
Chapter one.

The northern most city was not home to many people because of the extremely harsh weather throughout the year. It laid on the coast of the planetary pole. A frozen waste land all year. The worst weather however, is during the winter solstice. Darkness dominates the city for 24 hours. The lack of light casts an eerie presence.

Rumor has it that once the darkness finally settles it brings an unknown danger. The occupants of the city are trained from a very young age to be skilled combatants. The darkness plays with their minds and their senses are affected by fear and the winter breeze. The strongest soldiers defend the city's perimeter.

The soldiers called it the blight. No one knows what it really was. Some called it a disease, others thought it was a creature in the night. But everyone agreed that very few survived the kiss of the blight. The few that survived rarely could explain what it was, or they were too terrified of it, to tell the truth.

The only people that were silly enough to even inhabit this area were the fire mages. The blight creatures of night hated light and fire. The city used it's circular perimeter as a wall of fire to keep the creatures at bay. So, the city became a ghost town at night. During the winter that meant almost all day.

Asha personally didn't care if she lived or died. If she lived, she served the fire queen one more day. If she died, well the fire queen would have one less cockroach to worry about. She was drawn to the city square at night time for that is always where she finds him in her dreams.

She sits as she has every night till about midnight, at the base of the great fountain. She feels drawn to it. The town's center attraction pulls on her, it reminds her of the one from her dreams.

Sitting on the side of the fountain every night she remembers back to him. On her 16th birthday she began having dreams of a boy. Every night it was as if she almost was transported to another plane. Only the boy, her and a fountain like this one existed in this dream plane. For two years she would look forward to bedtime. She could tell this boy anything. She had no idea of his age or origin, but by the end of the 23rd month she knew she loved him.

The pang of sorrow follows her daily as her subconscious mind replays the day, he tells her that he couldn't come any more. He said that his duty was to be King of his people and she was a distraction. Every day in remembrance of him, she touches her lips and remembers the kiss he left there. A soft moan passes her lips as she recalls the light kisses down her neck.

What she has never understood was the mark he left on her neck; Asha was angry because he had bitten her. At first the scar carried a blue hue to it. Three years later she had woken in the middle of the night with intense pain. With a mirror she had watched in aw as the scare changed from blue to violet. This always confused her because she didn't know what it meant.

The fountain was built a year after he last came to her. Every night since then she has been coming to its side to remember him. For the last seven years, she has missed this boy and could not figure out the fact that she couldn't let go.

She was lost in thought as she always is when a swirling purple void appeared above the water fountain. She stepped back and stared in awe. It phased in and out of existence until it stabilized. A man emerged from the abyss. He fell into the water with a splash. Asha rushed over and managed to drag the muscular man out of the water.

She was not strong enough to move him far. She ran to the hospital wing where she works. Asha was quick, she grabbed a wheeled bed and rushed back out to the man. When she examined him, she found that he was bleeding and missing large chunks of flesh. She managed to get him on the bed and strap him down.

Instead of taking him back to the hospital as she knows would have been the wiser choice. She took him to a building she had created in the woods.

Just before she got to the small enclosure she had built as a makeshift medic room; she heard a noise shuffling in the woods. She paused and listened; the whole forest seemed to still not a sound was heard. She did not have time to stop and think about it.

The dying man in front of her was her only focus. She grabbed gauze, needles and a blood transfusion. She was hoping her dream was right and she grabbed the right blood type. She took out the needle to sew up his wounds. She was so worried about saving him. She could not think of anything else but simply that she wanted his wounds healed.

She went to start sewing up his wounds when she shrieked in surprise as his wounds began to knit back together all on their own. She watched in awe. Her attention was so focused on his rebuilding flesh that she didn't see his eyes open.


He laid there watching her in confusion, he could sense this girl did not have a beast side, but her aurora was something he had only ever encountered once before. He was clearly not in his own world now. His magic combined with the blast that attacked him must have super powered his teleportation into a wormhole.

