

Have you ever wake up one morning and you just realized that you are different , you just realized that something new is in you. This story involved around a young boy of 10years playing on a field with his friend a beautiful girl that look like a doll. Sundently he went missing , they keep searching for him , some say he was being kidnap . Even when the little girl tell her parent that he actually disappear, no one believes her because she is still kid. For good seven years they keep searching for him both the government, but they latter fed up . It become a history everyone has move on they even forget that something like that has happened except her , she could not forget when she gave him a necklace with a pendant that inscribed her name. She specially made it for him, ontill that fateful moment. After 14years the missing boy has returned by then the little girl then was now a beautiful girl her beauty are like that of a falling angel. But to the boy it was a just a seven years he went missing . But things was not like before , even the boy has changed even him can feel it. The return of the boy was something else he has come with something supernatural , something different. """The question is were did he stay when he was being missing find out in the episode. Stay tuned......

Prince_Victorey · Andere
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21 Chs

[New room]

"He try to say a word, but I quickly runaway from him.

"I was patting after I get home , I pick a table water from the fridge and start gulping. Then; I put the remaining back in the fridge. I went to the wash room and sprinkles water on my face , then I stare 👁️at myself at the mirror. I use my right hand to pull my hair backwards. And I realized that I have changed I saw a mark in my right forehead that has the shape of "S".

"What is happening to me ,why am I feeling different. The scar was not there this morning why now. Different thought keep coming on my head, or is it because I save does people.

"No it can't be. Is this scar part of the sigh of me realizing my powers. Maybe it is , because "yu" have said it that am going to see some sign.

" I went to the lobby that face the room I slept in, and I saw another door and opened it. And I saw a shelf with a lot of books, this house keep amazing me. I pick a book from the shelf and open it ,I can't find something useful and I return it back.

"And I saw a old scroll besides the book ,I removed it and I saw a switch. What is this?I ask myself. And I press it ,the moment I press it the shelf split like a sliding door. And I saw a box room and I went in.

"The moment I went in the box door close and start moving, and I realized that am going down, then it stop and the door opened. The moment I came out from the box . Suddenly light start oning .

"Wow" escape from my mouth , this is a completely different room or should I say like a Hall. What is hall? I asked myself did I even know what am saying, because I have no idea where am getting does words.

"The interior of the building was wow, there is ten computer and a big transparent board like glass and lot more .

"Is yu saying the truth that am the house owner does he really mean it. Who am I really.


"Hey Susan thanks for the note I have finished copied it.

She strench it to me .

Sure don't mention, I collected it from her and start arranging it with my others notes and stock it on my backpack and start heading to my locker.

"Susan I need a favor from you.

What is this again,what did you want from me Chloe.

"I just want to ask maybe if you can join the miss beauty contest , because I really wish you to join.

No am not I don't have time for does and am not interesting, please don't feel bad .

"Sure no problem is not like I can really force you to.

Thanks for understanding.

"Ok sure see you next week and thanks for the note.

No p and I wave my hand to her .

"I drop some note on my locker and lock it and start helding home my others two friends have already heading home because they have already finished their lecture. I went to the packing lot and wave to my driver and I zoom off.

(Two hours later)

I pick my pick my cupcakes with a glass of juice to the sitting room. And start eating.

I pick the TV remote and scroll to any channel, I stop at the animals tv shows. It really bad to be a loner ,my dad is a traveler, he hardly get home and my mother. Tears start dropping on my face she is late , she die from lukemia .

She die 2years after the disappearances of shalom, she was the one that give me hope to leave.

Before she died she told me that I shouldn't give up Shalom will returned one day.

You lied to me shalom that you will always be with me , you lied and I start weeping . Please Shalom come back please....