
The Last Starfarer

The novel is set in a distant future, in a galaxy far away from our own. Captain Jonathan Pierce travels through space aboard a starship, visiting different planets and encountering various alien species.

NarrativeNinja · sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: The Zorin

The discovery of the saboteur had shaken me to my core. How many more enemies were lurking among our crew? It was a daunting thought, but I knew I had to push it aside and focus on the task at hand.

Our next destination was the planet of Zorin Prime, the homeworld of the Zorin. We were the first humans to ever set foot on their planet, and tensions were high.

As we made our descent, I couldn't help but be amazed by the alien landscape. The sky was a deep shade of purple, and the trees were unlike any I had ever seen before.

We were greeted by a delegation of Zorin officials, led by their leader, Kaxar. Kaxar was a tall, imposing figure, with skin the color of midnight and eyes that seemed to glow with an inner light.

"Greetings, Captain," he said, extending a hand. "Welcome to Zorin Prime. We are honored to have you as our guests."

I shook his hand, trying not to show any signs of nerves. This was a delicate mission, and one wrong move could lead to disaster.

"We are honored to be here, Kaxar," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "We hope that this visit will be the start of a new era of cooperation between Earth and Zorin."

Kaxar smiled a gesture that looked almost predatory. "We hope so as well," he said. "But there are some among us who do not share that sentiment. They see humans as a threat to our way of life, and they will stop at nothing to prevent this alliance from forming."

I felt a chill run down my spine. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Kaxar's expression grew serious. "There have been reports of a rogue faction within our government, led by a group known as the Zorin Separatists. They have been conducting attacks against human ships and outposts, trying to incite a war between our people."

I felt a sinking feeling in my gut. This was exactly what we had feared. "What can we do to stop them?" I asked.

Kaxar's eyes narrowed. "We must work together, Captain. Your crew and mine. Only by joining forces can we hope to defeat the Separatists and bring about a lasting peace between our worlds."