He gasped in surprise when she pulled her hair back, revealing his mark. She wasn't a little girl anymore. She had grown up immensely. He could tell she did not recognize him. Elijsha had barely recognized her. When he had marked her many years before, he didn't know what he was doing. His draconic urges had taken over.

His planet runs a different solar course and he ages considerably faster then she does. It has been 35 years since he had seen her last. He remembers an old man had given him a ring. Every so often this ring would glow, and draw him into another dimension. He couldn't deny the pull of the ring as long as he was wearing it.

Over time he had grown very fond of her, too much so in fact. She would pull him away in the most inopportune times. The last time was during one of his father's war meetings. Elijsha had received a severe lashing for disappearing. He took the ring off and stored it in his royal safe..

She plagued his mind often, it was a struggle everyday after he had bitten her neck to stay away. He had a Kingdom to learn to run, and would not be distracted by a human girl.

His father grew angry with him, he had tried to arrange marriages for his son, but the dragon within Elijsha refused. No one understood why the binding ceremonies were continuously being denied.


She looked away from the knitting flesh, to stare deep into his violet eyes. She sharply inhaled when she finally was able to look upon his face. His hair, as black as midnight starkly contrasted his purple eyes. He was roughly six-foot-tall. His eyes were striking. They reminded her of the boy from her dreams. Blushing hard, she realized he is naked. His glory, open for all to see. She looks over his whole body in surprise and shrilly says "I need to find you a blanket."

He smirks, "You don't like what you see healer? I am in debt to you. You saved my life and I will give you whatever you desire." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. She turns away with a blush. She clears her throat. "I am not a healer. Your wounds healed themselves." He cocks his head to the side and looks at her in confusion, and decides to leave it, as she hands him a blanket to cover himself with.

"How did you end up here? We must get you out of here, do you know any magic?" She asks in a ramble and doesn't even wait for an answer before continuing. "They don't really like outsiders, and I am sure they will not like you."

He laughs "Slow down there healer. I am a dragon Prince, and I have no idea what I did, or why in the blazes I am even here. My name is Elijsha. I was in a battle with my mother. I was losing ... poorly. that fucking staff of hers. It needs to be destroyed. I lost consciousness and woke up here."

He sits up adjusting the blanket. Just then her cell phone started ringing. He jumped out of bed and took a defensive stance. "What in the hell is that? She giggled, "Stop it you silly boy." She takes in his naked form once more, "It is just a cell phone. Damn I have got to find you some shorts" she remarks while shaking her head.

He relaxed his form slightly, "Cell phone? What the Hell? We do not have those from where I come from."

The phone was still ringing, she picked it up. She holds the phone a foot away from her ear. "Your LATE why are you LATE again. You know she does not like to be kept waiting. You have ten min to get back here. She wants to know why you broke curfew again!

Asha sighs, "I have no desire to come in today. In fact, I am NOT coming today." "What?! The voice on the other end screams at her. She will fire you if you don't come." The voice threatened.

"I don't care anymore. Let her do her worst. Asha counters. An evil laughter comes across the phone. "I will let her know." The line goes dead.

He takes the phone from her, and turns it around in his hand, "curious device." He says deep in thought, and still very naked. She laughed, "Do you not have technology where you're from, you know lights, electricity etc?" She walks to a drawer and pulls out some shorts. Here put these on.

"I really need to figure out a way to get back," he says as he puts on the shorts.. "I need to help my Mother." absentmindedly he fiddles with the ring on his finger.

"What about you, what's your story?" he inquires of her. Asha just laughed. "I am but a mere human." She huffed in annoyance. "You do not like being human?" he asks. She snorts, "Not really everyone around me has magic. They laugh at me and ridicule me because I have none.. All because my mother became interested in a no-magic man. She let him have her way with her. And I was in an accident."

"No genetic mapping or planning, she let me happen. Her curiosity got the better of her." She snorts again. "I hate her for having me as such a monstrosity." She looks at him bitterly, "They won't even try to teach me anything of value because I am was born without an elemental power. I wish I could just run away and hide, but for some silly reason they won't let me leave either." She huffs.

