sound of music, the two newcomers walked slowly onto stage. When Romulus and Joyce stepped on the stage together, the music suddenly ended. A silence enveloped the wedding scene. From the silence, the priest said that Princess Joyce would like to marry Romulus forever. Joyce turned his face toward Romulus and said I would. The priest said Romulus would like to marry Princess Joyce? Love her with your whole life? Romulus said I would. The priest took a diamond ring inlaid with diamonds from under the table and handed it to Romulus. Romulus knelt on one knee and said that Joyce would love you all my life and take care of you. Would you marry me? Joyce reached out to Romulus and said I would. Romulus helped Joyce with the ring. The two newcomers gave a vow kiss. Suddenly, thunder and thunderstruck, and an appalling horror sound came over Suvian Volcano. The "Boom, Boom" volcano seems to be boiling. After a louder "Boom", the volcanic ash flew out of the sky. The volcanic ash moves quickly, like a tiger. The terrible tiger took the town away. Romulus felt the breath of death, and Joyce also felt that the two of them were tightly hugged together. Joyce couldn't control her body from shaking, and Romulus told Joyce that it was okay, I am there. Joyce also felt the tremor of Romulus' body, but Romulus was suppressing his fear. Volcanic ash is so fast, the ancient city of Pompeii was buried alive by volcanic ash, and all people became living statues. At this moment, Pompeii was instantly quiet.

500 years later, when the archaeologist Max tested the instrument on a piece of untouched land, he discovered that there must be antiquities under the piece of land. Max started to dig down. He dug and dug. He dug some lines. "God wouldn't create straight lines." Therefore, Max discovered the following. Max told the local government that the country had sent a lot of people to help Max.

A month later, this site appeared again in people's sight. At first, when Max was exploring this site, he walked to a place that was like a wedding, and there were two statues on that small stage. Max checked the soil in detail and found it to be volcanic ash. The old man in this country said there was a country called Pompeii. When the princess got married, a volcanic eruption flooded the country. The princess's name is Joyce and she married Romulus. After understanding this, Max realized that it was not a statue at all, but a person buried alive. Max was close to the two statues stuck together. It was found that there was a very obvious protrusion in the eyes of the two statues. It may be the tears they fell down 500 years ago...

The power of love can cross the time…