
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · Anime und Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 55: Tournament Begins

[A/N: This Chapter has been Updated]

At around 10 o'clock in the morning, on the training ground, exciting Pokémon battles were being staged, and a large number of spectators were standing on the 10 battle fields at this time.

Whenever the Trainers on the battlefield commanded Pokémon to show an excellent offense or defence, those spectators around the edge of the battlefield would applaud the victors and regret the losers.

Yes, today is the day when the Pokémon Contest on the ship started. A total of 224 Trainers on board participated in the Pokémon Contest at this time, and the first round one-on-one knock-out competition is currently being held.

Therefore, now in a temporary medical room on the side of the training ground, several staff members are very busy.

"Madison, the newly brought Rattata is not seriously injured. It is enough to treat the bandage the wound for it and then treat him with a therapeutic agent. The energy for treating Pokémon is limited and must be reserved for those Pokémon who are seriously injured."

Kaede, wearing a white lab coat, had just finished dressing a Machop wound carefully and given it a healing potion. After wiping the sweat from his forehead a little, he said to, a girl who also wore a white lab coat.

"This, okay, I understand, Mr. Sato."

Hearing Kaede's words, Madison's face the Wigglytuff used to treat Rattata who had just been sent for treatment suddenly showed a trace of distress, but when she saw that Chansey and Kaede beside Bellossom were already tired, she had to listen to Kaede then skillfully took out the antiseptic alcohol, white gauze, Potion and healing medicine from the drawer to treat Rattata in front of her.

However, in the process of treating the Rattata in front of her, Madison's face was a little unhappy, and he obviously disagrees with what Kaede said just now. In her in mind, all Pokémon's status is the same and deserves the same treatment.

"Don't be too sympathetic, Madison, Mr. Sato is right. You two's Pokémon treatment is limited. If every injured Pokémon is given to them for treatment, they will soon be unable to hold on. What about the severely injured Pokémon afterwards?"

A temporary nurse next to Madison seemed to notice her displeasure and said softly' listening to her Madison's mood began to change alittle and she glanced at Kaede who was busy treating pokemons. She thought that Kaede may not be a bad person after all.

Madison have a deep relationship with the Joy family, because her mother Joy Lizy is a Nurse Joy. It is precisely because of this relationship that Madison has obtained that many people cannot obtain a Chansey to be her Starter Pokemon.

Madison came from the Pokémon Medical Trainer Academy. She is naturally very kind in her heart. In the face of all the injured Pokémon, she can maintain the same attitude for treatment and strive to do her best' and watching Kaede treating Pokemon based on severity of injury made her somewhat hate Kaede.

It is precisely because of Madison's medical attitude that she has gained many Trainer friendships, and she has also obtained a few Wild Pokémon voluntary followers during her journey.

However, when Madison's impression of Kaede changed a little, an announcement made her feel dissatisfied with Kaede again.

"The next trainers for the match are Sato Kaede and Thomas levi, The Trainers are requested to quickly come to site No. 3."

As soon as the sound of the broadcast fell, Kaede took off his white coat under Madison's dissatisfied gaze, collected Bellossom into the Pokéball, and then strode towards the battlefield No. 3.

Kaede's emergence from the temporary medical station attracted the attention of many people, especially those Trainers who had received his medical services, with a surprised look on their faces.

The main Pokémon in the hands of Kaede, Bellossom has consumed too much physical strength and energy for other injured Pokémon to heal. The battle strength must be greatly reduced also Kaede's own mental exhaustion was apparent as he had been working non stop for two hours now. So it came as a surprise that Kaede was participating in the battle.

Under the complicated gazes of everyone and dissatisfied one of Madison, Kaede came to the No. 3 field mentioned by the annoucer. At this time, his opponent, a young blonde sailor in a sailor suit, had come to the other end of the battle field. Looking at Kaede coldly as if he had already won.

"Concentration is good, let me see what you can do. You must be a catch for Sophia to protect herself. Don't disappoint me"

At this time, Rhodes, was standing on the high platform. He saw the commotion caused by Kaede, with a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

As soon as Kaede stood on the battlefield, the roulette on the battlefield started and it would chose the battlefield and also who would release Pokémon first. As a result, it chose Rock Field and Sato Kaede to release Pokémon first.