Asha explains further, "They force me to work at the hospital. I am sick of it, I have decided I am leaving this town. Or I will die trying. The only problem is the blight at dusk. But if you traveled with me, I am sure we could find somewhere better to live." she states only half talking to him.

He looks at her a bit confused at what this little human was making him feel. "You want me to travel with you?"

"Yes," was the quick reply. However, she soon became lost in her own rambling. He watched her in curiosity.

He turns his attention to the room they are in. It is small and cramped, it looks to be designed just for this purpose, to heal someone. There was enough room for a bed and someone to walk on either side. He begins to watch her as she frantically moves about the room. He feels drawn to her. His fangs ache to sink into his old scar on her neck.

A tingly sensation overtook him, it started in his fingers and began to course through his whole body. He did not understand what was going on or why he felt this way.

She came close to him mumbling away. "Excuse me." she says, and she reached across him her whole body over his lap as she reached hard for something on the other side of him. Her skin sliding across his. Her soft body emanating heat across him. It almost made him come undone.

"Asha," a deep husky command came "Stop. I am losing control." Still practically in his lap, she noticed his breathing had changed. She froze. "What do you mean?" she asked.

He chuckles, have you never had a man interested in you? He asks. "No..I have not." She says shyly.

"You are very beautiful," he tells her. She shies away. Her heart flipping and her pulse becomes erratic. Suddenly she just wants this man to do things to her, things she has never experienced before. She wished he felt the same, that he wanted to make her his.

Her eyes met his and there was a hunger she has never seen in anyone. He reached down and touched her chin, then slides his hand down to her waist. He pulled her up and straddled her legs around his waist. Goddess he could feel himself twitch at her closeness.

She started to breath erratically. "What... What are you doing?" she stammers.

He touched her chin once more, electrical energy danced all over his skin. Driving him forward, he was not sure why but goddess he wanted to mate with this human. More than he has wanted anything in his life. His lips crashed onto hers. Mmm, he moaned into her mouth his hands trailing down to her waist.

He slides his tongue across her lips asking to be let in. She denies him. In one fluid movement his hands slid do her thighs to the edge of her skirt. He flipped it backwards and lifted her just a hair to remove the blanket. She was so lost in his kiss she didn't pay any attention to what he was doing both hands on her hips that were already rocking back and forth. He positions his dick at her entrance.

He pulls her hips down hard which forces his dick to ram inside of her. He feels his dick rip through her hymen. She tries to pull back in shock. He took this opportunity to dive his tongue into her mouth and held her in place. His hard dick twitches inside her as he assaults her mouth with his. He was about to fuck her hard when the door opens, and a Don walks in. He was the Queens head advisor.

"What in the name of the fire queen is going on here?" He shouts. She pulls away breathless trying to make her words work. She tries to get off of him, he growls a guttural warning. She freezes, his eyes, the violet color swirls with magic. His hands locked on her hips, he won't let her get off, at least not till he gets off.

He chants a spell that pushes the man out and puts a protection around him and the building. His eyes meet hers once more.

The violet and black swirls in his eyes, he slowly let's out. "I have to have you as my mate. I won't let you go until I cum inside of you. I want you to bear my offspring." He says low and seductively. Elijsha does not understand his choice, but he can't ignore that his dick was buried deep within this female's body.

He pulled her back, removing his dick. She whimpered. He looked down. To see his dick was hard and dripping with her essence. His carnal instincts took over he pulled her down, driving his dick deep inside her. He kissed her neck, his hands still on her hips. He was encouraging her to rock back and forth harder and faster. He moaned as she coated his dick with her sweet fluids.

Goddess she felt so fucking good. He could feel his canines extend, he was about to cum. But he didn't want to take her this way. So, he pulled her off his lap. He had her bend over the bed and positioned himself to take her from behind. He could already feel it, he pushed hard and his dick penetrated her once more. He could feel the pressure building. Oh goddess she felt so fucking good.

