

Hayato woke up after a couple of minutes, he looks really tired and his ears are bleeding he gets up and says ' Syt, buy me a Senzu Bean '

[ ' -5,000 System Points ' ]

[ 'You have: 211,750 System Points' ]

Hayato ate the Senzu Bean and he can hear normally again, he recovered his strength but he sees the abandoned house

' That house must be at least 15 meters from this point, but I already see it blurred... I just need 10,000 System Points and I will recover, now the annoying part ' Hayato began to jump back after a couple of minutes he arrived and he saw Dye Alyra and Maya discussing something

Dye already reverted to her human form and now she is using Alyra's sweater that covers her body to her thighs

Hayato arrived and the three of them saw him with surprise, but they didn't say him anything

" Take this Dye, return the sweater to Alyra " Said Hayato with a calm face as he throws her some clothes. After she dressed, he stretched his right arm and they grabbed it then they teleported back

After appearing in the middle of the trees Hayato noticed that the corpse f the man he killed disappeared, then he walked into the kingdom again

The three girls walked behind him until Maya spoke " Hayato can we talk about what the Banshee said? " Dye and Alyra saw her with surprise and nervousness

" That's already in the past, just forget about it " Said Hayato calmly

Alyra walks fast and grabs Hayato's right hand, making him stop, Hayato turns to see her and she says with a sad face " That's why you knew what I was about to do that night in the lake? you never told me your past, please let me know "

Hayato retracted his right hand and says coldly " I said forget it, after what you three did, I'm not so happy with you, now let's go, we still have to find a place to stay "

Hayato walked again leaving the three girls with shocked faces after that Maya made a resolute face and she whispered something to Dye and Alyra

After they arrived at the entrance Hayato showed the knight his new guild card and he let them enter without paying

Hayato was in front of Dye, Alyra, and Maya they didn't make a sound the whole way even when they found a place to stay. Hayato paid for four rooms with a total of 1 silver coin for 3 days, the price was high but it was worth it, the rooms are very spacious and luxurious, with king-size beds and bathrooms

Hayato entered his room without telling them anything, he went directly to sleep but a couple of hours later he opens his eyes and saw Dye, Alyra, and Maya standing at the entrance of his door

" What are you doing here? " Said Hayato with a sleepy face and he sat at the edge of the bed

" Hayato, could you please tell us your past? " Said Alyra with pleading eyes

Hayato makes an annoyed face " I knew this is going to happen, but I already told you, that's in the past and is not worth hearing "

" That's what you think, but Hayato, you are really important to me, so, please... " Maya has a sad face

Hayato makes an annoyed face and says " Alright, what do you want to hear? that I was a coward who always feared living alone, the coward who tried to gain approval from those who surrounded him, the coward who wanted affection from their family members, the coward who wanted to escape from the pain by taking the easy way by killing himself "

Then Hayato bowed his head like he remembered something and continues " I was so young at that time, I was 12 years old, maybe... I don't remember, I never had a birthday party since my parents died, well, the thing is that I arrived that day from school with a 100 on a test hoping that my uncle and my aunt will accept me and maybe just maybe my sister too, but I was so wrong, they didn't even look at me and when I insisted, my uncle beat me like he always did when I talked to him "

Hayato clenches his fists " I left my so-called home knowing that things will never change... I come to the thought that maybe if I died I could be with my parents again after all who is gonna miss me...? I never had anyone I could call a friend and at that point no one I could call family, so, whatever "

Hayato turns to see Alyra with a smile and says " You asked me why I knew what were you planning to do.. hehe, yes the truth is that I had the same face as you when you were about to do that, I saw my face in a window " then Hayato turns to see Maya " I was planning to jump in front of a car, I thought that maybe that was the fastest way, but... " Hayato bows his head with a smile and says " But I never thought that a poster would stop me... a small messy poster prevented me to do that, haha... " Hayato turns to see Maya again and says " I took this form because It was the character of the poster, haha, so, the only thing that kept me alive was curiosity, I wanted to know how the stories that I love were to end, haha, that's very pathetic isn't? "

" .... " Maya and Alyra have some tears in their eyes

Hayato makes a wry smile and says " Why are you crying? that's all in the past, it doesn't affect me anymore "

Then, Dye was the only one who walked towards him to embrace his head " Hayato you are not alone anymore, the contract we made means that my life is yours and I will stay by your side forever, even if you don't want to"