"Let the games begin! Golbat i choose you!"

In the next second, Golbat's silhouette appeared in the air, and his size beyond ordinary Golbat also immediately surprised the crowds around the edge of the battlefield. At this time Anna also took out her notebook to note down any thing she could get on Kaede.

On the other hand Thomas released his Pelipper to battle Golbat. As soon as the Pelipper released by the opponent appeared, Kaede immediately used the system's detection ability, and then carefully looked at Pelipper's information.

Pelipper information is as follows:

Pokémon: Pelipper

Level : 29

Attribute: Water/Flying

Characteristic Trait :Keen Eye

Gender: Male

Level Moves: (Protect, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Stockpile, Soak, Growl, Water Gun, Water Sport, Wing Attack, Supersonic, Mist, Water Pulse, Payback, Brine, Fling)

Hereditary Moves : None

Inustructed Moves: Double Team

TM: Steel Wing, Icy Wind

This was a strong Pelipper and the moveset is also quite diverse. But Golbat's Level is Level 31. because of the increase in Level, it has learned two abilities, Swift and Poison Fang, but these two abilities have not yet trained by him so they might be good moves but they wont inflict too much damage. Therefore, the abilities that Golbat is good at today are Supersonic, Shadowball, Gust and Air Cutter.

"Give our opponent a bath, use Hydro Pump."

After referee gave an order, Thomas immediately attacked and directed Pelipper to attack A jet of high-pressure water was released from its big mouth, and then shot at Golbat ahead like a sharp arrow. Golbat as a sonic radar was aware of it oppenent thus it merely sidestepped to dodged the attack.

"Good job Golbat, fight back with shadow balls."

A series of shadow balls the size of tennis suddenly released from its mouth.

Although these small shadow balls have small power, they still retain the additional effect of reducing the target's special defense.

Pelipper at this time used the Hydro pump in its mouth to redirect it towards Golbat new position this effectively blocking the Shadow balls.

The first face off between them came to a standstill but Thomas at this time showed fear while Kaede remained emotionless. Thomas knows that from his point of view Golbat won this confrontation with flying colors.

"Gust Three whirlwind play now Golbat."

At this time, Kaede, who had been watching the distance between Golbat and Pelipper, quickly gave instructions.

With a quick beat of its wings Golbat produced 3 whirlwinds rotating anticlockwise and controlled them to surround Pelipper. Since the winds were strong and going outwards Pelipper in the middle couldn't fly away and was thus stuck in the middle.

At the same time same air blades from the whirlwinds struck Pelipper which had to way of defending itself thus it became riddled with scars.

"Don't panic, try Hurricane move to tear it up."

Seeing that Pelipper was surrounded by 3 white whirlwinds and looked completely unable to escape, Thomas complexion greatly changed and quickly let Pelipper try to use the Hurricane move to break through the whirlwinds controlled by Golbat.

With nothing to do under the full display of Pelipper, it used the whirlwind created by Hurricane to rapidly expand, and finally succeeded in breaking through the three whirlwinds controlled by Golbat.

"Use Shadow ball full power"

Seeing Pelipper getting out Kaede immediately ordered.

Pelipper who had just managed to get out of the Gust move was struck squarely on the face by a basketball-sized shadow ball by Golbat.

A loud explosion sounded, and Pelipper, who was hit by the shadow ball, fell from the air to the Rock field like a broken kite. For a while, a large amount of dust appeared, covering Pelipper's silhouette.

"Awesome, it seems that Golbat is somewhat better than Bellossom at battles." Anna said while noting down something in her notebook in the audience stand. Rhodes too at this time couldn't help but praise Kaede talent in battle.

"Continue to use the shadow ball to defeat it."

Seeing Pelipper on ground, Kaede immediately let Golbat pursue the victory, and Golbat relied on the ability of ultrasound to pinpoint Pelipper position and used Shadow balls.

"Don't give up Pelipper, use Protect."

When Thomas heard what Kaede said, his face turned pale, and he quickly asked Pelipper to use the only life-saving Ability to continue the battle.