He kissed and sucked on her neck until he felt her clench and released more fluid for his dick to bathe in, she came so hard. She was panting. He watched her as she used his dick to take her higher than ever before. He watched as her long red hair flowed down past her shoulders.

With her release, he was so close, he pushed into her hard as she screamed his name "Oh my God, Elijsha!" . He was turned on by her calling out his dragon. He was plunging in and out with the pleasure compounding, until he bit into her neck and her blood swirled across his tongue. Causing him to release his seed within in her. Goddess she felt so fucking good. Nothing has ever compared to this, his body now gave off magic that he didn't know he had. Elijsha is overcome by his release.

"Come out willingly Asha, or I will reign hells fire down on you." A voice powers through his protection field. Elijsha didn't have time to respond, his protection instinct emerged, enraged that his mate was being threatened. He pulls her off of him as his draconic nature surges forward and begins to shift, he turns to her, grabs her and pulls her into his chest.

"Stay" came the rough command ''They will not take what is mine from me, he roared. She watched in fearful awe as the gorgeous man shifted into a lavender dragon. His neck elongated and his body grew until his shift destroyed the building they were in. She hid under his belly. It radiated heat.

Shrieks of fear erupted all around as everyone had to back up as he didn't stop growing. He reached a grand length if one thousand feet. He opens his mouth and a purple black swirl starts to form at his mouth he releases his shadow ball into the sky as it explodes chaotically, everyone in the ground cowers in fear. The dragon stands tall. His little human is still under him, where he likes her to be.

"What in hell's fire are you the queen asks. The beast chuckles. He mind links his little human, should I kill them all. "no" came the quick response. She steps out from under the dragon. And says "My queen I renounce my loyalty to you."

Outraged the queen says "You can not do that I will not let you leave. I will kill you first." Without thinking the dragon snapped his head around and bit the queen in half. The bottom of her torso and legs fell with a thud. Everyone else ran in fear. They did not know what this creature was before them. The great beast took his prize and and leapt into the sky.

He flew far from there. He knew his mate would need to eat and rest soon. Elijsha had a thought came to him, she is not used to the wind, high altitude or the cold. He is overcome with fear lands immediately. He unfurls her from his claw and sure enough she was shivering.

While he was flying, he had seen a city not far from where he landed. He takes flight once more taking her back to just outside the city. He lands and shifts back to his human form. This time he willed his dragon scales to stay so he did not appear as if he was naked.

He picked her up off the ground and walked into the city. Upon entering the busy city marketplace, he watched in awe as humans rushed around to sell their wares. He watched their exchanges with caution. He suddenly did not feel this was such a good idea. Walking into a new town covered in dragon scales carrying an unconscious woman.

He looked down at her and got lost in thought. Elijsha tried to figure out why selected her. However, he could sense that she was special. Elijsha's beast is an ancient consciousness, with evil tendencies.

It wasn't always like this, his mother changed him when she found that blasted Golden Reaper. The staff poisoned his mind. It fractured the connection with his beast. It made him more carnal in nature than his family.

"Excuse me sir but I think your friend needs an inn, and to be warmed up." Pulled from his thoughts he looks to her unconscious in his arms. He sighs "I have no form of payment." The innkeeper smiles "It's ok, this one's for her."

Elijsha followed the man into his inn. He led the two travelers to a room. "She will be safe here." The old man assured him. Elijsha laid his new mate on the bed. He kissed her forehead. Softly he said "I have no idea what it is about you, but I am willing to see where this leads too." A shiver racked his body as he thinks about his earlier activities with this young human. She had managed to take him to a higher plane than any of his females back home. Make him feel magic stir inside of him that he didn't know he had.

Once he saw that she was warm and safe, he turned his attention to the innkeeper. It was now that he could sense this old man was not what he seemed to be. The old man looks at him and says "Come Chaos King. We need to talk."

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