
The Knight is a She

The Crown Prince, Prince Leran has been betrayed by one of his royal subordinates and childhood best friend that is Callixa, the knight of his twin sister. After the attempt to kill him, Callixa suddenly loses most of her memories and acts like she is somebody else. Zana the modern girl who is gifted specially is in the body of Callixa. She started to find a way to return home. How can she escape the life and fate of being the shadow of the Dead Knight, Callixa? (Medieval + Modern Technology theme) Will continue on May

SophiaUrLove04 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Recollections

"Will you tell me more?" I asked Demion because the memories inside my head were not enough. I would like to hear some from him.

He smiled and said, "I'll tell you along the way." 

I wonder if he is this gentle with Callixa? He might be like a real brother to her somehow based on how he treats me now.

"We are heading back to the southern kingdom. The princess would be delighted to see an old friend of hers," he said.

"The princess?" I muttered.

What is she like? Oh yes. I have recollections of her. So, I have a few references here about her. Among all these stored-up memories this is one of the clearest.

"I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, PRINCESS!!!" It was a very bold declaration of love.

And it was recorded in my mind. Then an image of the most beautiful blonde angel that I have ever seen in my whole life even in the previous worlds where I have been, was seated in front of me.

She smiled sweetly giving her rejection in the kindest way possible. "I knew you love me, everyone does," she said.

As a spectator in a stranger's story. I have seen the memories inside her mind and felt some of her emotions and what I can say is, that she truly admires her Mistress.

However, the limited emotions that I can read and feel are not enough to determine if that is love or just a simple adoration.

She has a deceptive meek and cute appearance. She is much older, much stronger and even much wiser than his twin brother.

She can be determined by a phasing personality, a meek young lady, a mature leader and a mysterious trophy.

At the age of 16, the heirs of the throne were decided by a challenge.

It is to fight it over without holding back. This empire is reckless to allow that custom to be implemented, especially for those twins.

How could you hurt someone you are connected to since birth? But the people watched like they were animals that you could bet on.

One will rule the North and the other the South. One empire, two dominions and it was never united because of an ancient curse. The empire where the people lived was the North and the South was filled with forest, cold devastated places and mines but these are the main resources of the empire. It was just more peril to dwell at.

16 is still a young age, though the princess matures intellectually way faster than her younger twin.

They are like innocent youngsters playing with swords, their faces and armor stained with blood and dirt.

The memory flows slowly until it reaches a little hazy part.

I saw the emperor and the imperial princess. Callix moved closer to eavesdrop.

"I want you to lose in the challenge," he said. " You should reign the south. Prince Leran is educated but it takes more than that wits to rule the Southern lands.

"He wouldn't like it that way, father," she answered.

"He doesn't need to know," the emperor said.

And the memory shifts back to the battle.

The image of two golden doves placed in the royal cage is nowhere to be found.

The prince was lying down on the ground as you would always see in an action movie. The heroine will get up with all his might and attack in his weak knees like a prey running inside the mouth of the predator.

If the enemy counters how can you even dodge the attack?

The princess blocked the sword and suddenly portrayed weakening knees, shaking and kneeling on the ground.

The prince was able to make her sword to flip away from the princess.

Pointing the edge of his sword on her neck.

"THE PRINCE WON!" The announcer declares.

All this time they wanted him as a puppet on the throne, a capable display.

He won but looked at the expression on his face.

He knew something was off. Something is wrong with his twin. Of course, he'll sense it. They are unutterably connected.

Everyone is celebrating then the memory shifts again.

I saw the prince standing beneath a huge tree, seems to have his daily solo training.

I can only see his back but his aura looks depressed.

Then, I heard Callixa speak. "Hey!" she called.

He is usually grumpy but he seems tamed now.

"Say what you need to say then leave," he said coldly.

"The challenge is messed up, you're not supposed to win," Callixa's blunt words. The honesty stings and I was surprised that I'll see her being punished because of her uncontrollable tongue.

Yet instead, when the prince turns to face her. It somehow shook me when I saw his crying face.

"It hurts your pride but you are the winner in everyone's eye so you need to pick yourself up to shoulder that title." She said as she approached him and ringing her arm around his nape while walking at his side.

They sat side by side.

"Maybe your father wants you to have this inheritance first because it is meant for you. He probably expects growth and improvements later on, Don't you think?" she made up white lies just to make him feel better.

Although she doesn't know the real reason or the bigger picture of the action done. She just came up with something that would make his friend better.

The lad wiped his eyes a little too harshly trying to hold his bursting emotions that is leaking out.

"Stop it, you prideful jerk. There is no need for you to be shy because I see you being a crybaby. I'm stuck with you ever since you are still peeing on your bed." she scolded.

His facial expression changes.

"Oh," my reaction. 'The prince's flustered face was so cute.' I thought.

I flinched when Demion suddenly pulled my arm dragging me down to hide in the roots of this giant tree. I didn't notice that I was so lost in thoughts.

I was about to ask him what happened yet when I saw his blazing hand.

'Black'I thought. "A black fire however its shades and depts are unconstant. 

'It's beautiful. If you look straight and watch it. It makes you feel something unutterable,' I thought. Thinking about the sky at night or the outer space.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he said. However, it turns to pitch-black enraging fire.

He spoke, "It sensed murder"

We rerouted to escape however whatever path we took, it was heavily guarded.

Luckily have the chance to find a small town and camouflage with the commoners.

And news was spreading that brought me a chilling fear. The carriage that brought me to exile encountered a massacre. No one survived and they were looking for me.