

I stat there. In my spot. The best spot of all. You could glance so easily outside the giant paned window. Right out to the rippling, rushing, exhilaratingly cold water of the river. It was perfect. But what made it the best was the not so strange stranger standing right where he knew I could see him. He smiled at me and waved. I smiled and shook my head.

It was ridicules doing this. But I loved it and he knew it.

I placed my books in my backpack a little faster than normal. My bag packed, I turn and glance back out the window I'd been studying next to. He was still there. But soon he wouldn't be. Soon he'd leave and the smiles would fall away. The tears would run. But still, I'd love him. I love and cherish the moments had – the moments stolen. I'd gaze out at the water and smile as the good times haunted me.

I'd shake my head and kneel next to my dog. I'd hold him tight. He'd give me a kiss to cheer me up. And it would work, for now. I've learned. I don't mourn the ones I've lost or have grown away from.

I cherish each and every one of them. Because it's the people I meet, especially those like him, that have made me, me. Today I look out the window and I see him there. Today I pack and rush to meet him. Maybe, just maybe if I'm fast enough I won't lose him this time.