
Chapter One

The sun shone down softly to dance on the ground as animals of the forest welcomed the warmth, unaware of the brooding shadow to come. As clouds gathered, a storm's destructive power became restless as a soft rain began. The sound of thunder echoed swiftly with heavy footsteps that swiftly met the ground. An older man stopped to reach his gnarled hands to the sky as he chanted to command lightning. His red cloak embroidered with gems twisted sharply with a bitter wind, his white hair swirled and danced as he breathed in heavy strokes. A warrior had caught up to him, and his eyes were aflame when he withdrew his sword, and he took a striking stance as it glistened as the rain ran down the blade.

The warrior's voice boomed louder than the thunder that rumbled. "Are you the fabled bright one?"

The mage stood silent, throwing hands again to the sky as lightning pierced the earth and the wind raged in fright. The warrior brought his gilded sword forward, and with the speed of lightning itself, his movements became hidden from the eyes of the mage.

The mage turned his face to the sky and let the rain cleanse his face as the sharp pain of death exploded from his chest. In horror, he saw the blade emerge from his body covered in his blood as the thunder echoed his pain as the clouds swept back to reveal the sun. The warrior cleaned his sword and placed it back within its scabbard, as a soft voice echoed in his head.

"Where there be water and ice you must seek for me."

His eyes became clear, and he walked on to the destiny that awaited a fabled lore knight. The warrior named Darkma is from an ancient elvish race and the last known of the dark elves. He searches for the bright one, who is a descendant of the gods. This journey is one of many trials to meet this lone swordsman's fate.

"Shadows fall upon the day-night has finally come. The songs of birds cease to sing. I walk within the weary night with nightmares in my head. The stars have hidden behind the clouds; the moon hidden and unseen. I walk restlessly as the dragon comes my way. Who now will save me? Who will slay the dragon whose breath of ice may freeze my beating heart? Where is the brave one who will save my light?" Passage XV Plight of the Princess

Zylana closed the book; she ran her fingers across the engraved title "The Mystic Tome of the High Elves." The book told legends that followed Elven magic users' destinies casting spells to save the kingdom and detailed accounts of Elven princesses who waited for a knight to rescue them. Zylana, herself a princess of her realm, knew the only fate that awaited her was death.

The elven book also foretold legends of greatness and sorrow to come to pass. Passage XV is the cry of the princess calling forth her salvation. Zylana turned the page to the tale of woe that foretold the destiny of Zylana, and she read it aloud.

"Princess of eternal light, can you not feel the dragon rise? A princess of royalty, a High Elf and great beauty whose eyes are blue as a clear sky, hair that is light itself from the sun and scars of where there were wings. She is the maiden that the dragon from the sea seeks, for her power must protect the land. Princess of purity will celebrate her twenty-first year as the sun shines upon flowers that blossom as her song rings true. Dark clouds will overtake the blue sky with a cold, bitter wind that will overtake the flowers' sweet smell. The dragon will emerge from the sea and launch into the sky. Once the dragon lands upon the earth, then it will turn the princess into ice. This sorrowful destiny will be the fate of the princess meant to give her power. The dragon will return to rest in the sea to never be seen again on the land. So will the princesses' cruel fate come to pass. " Passage XVI The Princess and the Sea

Princess Zylana closed the book once more, and it would be one week until her twenty-first birthday would take place. Her mother and father, the king and queen, had begun to make all the necessary arrangements for food, music, and guests. The thought of losing their only child had seemed to escape notice as they accepted their daughter's sacrifice and showed no emotions of pity or sadness.

Zylana refused that her fate would be so cruel, and her reflectiveness was suddenly interrupted by a loud knocking on her chamber doors. For a second, she feared it was the dragon who could no longer wait.

She closed her eyes and breathed. "Come in, please."

Zylana closed her eyes as the doors creaked open; the footsteps entered. She opened her eyes, instantly smiling when seeing it was her protector, Darkma.

He bowed extremely low. "Dearest princess, I have come to wish you a fair and good night."

"I thank you. For myself, I cannot wish for pleasant dreams." Her eyes glanced down to the book.

Darkma took notice of the book as well, and his face hardened. He came to her bedside and picked up the book from where it lay on her lap.

Darkma placed it on her side table. "This book of legends has one passage I despise. Please do not read this book anymore, dear princess."

Zylana looked sadly at him. "I cannot be blind to my demise."

Darkma's heart ached painfully; he seemed the only one genuinely affected by the princess's oncoming death as the love he had for her was his truth.

His position stiffened. "I am appointed to protect you, my princess. I have to keep you from harm."

"No Darkma." Zylana bowed her head, "was it not but a week ago that my mother and father instructed that you become the general of the army. Your services are no longer with me."

"My decision has not yet been made. My loyalty is great with this land; however, greater with you." His devotion to her was what had guided him as her guardian.

Zylana heard nothing sweeter than the words that came from Darkma; her affection for him was beyond her lost hope for love. She could not love and experience its vibrant form; her life never thought further than the day of her twenty-first year. She held within dreams that if she let them out, her heart would only weep and never stop. Zylana did not speak and held her gaze away from Darkma's eyes as she felt herself begin to cry.

Darkma watched her fight back the tears, and he felt responsible for upsetting her. "I will leave you in peace. May the calm of this night take you to sweet dreams and let no nightmares haunt you."

Darkma bowed, then turned and walked away as Zylana still did not look his way until she heard him leave; she raised her head and opened her lips to speak. The moment had passed, and now the silence of the night crept over the room, the stillness of everything consuming Zylana as she sat still for a long time. She picked up the Elven book and reread passage XVI until she fell into sleep.

