442 Secrecy

The next day.

After finishing two sessions of blood transfusion, Jessy left the Facility and teleported into Jagger's place.

She found him sitting idly in the living room, with a black traveling black beside him, watching television.

"You look ready and excited..." she commented.

"Yes, of course. I'm going out of the country in an adventure of a lifetime, so, I'm kind of pumped!" he grinned.

Jessy smiled, she was pleased with his energetic behavior, which means he's willing to throw himself into this mission, 100%. "That's great! Let's go!"

Jagger turns off the TV and picked up his meager belonging.

Jessy went to Jagger's side and touches his right arm.

A few seconds later, they vanished from the room.

They landed in Capt. Mercado's office.

Colonel Brown and another guy in his late 20's was also there.


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