
The Last Bloodborne

A man from the Digital World suddenly travel to the world he seek. A man who can give the world full of machine and digitize. A man who never learn modern knowledge and start to learn primitive knowledge. A man who wish to go to the world of his favorite world, a world full of life, without the smell of burning oil, the colorful light of gigantic build board and the unknown number of hover car. A world where blood is everything, magic is being hunt as Heretic, a world where Hero is born.

LittleApple · Fantasie
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36 Chs

The Last Bloodborne

"Mas... wak.... Master...."


"Master... Please wake up... There's emergency..."


A finger of a man lying on the bed slitly move, beside him is a Oldman gently waking up the man, he look weak and haggard as you can see the dark circles below his eyes.

"Mmm? Who?"

The man finally wake up, he look around full of confusion as he sit up while worry looking around.


"Master?" The Oldman ask full of concern.

"Who are you!?" The young man nervous ask as he vigilant watching the Oldman beside him.

"Ha~ is the God of War really want our Clan to extinct? Young Master finally awaken the Clan Inheritance but his body can't withstand it?"

"How can I be happy to meet Madam and Old Lord in the other side if the current heir lost his memory."

The Oldman in instant become ten years older, he helpless sigh as he patiently said." Young Master if you don't feel well please lie down, I will bring your meal later."

The Oldman left leaving the Young man confused.

"Where is this place?"

Seeing the Oldman left, the Youngman stand up and open the window to check his surrounding, kidnapping and slave trading is pretty popular to earn huge money and he don't want to expirence to become one.


When he open the window, a cold breeze hit his face making him sober, as he watch the tall mountain range, vast open land and the small town just kilometers away from his position.

"Ha? Whew am I? No tall building? No hover car? And clear sky? Is this holographic?"

From his memory there no clear sky at all, there's only artificial light made by machine can be seen.

The place full of flying car is also disappear, huge and tall metal building is also missing, there's also no robot walking around.

And the most shocking is the trees, a tree that is almost extinct, from his whole life he only see pictures of tree and the preserve leaf inaide of the seal chamber.

The huge grassland that carpeting the whole land is almost work of art, he never see a vast green land like this, a place full of life.

"Where....! Wait!"

The Youngman notice something, when he look at his palm he notice a huge difference.

"Flesh! When!"

"If I'm not wrong I lost my arms from a accident on my precious work how can I have money to recover my missing flesh!"

The Youngman start looking around and finally found what he looking for, a bronze hand mirror made.

"This? So low class?"

The mirror he knows is made from glass, he is not ignorant to not know the mirror use on it is a piece of shinning metal but still it's enough to see his figure.

After checking for half hour he finally recover.

His whole body is in great condition, not even a single prosthetic metal sticking on his body, every organ is perfect.

But the thing shocked him the most is his face, a unknown face, a youngman with wine redhair, a perfect face that can defeat even the Galactic Star in showbiz.

And the most important of them all is his family treasure, a treasure that left him after the incident, he can finally become a true man.

".... The question is.... Where am I?"


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