Alyra approaches him and she hugs him from his right side " Hayato if that poster saved you I want you to know that you were the one who saved me and I don't mean by releasing me from the hands of my sister, you gave me a second chance to live, you are the light that pulled me out from the darkness and... and you are the man who I fell in love, I-I love you Hayato "

Maya was the last to approach him she sits at his left and kisses his neck as she hugs his arm " My love, you already know that I will stay with you forever, I promise you that I will give you a family, the family you deserve "

" Haha, you are strange " Hayato makes a dry lough but there are some tears in his eyes

After that they talked about a few things, Hayato told Alyra and Dye about his System and they didn't seem to be surprised after all Hayato is unique to them

They left Hayato's room, but Maya came back again she is wearing her pajamas, a white shirt, and a small light blue short

Hayato saw her with doubt and says " I thought you were sleepy "

Maya didn't answer him, she locked the door behind her and walks toward him

Hayato was still sitting on the edge of the bed " Maya? " and she sat on his legs to then " Chu... mn... " kiss him deeply, and after a few seconds they separate. Maya makes an alluring smile and says " Let's sleep together Hayato "


In the morning, in some part of the Monster Continent.

Two middle-aged men were walking in a dense forest, they carried bows and swords while they are pulling a small wooden car with various types of monster corpses

" Tom, we have enough monsters for a weak, why don't we go back? " One of the men said with concern. He wears a fur jacket with his bow on his back, a pair of brown coat boots, and black pants. He has average looks with a few scars on his all made by monsters, he has browns eyes and short black hair

" What's wrong, Evan, don't you want to make some extra money " The man named Tom answered with a smile. He wears the same clothes as his partner with his bow on the back and the sword on the waist. he looks a little more handsome than Evan but he has his face filled with scars even more than Evan. he has blue eyes and brown hair

" Yes, I want some more money, but you know about the rumors about this forest, right? " Even narrows his eyes as he sees left and right

Tom turns to see him with a serious face and says " Do you mean about the pair of Demons that were flying around here? "

Evan nods and says with a very serious face " Yes, that's what I meant, we only are weak hunters, we can't do anything against a Demon "

Tom makes a smug face and says " Take it easy my friend, that was a few days ago, and remember Demons can't stay on the continent for too much time if they did the Elves will come to kill them "

Evan makes a surprised face and says " One of the guardian races? now that you mention that I feel a little safer, what we are searching for? "

" Anything will be good, but I haven't seen something in a few minutes, is almost like the monsters have vanished " Tom sees from left to right with a surprised face

Evan does the same as Tom but he looks tense " Yes, and the forest sounds so calm without birds, I have a bad feeling let's go back "

" Oh come on, let's just explore that cave before we go back, ok? " Tom said with exasperation and he points to a small cave near a few trees

" .....Fine, just because I need the money " Evan accepts reluctantly and they walked to the cave

When the two hunters arrived at the entrance of the cave they left the monsters' corpses they were pulling. Tom grabs a stick and covers it with some old clothes then he burned the clothes to make a torch

Tom entered the cave with the torch in his left hand and his sword in his right hand, Evan was right behind him with his bow ready to fire. They walked for a couple of minutes

Tom makes a serious face and says " This cave looks empty, why? it should have been a few nocturn monsters at least "

Evan nods and says " This is suspicious maybe the Demons are still here "

" I already told you that that is impossible...wait what's that? " Tom makes a surprised face after he saw a blinking blue light coming a little deeper inside the cave

When they arrived, they saw a transparent gelatinous mass with a red nucleus, is not soo big, It has a circumference of about 1 meter

" ....!? " the two hunters were surprised but they didn't even have the time to yell when the gelatinous mass began to emit lights of different colors, yellow, red, blue, and green in quick successions all of them randomly

" .... " The two hunters drop their arms releasing their weapons and the torch then began to walk with dazed expressions toward the gelatinous mass, their eyes were white and then they stretched their arms against the gelatinous mass touching it

" AAHHH!!! " They screamed the moment they touched the gelatinous mass, they try to separate their arms from the gelatinous mass but it began to absorb them until they were inside of it

They struggle inside the mass with faces full of pain, the gelatinous mass began to melt their bodies with an absurd speed until the last things that were left of them were their clothes and their bones

The gelatinous mass spits on their clothes and bones and then covers them with some part of it and two small red nuclei. They began to take form until they have the same form as when they enter the cave just as if nothing had happened

They smirked as they turned around to leave and said at the same time " More "

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