
The Limitless Young Master

A genius inventor transmigrated into the cultivation world were powerful cultivators were respected while the weak were like insects fortunately he transmigrated with his artificial intelligence chip plus that talent that he got in the game

Nakacwa_Masturah · Ost
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12 Chs

He will be called Ace Frost , A visit from the two families.

After the phenomenon that appeared in the sky above the Frost family, in the delivery room, an old nanny was carrying a baby in her hands, the baby had a cute face, one look and you can see that he will be a lady killer, his hair was black, he had black eyes which had a golden ring in them.

He was looking around with curiosity, what the nanny didn't know was that at this moment, the so called baby was looking at the many system's notifications that kept flashing in front of him.

[Congratulations master, you have been born and awakened your special physique,*The Limitless Dao Body*]

[Congratulations Master, you have been born and perfectly assimilated with your talents]

[Congratulations master, you have been born and awakened the system's function,*The Appraisal function*]

After he heard all the system's notifications, Ace asked the questions that were troubling him

"Sera, what does that special physique mean, is it powerful? and you said that I perfectly assimilated with my talents, what does that mean?"

[Master, the *Limitless Dao Body*is a powerful physique that has been developed by the energy that you absorbed during the time you had just transmigrated, it is so powerful, it may be the most powerful special physique of all times]

[The perfect assimilation happened because your body has sensed and absorbed spiritual energy (Qi) for the first time]

"You mean that all the time,my talents had never been assimilated with me?" Asked Ace

[Master, even though the talents don't need spiritual energy to be used,the human body needs Qi to operate, even a mortal has qi in his or her body,]

"You mean that when I used the body without spiritual qi, I was forcing it to operate in an incorrect way?" Asked Ace

[Yes Master,all the energy you absorbed from "that place" was spent on building your physical body and mending your soul,so you didn't have any qi in your body]

"You mean that the energy I absorbed from "that place" was also spiritual qi? Why do I feel like it's different? "

[Master, qi you absorbed from that place wasn't spiritual qi, it was another kind of qi that is more powerful than spiritual qi by many times , as I was scanning the whole world before, I looked through the historical books in all the world but didn't see any information about something similar to it, so it's so advanced that this world knows nothing about it,]

"What about the Appraisal function, is it from that appraise software?" Asked Ace

[Yes Master, it's from that software but this one is more powerful than that of the game, with it, you know everything that exists in the world] Said Sera

"Doesn't that mean that I'm already invincible?" Thought Ace smugly

As Ace was continuing with his emerginations , he heard the nanny's voice,

"Why is the baby not crying, I remember Widow Wang's baby cried as soon as he was born, but this one didn't cry, is it disabled?"

After Ace heard what the nanny said, he felt angry all of a sudden, he felt like he was insulted, how could this old lady say that he was disabled? He was so alright, alright in all ways.

'mphh,let me show you my*never insult the young baby technique*' after Ace thought of this,he started pissing and as he was doing so,all of it went direct to the nanny's face.As he saw the results of what he had done,he started giggling

Meanwhile a lady's soft voice came from the bed besides the nanny,it was as soft as a whisper but that couldn't conceal the happiness in it.

"Hahahaha,it seems that my baby boy is a naughty one haha to think that he would do that kind of thing on someone's face, nanny Peeru , please give him to me" said the woman that was on the bed.

As Ace looked at the woman that was on the bed,he couldn't help but be stunned,the woman was Soo beautiful,he was confident that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his whole two lives, he used the appraisal function to understand who the woman was and what he saw shocked him even more

Name: Alice Frost ( Santana)

Age: 80yrs

Cultivation: Divine Transcendence Realm(sealed)

Physique: Heavenly Moon Physique (sealed)

Bloodline: Heavenly Moon bloodline (sealed)

Cultivation techniques: Heavenly Moon Sutra

Martial Techniques : Sky Splitting Spear Arts

Status: Weakened due to blood loss, carrying the Heavens Suppression Curse, to die a mortal if not treated.]

What? His mother was actually in her eighties?but she looked like a twenty years old lady and she is a very powerful cultivator, but her strength was suppressed by some evil people? How dare they? It seems that he had to change some of his plans.

As he was still in his thoughts, he felt the soft hands of his mother, caressing his face, she was looking at his face with a motherly smile, this melted his heart and he vowed to make all the responsible people pay.

"Fufufu, look at my sweet baby, it seems like I will have a lot of daughters in law in the future, Mphh, that stupid Brahan, it's been a long time but he is not coming in, let me see where he will sleep today "said Alice angrily.

Meanwhile outside of the room, aBrahan appeared and then entered the room, when he saw the woman carrying a baby in her hands,he came directly near them and asked,

"Alice,how do you feel?is there any problem?, did the pills I gave you work?"

" Yes they worked, I thought that you would not come to see your son, you are scared because he is more handsome than you? Hehehe, should I tell you a secret? He is more handsome than you hahahahah "Said Alice happily, it was as if she had won a trophy.

Meanwhile after Brahan heard her words, he directly looked at the baby in front of him and was momentarily stunned because the little boy was really handsome, and as a Foundation Establishment realm'expert, he was more observant that his wife who was a 'mortal', the more he looked at him, the more he felt like he was looking at the Dao directly.

After a few seconds, he asked Alice,

"Have you thought of the name to give him?"

"Yes of course, his name is Ace Frost, he will be called Ace Frost"

Meanwhile as Brahan was looking at Alice,an old man that seemed to be in his seventies came from behind him hurriedly and said to him,

" Family head, bad news, the head of the Clouds family and the head of the Wesley family have come with a man wearing a mask, they seem to have come with ill intensions so I denied them entry, but they want to break in by force "said the butler

" Ehh? butler Sozi, please bring them in the meeting hall, it's inappropriate to denie them entry, they are the heads of the two powerful families in the city and Foundation Establishment realm cultivators after all, if they want to barge in forcefully, then all the guards and the mortal servants will die " Said Brahan as he changed his way and went to the meeting hall,

" Yes family head, forgive me for my recklessness earlier, I only thought about my self and neglected the people we live with, let me bring them in the meeting hall immediately "Said butler Sozi as he moved quickly.

" Butler Sozi, how long have you been with me? "Asked Brahan. Meanwhile after the old butler heard this question, his heartbeat accelerated but he still answered quickly,

" It's been eighteen years my lord "

" Mmm, I trust you, everything you do is for our wellbeing, don't worry about it " said Brahan as he hurried to the meeting hall.

Meanwhile outside of the house, three men standing there,one was in front, while the other two were behind him looking at the guards that were pointing there Sharp spears at them coldly, this was the group that wanted to enter the manor forcefully, one was the family head of the Clouds family, while the other was the head of the Wesley family, as for the man wearing a mask, if one of the people that were in the restaurant a little bit of minutes ago were here then they would have recognized him, he was the man named, Fuulo.

As they were standing there, hurried footsteps were heard, then butler Sozi appeared in everyone's sight, then he cupped his fists and said respectfully,

"Family head Mosh, Family head Mande, Sir, please come in, the family head is waiting for you in the meeting hall, its not good for you guys to stand here, you will get dizzy"

Family head Mosh "....."

Family head Mande"??"

Fuulo "😡😡"

After that brief exchange, the four of them went inside and then came in the meeting hall, at this time, Brahan was sitting in the main chair, after he saw them, he immediately felt that something was wrong, really very wrong!