

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Urban
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600 Chs

Chapter 566

At that moment, Dylan suddenly shot up as he slammed the table. He bellow

ed, "Tyler Grant, don't think you can act as you please just because you

have some talent. We're not easy targets!"

"Who are you? Do you have the right to talk to me?" Tyler gave him a cold


"Hmph! Listen up!" Dylan straightened his chest and held his head up high

. "My name is Dylan


I'm currently a high–

ranking commander of the Dark Panther Cavalry. I've fought over a dozen

wars and slain hundreds of men!"

"A mere commander is challenging me? Where did you get your courage? You'

re not even a deputy general. Tyler spoke indifferently.

"Even though I'm only a commander, Scarlet Spanner is my general! I don't

believe you'd dare challenge the Goddess of War!" Dylan responded arroga


"Scarlet Spanner? Tyler frowned slightly, finally betraying a hint of emo

tion. As Dragonmarsh's first Goddess of War, Scarlet had not only achieve

d incredible feats, she came from an influential background and possessed

unparalleled martial skills. He indeed considered himself inferior to he

r. However, that was only for now. He was confident of surpassing her wit

hin ten years.

"What? Are you afraid?" Dylan was pleased. "Are your legs weak just by he

aring her name? Let me tell you. Don't think you can look down on people

just because of your little achievements. Just so you know, the world is

a big place, and there are many people better than you out there!" As soo

n as he said that, the Harmons clapped in agreement.

"Nicely said!"

"So what if he's General Lionheart? He still needs to bow down to the God

dess of War!"

"Ha! You must feel ashamed now after acting so outrageously, huh?"

Seeing Tyler being humiliated, the Harmons were filled with renewed spiri

ts, coming out of their


"He's indeed my son. He managed to put Tyler in his place with a few word

s." Standing

in the front rows, Jacob had a proud look on his face. As his son stood i

n the limelight, he also basked in the


"That's right. Without Dylan here today, nobody would have been able to g

o up against Tyler."

Trent flashed a wide smile.

A few other older Harmon family members were also filled with awe. "With

a son like him, the

Harmons would be elevated to a higher standing!"

For a moment, Dylan became the center of attention, incomparable to anyon

e else. Everyone present thought highly of him.

"Hey! What are you still standing there for? Take your men and leave imme

diately! Don't disrupt the party!" Dylan stepped forward and gestured wit

h his chin, a

look of arrogance on his face. A talented genius? General Lionheart? In t

he end, he still ended up stepping all over Tyler.

Chapter 566

Suddenly, Tyler dissolved

into laughter. "Do you think you can scare me by using Scarlet's name?"

"What? Aren't you going to show deference to the Goddess of War?" Dylan r

ebuked sharply.

"Scarlet Spanner is different from you. You're nothing but her dog! What

makes you think you can show off here?" Tyler sneered.

"Y–you, you dare humiliate me?" Dylan's expression darkened.

"So what if I do? Get lost before I slice your head off!" Tyler exclaimed


Dylan erupted in fury. "You're seeking death!" He stepped lightly, launch

ing a powerful punch as he shot forward. He knew Tyler was a formidable o

pponent and had exerted all his strength into the punch. He planned on st

riking first and ending the fight with a single blow.

"Dylan, no!" Hector's expression shifted as he tried to stop him, but it

was too late.

"What a

fool." In the face of Dylan's attack, Tyler only looked at him in contemp

t. With a simple

point of the finger, he struck Dylan's chest.

A muffled explosion was heard as Dylan flew a good 30 feet

back before crashing on the floor. It

was as if he was hit by a truck. For a moment, he turned pale and spat ou

t blood.