Pelipper manage to save itself with Protect but just as Thomas heaved a sigh of relief Kaede voice came.

"Golbat use swift and close the deal"

a series of Yellow star-shaped energy was released from Golbat's mouth, and then accurately hit Pelipper who had just risen with struggle from the ground.

At this time, Pelipper, who had been hit by Golbat's powerful attacks repeatedly, finally couldn't hold it, and its body fell helplessly in the pit created by the barage of Shadow ball, and he could no longer hear Thomas' rushing instructions.

In the first round, Kaede gave a crushing defeat to Thomas.

"Pelipper loses the combat capability, and the winner is Golbat."

Referee raised the small flag in his hand and announced the result of the battle.

As soon as the referee announced the result, Thomas immediately took back the Pelipper and then he did not shake hands with Kaede, and went straight into the crowd and disappeared.

After leaving the ground Kaede returned to his medical duties and surprisingly his first patient was the very same person he defeated.

Soon the first round of the Tournament ended. The second round game is naturally different from the first round game. After 112 players are eliminated, the remaining Trainers are quite powerful. Therefore, the second round game must be a 2-on-2 game to filter out more powerful Trainer.

At noon, in Kaede's room, he and his Pokémon are enjoying a happy lunch time. When a knock sounded on his door. A very beautiful woman with light makeup yet a somewhat strong perfume was waiting on the other side. Letting her in Growlithe whose nose is very sensitive began to sneeze rapidly due to the perfume.

"I'm so sorry, it seems that my Growlithe doesn't like the perfume on you very much. Is there anything I can do for you?"

He turned his head, and apologized to the mature woman, and then asked her.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Sato, my name is Mary. I need your medical services. These are your patients. Please hurry up and help them recover."

This beautiful woman named Mary released a Persian and a Poliwrath. Both Pokémon are seriously injured and are unconscious. Looking at there informationnKaede was astounded as they both were of level 42. There presence reminded him of the Alpha Ursaring, and even in there injured state Kaede and his Pokemon felt the pressure they were releasing unconciously. Nidoran♂ and Growlithe began to tremble and thus huged each other whereas ditto fainted. Only Golbat and Bellosome immediately came to Kaede's side and began staring at them intensely as if daring them to make a move.

In all of this what surprised Kaede was Mudkip who returned back to his dumb looks but at the same time was ready to attack. This showed that his Mudkip wasn't some pushover. Now Kaede's evaluation of Mudkip changed.

Nonetheless Kaede treated these Pokemon with the help of Bellossom Grassy Terrain, Persian and Poliwrath quickly recovered and soon came to their senses.

"Thank you so much for your help, I am very sorry, I dont have much cash on me, I will use this as a reward this time, it should be suitable for Bellossom."

Soon, Persian and Poliwrath's injuries were completely healed, and when Mary saw this, she immediately put the two Pokémon away with Pokéball, and then handed a TM to Kaede.

Kaede tried to return it back to earn some goodwill but the woman threw the TM to Kaede and left the room alittle irritated.

Seeing Mary leave so aggressively, Kaede looked at the Quiver Dance TM in his hand, and felt as of he was disrespected but after thinking about it, he still put away this TM that could enhance Bellossom's strength.

After Kaede closed the door, he immediately released Growlithe, who was holding the bedroom door, and Growlithe immediately threw himself into Kaede's arms.

"Did you find something, Growlithe?"

After a little yes no gestures Kaede came to know that even though Mary had strong perfume on her Growlithe was still able to distinguish a smell on her. This smell belonged to the same person who sneak attacked him. Mary is very likely to have had physical contact with that person.

On the other side, after Mary walked out of Kaede's room, she quickly entered a room provided by a luxurious SS Ticket upstairs, and in this room, a girl with her arms wrapped in bandages was crouching on her legs. While eating an apple, she flipped through a fashion magazine in her hand.

"Big sister, you're back, when will we be able to do it? I haven't been out for a whole day. I'm almost suffocating. By the way, the Gyarados I grabbed yesterday hasn't been treated yet. I'm afraid he will die."

Mary looked at the girl and shook her head a little and began chastising her alittle for not cleaning the room.

To be continued....