Three days passed, the King Ruvnik and Queen Haera summoned Darkma to the throne room; he walked in dressed in his formal wear as a royal knight. He walked up and bowed in their honour, then went down on one knee in respect. They sat stiffly in their thrones with their best knight Gorion to the queen's left.

The king spoke. "Darkma, we have implored you to be the defender of our innocent daughter; now her fate will be sealed. There is no longer any need for you to provide service to her."

The coldness in his voice upset Darkma, who made no movement or sound, but inside he grew truly disturbed as he held his tongue.

"You have served us well, Darkma." The queen took her turn to speak, "You can now become a great man. You were only to protect our daughter until her fate was to come, and now that it shall soon be, you may fulfil your destiny to be a hero for our people."

Darkma spoke with a force of reverence. "I shall be her hero and will protect her until the end. Even when the dragon comes, I wish to be at her side."

"Darkma." The queen took a moment to breathe before she replied. "I will approve this request. After you have stepped forward to deliver the princess to the dragon, we will wish for you to become the general to our army."

Drama bowed his head, "So shall it be."

"The tale is foretold, and the dragon will have our offering." The queen's face was stone.

She dismissed Darkma, who rose and then left after another deep bow. Gorion shared a quick look with the queen and left to follow behind Darkma.

Gorion caught up in the hallway and grabbed Darkma by the shoulder. "You have been distant through the weeks as I am sure you are frightened due to losing the position you have had for ten years."

Darkma stopped and removed Gorion's hand. "I am not to report what will come as I have my orders."

"You are loyal beyond words, Darkma, which is why it would be foolish for you to pass the chances to serve the kingdom. You are a great man and will be the greatest general ever in our history, this I speak true. There is a greater future for you soon, my friend."

Darkma never valued Gorion as a friend, but as a dog for the queen, so he only tried to smile lightly. "I will see my efforts as I see best."

"You are prepared to do what everything will require for the kingdom?" Gorion asked pointedly.

"You know best what length I will do for our futures." Darkma then turned to leave.

Gorion watched Darkman walk away, feeling nothing but the pure emotion of jealousy.


Eleven years ago, Darkma had arrived in the kingdom a mysterious figure who had helped the army in defeat against invading Ork raiders. His heroic actions tell how he defeated the horde leader who had monstrously killed hundreds of the High Elf warriors. Zylana remembered her handmaiden, Amra telling highlights sung from the bards who had lauded the triumph of the warrior who had won the day. With the height of the kingdom celebrating, Zylana had no way of participating as she was so young. All the sounds of the celebrations went into the early hours, even while the princess slept. In the next couple of days, all the news came to the princess through Amra, giving updated information. The new Elf had been offered a room inside the castle and received a position within the army.

One day out in the garden Zylana ran after her cat Cithrel who darted past the young warrior Gorion. At sixteen, he was a member of the low-rank army and had been close to the Queen even though he often made Zylana feel uncomfortable. She avoided him to find her tabby cat in another part of the walkway trying to play with leaves on the ground. She threw a golden ball trinket, and the feline ignored the leaves to finally batter the toy in interest. At that moment, an elf with grey skin and black hair came around the corner, stopping to bend down and pet Cithrel gently, who let out his mighty purr of enjoyment. Zylana was startled by the strange man's presence as his look was different from the elves in this land. She stood still, perhaps hoping he would not take notice of her as she curiously watched him with interest.

Finally, Darkma spotted her, his mysterious silver eyes softening.

"Good evening, princess." He bowed his head, "I am Darkma."

Zylana did not say a word, yet she did not have to.

"I heard you are shy. I can tell that you are also scared of me, for I am strange to you. You must wonder why I do not look alike as the elves in your kingdom."

He sat upon the ground with his legs crossed and let Cithrel step onto his lap and curl himself up to fall asleep by Darkma's touch.

"You might have fears, for I know what you may feel." His head was still lowered when he, with sadness laced in his voice, continued. "I see within your eyes that you are not alike as the other elves; there is something inside of you that is powerful."

Zylana spoke softly, "I am doomed to die."

Darkma raised his head, showing his full handsome features as his heart sank. "I have been told this is your fate as the princess of this land."

They shared an honest, open look before Zylana stepped forward, "Have you come to save me?"

He closed his eyes, "I came to this land drawn by the energy of this place. I may stay if that is what is best for this land."

The princess smiled shyly, "I wish for you to protect me."

Zylana's handmaiden showed up in shock to see her shy charge talking so openly to the new Elf. "Princess, why are you asking him to protect you?"

"Darkma is one who may stay at my side, I hope even if my life is short." She picked up Cithrel and looked at Amra with pleading eyes. "I hope that he can stay in the kingdom and become my own knight."

Amra silently ushered Zylana back inside to attend her harp lessons and took an opportunity to plead with the king and queen the wishes of the princess. From that day, Darkma was given a duty to protect her and be always at her side. It is unknown if the royals decided to indulge their princess from pity or for practical means of keeping the strongest warrior to stay within the land. Their friendship formed between the bright young princess and the dark swordsman developed through lighthearted conversations of honesty. Zylana told the legends of the kingdom, and Darkma told her a few stories of his travels; his duty was more of friendship and kindness, the same as what she shared with Arma. There were times the three of them together seemed to be alone in the kingdom of thousands as they read and laughed merrily on their own terms. The princess had needed the laughter in the last years to gain enjoyment each moment so that gloom would not overset her disposition. Zylana's bravery kept others striving for more, and it was her leadership in her role that proved that her power was for the land and not her source for freedom. The truth of how exhausted she became was never shown on her face, and the weight of her future could never be seen on her lovely face. Deep inside, it ate away her hope that there would be a change; it had settled close to Zylana's heart, where her love for Darkma remained locked and untouched.

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