
033- The woman named sarahi

" Welcome to Emefgas the only city here in Iostanara." William said

Their group landed on the inner walls

Emefgas was 15 times bigger than the holy city in size, It has 4 main locations the outer wall, middle wallls , inner walls and the center walls. William's group landed on the outer wall where the great Emefgas general arrived to greet them.

" Great Richardson you're back !" He said the general was named Ethan he was a handsome middle-aged man who was exerting a very strong presence. Since the death of their lord he's family's sons fought for the throne and bloodshed happened which greatly turned the city dark.

Ethan had to force his way and contain the prince and with that, he was forced to claim the throne, but his respect for William comes a long way back since it was Richardson 2000 years ago who trained both king and general.

2000 years ago, this middle-aged-looking man is more than 2000 years old.

William smiled it looks like you managed to break through after 300 years. William can see his realm very clearly Ethan was exerting a peak overlord realm, once someone reaches the emperor realm they can live for thousands of years.

Ethan kneeled " Without your guidance, I would not have ever reached such power."

" Raise your head, high general, without your talent and persistence it would also not be possible."

Ethan stood up and noticed the group of people besides William, William introduced all of them except Jackson since Ethan and Jackson met a couple of times before.

They were quickly escorted to the center walls where the buildings were a lot luxurious with every kind of district possible was available.

A large mansion can be seen it was Richardson's personal mansion when they arrived there was luxurious furnishing inside more than 12 master bedrooms this mansion was the only house erected inside the center walls beside the royal castle.

the group was escorted to their own rooms by Jackson, while William stayed with Ethan

" Have you heard anything about Sarahi this few years ?."

Ethan shook his head. " the last time we heard from her was 500 years ago that was when the king was still alive since his body was poisoned we had to find the last ingredient to cure him, but since then she hasn't returned."

William." 500 years."

Sarahi was one of William's 12 wives she has the same constitution with Zoe and was a very strong cultivator she arrived here with William 5000 years ago to travel when William left for earth she asked to stay here to train and find an answer to the demons.

" I will look for her " William said

Ethan nodded. " With the royal family still under fire, I have to stay here to protect the king's family."

" The people still haven't forgiven the prince ? , well considering he mass murdered more than millions I don't think the common people would easily sway. "

William told his group that he was leaving they wanted to come but William shook his head " The demons are a crazy group they attack in groups if that happens I might not be able to protect you all."

William left afterward.

The forest of damnation when William arrived there were 6 guards blocking the way they were all assigned here by the general to guard the entrance to the forest.

When Richardson arrive they quickly notice the token on his robe and saluted " Mr Richardson it has been a long time ." the leading guard said he was a King realm cultivator William nodded

"Open the gates" The guard shouted.

" Mr Richardson the forest has become unstable and there would be 1-8 monsters who would crawl out every day."

"Don't worry I will check on this" William said before disappearing

Along the way rank 6-7 monsters would appear, but William would quickly kill them off when he arrived at the middle area the monsters that attack William were at the 8-9th rank William had no trouble and spread his aura to scare the monsters away to avoid losing time.

Finally, after 1 hour he arrived at the deepest area "This aura." William can sense a rank 12 demon living inside the cave. " a divine demon here ?" while divine demons were common at the divine continent since they were always at ware with the divine soldiers, but at a middle realm like Iostanara a divine demon will kill everyone on this planet.

William quickly arrived inside when he arrived a large stench of blood lingers in the air with more than millions of human bones can be seen. " This!" William was shocked.

Finally he saw a large figure more than 50 meters tall the demon eyes was focused at William its face looks a lot like a lion with teeth that can bite a whale in half.

He also saw a figure on the opposite side " Sarahi !" the woman had her hands tied and her face was leaking blood.

William ran towards her, but a large forcefield stopped him.

The large demon smiled. " You cannot get her she is now my sacrifice."

William :" Not even the gods can stop me."

William used his strongest move and in the next moment the forcefield that the demon was confident with shattered.

" YOU !" the demon was shocked that forcefield was something he created with half of his lifeline.

When the forcefield was destroyed the demon felt a massive shock and injury coming from his dantian.

William arrived besides Sarahi her beautiful face rivals that of Kuno William quickly inspected her condition and breathe a sigh of relieve he quickly gave her a rank 10 healing pill when he gave Sarahi for her to swallow her breathing calmed.

William teleported sarahi's body inside his storage space and turned his head towards the demon." You have been staying here for a long time trying to break through to the Ancient realm." William smiled.

the demon was heavily injured from the setback he was already at the 98th star one only 2 stars and he would be an ancient demon that would make even the divine realm tremble, when he noticed the woman arrive here 500 years ago he quickly took her and caged her here since the woman had a special constitution that made him rise his cultivation at a faster rate, but he did not expect that someone would come here and save her.

" An ancient realm might be a little trouble to deal with." William said

" But a mere divine realm" William smiled with a single movement from his hand a large portal appeared " You should not have harmed my woman." William said in rage as a large portal with more than a billion of spikes appeared crippling and shattering the demon's body into pieces.

William took the divine demon's core since it was valuable not all divine demon posses one.

William appeared inside inside his own storage area were Sarahi lay on a bed her body and appearance were both very beautiful, William remembered the very first day he met her just like zoe he had to save her from her constitution so they dual cultivated multiple times.

Sarahi opened her eyes ." William." She said softly

William walked towards her and gave her a kiss." sarahi I'm sorry for leaving you."

Sarahi cried." No, I should be the one to say sorry I thought I could become strong on my own and I wanted to carry some of your burden."

William rubbed her head." Silly girl why do you have to , from now on you will only stay by my side until we perish."

Sarahi smiled, William pushed her down the bed and the two lovers had a long intense moment of love inside.