
Chapter 11

Harry boarded the Hogwarts express and moved through the train trying to find an empty compartment and finally found one at the back of the train and he removed his trunk from his pocket, enlarged it and placed it on the overhead rack. Harry took out a book on runes from his backpack and settled down against the window and started reading. After nearly half an hour the train started leaving Kings Cross station at Ten o clock and Harry looked up from his reading to look out the window to see the green rolling fields pass by on the way to Hogwarts and after ten minutes Harry lost his interest in the landscape and returned to his reading. Nearly two hours after the train started Harry was interrupted from his reading by a persistent knocking on his compartment door and Harry opened the door to find the infamous bushy hair of a cute 11 year old Hermione Granger who was sniffing her tears and on Harry asked Harry, " Do you mind if I join you for the rest of the journey ", Harry immediately agreed not seeing any problem with it.

Hermione Granger was very disappointed with the way her first experience of the magical world was taking place. She was happily reading a History of Magic when a group of boys and a girl entered her compartment and kicked her out calling her all sorts of nasty names. She silently sniffled her tears and dragged her trunk behind her looking for a compartment to sit in and found a compartment with only one other person inside. She knocked on the door and it was answered by a very handsome boy with beautiful emerald eyes and he didn't seem to mind her presence and helped her in carrying her trunk by levitating her trunk and placed it on the overhead rack, and though she was bursting with questions to ask him about the spell he used she was still distraught from the earlier experience and kept he silence and waited as the boy returned to his reading.

Harry decided the silence in the compartment was becoming uncomfortable and tried to make conversation with Hermione,

" Hello my name is Harry Potter, may I know your name ", Harry greeted Hermione extending his Hand for a handshake and she responded by introducing herself as Hermione Granger and that she was a Muggleborn .

Hermione was tentatively waiting for his response to the revelation that she was a Muggleborn but Harry just looked at her wierdly and asked, "Why are you looking at me as if I was going to hurt you? ", Hermione responded saying, " I was kicked out of the compartment I was sitting in by some blonde boy and his friends when they learned that I was a Muggleborn ". Harry just laughed sayin, " my mother is a Muggleborn " so I am not going to do anything of that sort so you don't have to worry about anything of that sort Harry said. That managed to relax Hermione.

Satisfied that Harry was not going to hurt her Hermione started conversing with him telling him about her parents who were dentists and telling him about how excited she was on learning about magic and found out about his parents and their professions and also about his younger sister. After talking for a while a pleasant plump witch came by with a trolley carrying sweets, and while Harry bought some sugar quills and cauldron cakes she didn't buy anything as her parents had always prevented her from eating sweets but Harry managed to make her eat a few by telling her that wizards could easily heal tooth decay and not to worry about it. After eating the sweets Harry and Hermione were reading their respective books when the peaceful atmosphere was disturbed by none other than Draco Malfoy and his bookends Crabbe and Goyle who started talking " I heard that the boy who lived is in the train, I don't suppose you know where? " and after looking at Hermione and the Potter heir ring on Harry's finger ( the black heir ring was disillusioned) he started blurting, " And you Potter should be careful whom you associate with, your blood is already polluted enough with your father marrying your Mudblood mother".

Harry was incensed but calmly retorted saying "I wouldn't go about talking about blood purity if I were you Malfoy, god knows how much your father had to pay to escape from the crime of being a death eater we wouldn't want people to think that you are following blood purity like Voldemort whom your father claimed was controlling him with the imperius curse, would we, so I suggest you shut your mouth and get lost. " Draco was incensed and ordered his bookends to attack Harry but Harry had already drawn his wand from his wrist holster and banished all three of them out of his compartment and sealed his compartment with the Colloportus charm. Hermione wasn't sure if she should be delighted with how Harry had told off Malfoy or upset with him for attacking Malfoy but ultimately settled for asking him about the magic he used. The rest of the journey went about peacefully and after an announcement to change into their robes Harry and Hermione changed into their robes. The train stopped after nearly ten minutes after the announcement and an announcement came for the students to head onto the platform and leave their luggage in the train and that it would be taken to the castle. All the students started leaving the train.

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