
The legacy of the first assassin

Daoisttv6e9f · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 Mysterious Artifact

In the dead of night, a human silhouette made its way through the window, dressed in worn clothes, black pants, a dark gray shirt, boots and, to top off the image, a jacket with a hood that hides the upper half of the face and a dark red fabric mask hiding the lower half.

'Where should I go next? he mentally asked.

'Move down the corridor, the 3rd door on the left should be the entrance to his office,' said a female voice in his head.

He made his way further along the ornate corridor, trying not to make a sound. When he got to the door, he examined the lock for a while.

'As I thought the enchanted lock, it's good that I was ready,' he thought as he took out the lockpicks, the lockpicks seem ordinary, but if you look closely, you can see that magic glyphs are scratched on them. He began to pick the lock, hearing a click, he went into an ornate office in which there is a mahogany desk and a large bookshelf.

'Great, you're in the office, there must be a secret room somewhere, find the entrance,' a female voice told him again mentally. He began to inspect the office, he was examining the bookshelf, and saw that on the floor near the shelf you can see a scratch as if the shelf was moved.

'I found the entrance, but it seems to be somehow enchanted can you determine how?" he mentally asked a female voice.

'Well, judging by everything I see through your eyes, the shelf is enchanted with a password,' said a female voice. He began to inspect the office for any clues, to his surprise, he found a piece of paper in which it says "House Black knows only greatness"

'I thought it would be more difficult,' the silhouette thought. "The House of Black knows only greatness," he said, and the shelf parted to reveal the entrance, the secret room itself was spacious with pediestals on which there were various items, from weapons to jewelry.

'So the magic control ring should be here,' said a female voice. And the silhouette began to look for a ring that should represent a silver ring with glyphs and a red stone on it. He found a pediestal on which there was a ring corresponding to the description.

'Is there an alarm system?' he asked the voice.

'There is, but it is weak enough so that your gloves could slip by, apparently he did not expect that the room would be found,' she said. As for the gloves, she meant that the silhouette wears enchanted gloves that make his hands more dexterous and can also not turn on the alarm for a limited amount of time. The silhouette quickly took the ring and was about to leave.


When suddenly he heard a strange dark sinister voice calling his name. The named Gray turned around in the direction of the voice and saw a dagger that seemed to be made of black metal on the handle, and the blade itself was blood red, the dagger itself attracted Gray's attention and he, without realizing it, began to go to the dagger and stretch out his hand.

'Wait, Grey, the alarm is already better, your gloves won't help!'a woman's voice tried to warn him, but he didn't seem to hear her, and grabbed a dagger. When he finally held the dagger in his hand, it was as if he was brought out of a trance.

'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE GREY?! YOU'VE ACTIVATED THE ALARM, RUN!' shouted a female voice. Gray quickly began to run, got to the window from which he made his way into the mansion, jumping onto the roof, he began to run along it, reaching the end of the roof, he jumped and jumped to the wall surrounding the mansion, he was about to descend from the wall, when he suddenly felt that something threw him to the ground, looking up, he saw a man dressed in knight's armor with sword and shield ready.

"You thought you could escape from me, you pathetic thief," the knight taunted. Stretching out his hand, the knight released [Fire Arrow] a simple spell that many magicians, both poor and rich, could use. Gray rolled on the ground, dodging the arrow and quickly got to his feet.

'Paladin?! Damn it' Gray thought. Paladin special magicians who have little mana and in addition to magic began to study the way of the knight, thereby they also learn how to use weapons by combining it with magical skill. The paladin immediately rushed into close combat and raised his sword hoping to cut Gray in two, Gray dodged the sword, but the paladin hit him with his shield, throwing him back and almost knocking him down, but Gray performed a flick-flack restoring balance and pulling out a dagger.

"Do you seriously think you can beat me with this toothpick?" the paladin scoffed, swung his sword again, dodging Gray quickly cut his hand into the gap between the plates. When the blood dripped onto the dagger, Gray had a headache for a while.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH," the paladin growled and kicked Gray, who was distracted by a headache, causing him to fall. He raised his sword and when he was about to finish him, Gray pierced his leg and, surprisingly, the dagger went through the armor like a split knife through butter. This is surprising because the armor worn by the paladin has a very expensive and high-quality enchantment that makes them strong enough that even enchanted weapons can hardly penetrate armor.

"AAAAH FUCK," the paladin shouted as he fell. And when he looked at Gray, he saw a look from which he was horrified, because there was absolutely no emotion in Gray's eyes. 'I-i-is it an assassin!?' the paladin thought. Gray raised his dagger and aimed at the paladin's neck. The paladin blocked the dagger with his shield, but the dagger pierced the shield, causing the frightened knight to be even more terrified. He completely did not notice that Gray took a knife out of his boot and while he was distracted, he cut his throat.

'Death at the hands of an Assassin, how shameful' was the paladin's last thought before the darkness of death took him away.

Returning to Gray, he looked at what he did with surprise because he did not know how to fight like that, remembering that he had to run, he jumped off the wall and ran to where he hid his horse. Gray's horse did not stand out in any way, it was an ordinary black horse that should blend well with the darkness. Sitting on his horse, he began to gallop to his shelter.