234 Hiring Path

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

A Grade C superhuman was at the peak of Planet Aquamarine. They had stronger resistance and destructive power, and they were considered to be 'Basic Planet Explorer Standard' in the universe.

Achieving LV 60 would not guarantee a C grade. It also took into consideration the standard of abilities, talents, and attributes. Most of those who were level 60 in Planet Aquamarine were just at grade D+; only those like Bennett were at grade C. There were only about twenty grade C superhumans across the whole of Planet Aquamarine.

Han Xiao now stood among the very top.

He was more confident.

Since he had decided to go to the battlefield, he had to prepare for it.

After advancing his class to [Magnetic Ring Mechanic], his mechanical skills had improved another level. Han Xiao spent a few days enhancing his equipment once again and built some new machinery that might be of use.


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