
the lonely star, with love mask

What will happen when the women that never felt love died and transported to a place, a whole new world. Being powerful as if she could rule the entire world, meeting a man that as powerful as she is, as if the world is shaking when they were fighting. But what scares more the mask beneath the women never been able to be take off, will her rival be able to, tear the mask. They were as if from the same world and being there at the same time, fighting to keep her mask and he is fighting to take the person behind the mask out. What will the outcome be? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ hi, I'm a newbie here so please support and help me in writing this stories. Comment on what you want and criticize me if you don't satisfied.

Baerin_1214 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

I chose to die

opening her eyes,

" am I in heaven?" woke up inside a big Smeraldo flower.

"this is.... my favorite flower, why am I laying inside, why this flower seems so big."

then Xie Le calm herself, she heard a voice,

"Xie Le, come here...." wonder

ing about the voice, Xie Le run toward where the voice become louder.

getting close a bright light shine and Xie Le woke up laying in the woods.

"wait a damn minute, its dream right, I couldn't be travel through time, along with my 13 years old body."

feeling regret, Xie Le clean herself and found out a girl around her body age and she hurriedly disguises as a handsome boy, not to reveal her identity.

Xie Le sit there quietly to see if the girl will wake or not.

that girl slowly opened her eyes to see Xie Le

right in front of her.

"who are you?" ask that girl toward Xie Le

"just call me, Xie Le. I have a question?"

"brother Xie what are you doing in woods?what you want to ask?"

the reason I'm here is not a little girl like you should know, but I want to ask this is your second time to be alive right" ask Xie Le with her charming smile.

"how did... how did you know?" shocked by Xie Le question.

"maybe destinies but how many revenge you will need, take me there I want to see the show" smirking

the girl although shocked but she handle her emotion very well like a 23 year old women.

"if anyone ask you who I am, just said a companion"

Xie Le in her past life is more dangerous than any company a leader, because she just killed anyone involve in destroying her project.

"hey Lil girl, can you tell me you really like it to survive or not."

"I need to revenge and protect my mother, I don't know why I tell you its like if I didnt tell you, you can already guess"

"I choose to die" said Xie Le then it become quite Xie Le continue her words "im just joking..."

lowing her voice and say "I'm really wished to die"

although Xie Le low her voice but that Lil girl heard it and feels a little chill.