
The Last Bloodborne

A man from the Digital World suddenly travel to the world he seek. A man who can give the world full of machine and digitize. A man who never learn modern knowledge and start to learn primitive knowledge. A man who wish to go to the world of his favorite world, a world full of life, without the smell of burning oil, the colorful light of gigantic build board and the unknown number of hover car. A world where blood is everything, magic is being hunt as Heretic, a world where Hero is born.

LittleApple · Fantasie
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36 Chs

Sage Abilities

The progress of awakening is base on the mark that will appear on the back of the hand, each mark represent different inheritance.

Marking or stigma that will appear on the back of the hand is the proof of the person awakening talent.

The clearer the mark is, the higher the percentage the inheritance the person awake.

On Rowan's hand is the symbol of Sage Inheritance, a book and a feather pen interlink each other forming a unique mark.

The image is slitly blurry and hard to see if you don't look closer but for someone who just starting to complete the Inheritance this sign is a excellent.

Rowan can see that the marking is 4% open and that means he only complete 4% of his awakening process.

Thank goodness the awakening process never ends until the person died, of course the older the person can get the slower the awakening process.

The best age in starting the awakening process is base on what kind of Inheritance you have.

For Sage Inheritance, the perfect age is not older then 2 years old, on the age where a child start to learn how to read.

In short, if the child start to learn to read Sage Inheritance can start the process but Sage Inheritance age criteria doesn't matter at all.

This kind of Inheritance don't require special means as Sage Inheritance never affect by age as long as knowledge is present the awakening process will continue.

As for Bloodborne Inheritance, the process start on age of 5 where you need to build a good foundation for the future path.

On age 14 when puberty hit the person the Bloodborne Inheritance can finally start.

As for why the age criteria is old is because of the condition of the body, the process need a mature body.

The stronger the body is the earlier the awakening process can start, and the process is so hard and painful one.

You need to constantly shed blood and fight a deadly battle to progress the awakening, you need to temper the body to every kind of elements.

You also need to expirence a multiple near death expirence in process and hunt and drink blood of your prey.

Overall the Bloodborne Inheritance is a long and painful process where you need to feel pain everyday just to awake it.

But there's a shortcut for this, a hidden method that only Rowan know but right now he don't need it as he need to do everything one step at a time.


Weeks later Rowan finally finish reading all the book his family has.

Knowing different kind of language made the process easier than he expected.

Reading ancient text, book from fallen kingdom, inscription of a unknown cult, and so on, he finished reading and finally his Sage Inheritance awakening process is 20%.

He finally got to the percent where he got a ability from the awakening.

Mind Eye

-Ability which allow to sense any target using life aura.

For example, with Mind Eye he can see who's going to know on his door, he can distinguish who's who from the rest.

Each individual has their own different life aura, for Rowan he can tell who's sister is about to come base on their life force color.

Life force color represents the ability of a person, the greater and the deeper the color the stronger the person is.


The power to receive and transmit information with one's mind.

Pretty useful when calling someone, he even cause a great commotion when he first use as his sisters though there's a ghost playing with them.


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