

[Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 30

Agility: 2000

Vitality: 200

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen]


The Griffin crumbled and Oz fainted at the same moment.

"Serves you right you damn beast." Oz barely said.

Suddenly, Oz heard a prompt before he fainted.

<You've Defeated a Griffin for the first time, you will be rewarded [Count] card [special]>

<Your Goblin [Duke] card had leveled up!>

<272 ---> 280>



Oz wakes up. He observed his surroundings and he could see the same place where he woke up after the fight with the darkness lion.

(I fainted at this world because of blood loss for twice already, huh? To think someone like me would experience these things, life does unexpected. The prompt I heard before I fainted, does it meant that the goblin form leveled up?)

Oz imagines his hand holding the goblin duke card and the goblin card got summoned to his hands.

[Goblin duke card [Special] [Develops]

level: 280

Strength: 380.000

Agility: 80.000

Vitality: 2.800.000

Mana: 1.000.000

Spiritual: 300.000

Skills: -strengthen -club dash -Leap -superhuman strength -ruler's aura -evil gaze

Description: The card comprises the power of a Goblin duke, the host could use its maximum power by fully equipping it and transforms into a Goblin duke, but the host could also half equip it and got to use 20% of its original status.




(It levels up!)

Oz is shocked by the fact that it could level the goblin duke card up. It meant that he could get stronger by leveling his goblin duke card too!

(Oh yeah, I need to recover my Qi cultivation, too.)

There is 10 realm of Qi cultivation

1. Body Reinforcement Realm

2. Spirit Reinforcement Realm

3. Core Condensation Realm

4. Core Spirit Realm

5. Core Transformation Realm

6. Void Spirit Realm

7. Spirit King Realm

8. Saint King Realm

9. God King Realm

10. Earth Monarch Realm

And every stage has 3 cultivation stage. Currently, Oz is in the realm of Body Reinforcement Realm, the first realm of Qi cultivation. Back then, Oz had already reached the Saint King Realm and being the top 10 martial cultivators of the world. But his cultivation level goes back to zero due his meridians got severely injured.

Oz straightens his back and cultivates his Qi. He could feel the pulse from his meridians by concentrating for 2-3 minutes. His meridians emit some hot energies and he could feel the power of the body reinforcement realm that in the verge of entering the realm of spirit reinforcement.

5 minutes. 10 minutes. 20 minutes.

His Qi starts to enter the spirit reinforcement realm and he could feel that his Qi had increased for 10 folds. When he about to continue his cultivation feeling that he could remember the feeling of breaking through the first 3 realms.

The door creaked open, heralding the arrival of a cheerful Geeta into the room.

"Rise and shine, Ren! You awake yet?" she chimed, her infectious enthusiasm filling the air.

"Yep, I'm up," Oz replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Feeling any better today?" Geeta inquired with genuine concern etched on her features.

"Well, at least better than yesterday," Oz replied kindly, his gratitude evident in his tone.

"Actually, it's been three whole days since you've been out cold," Geeta clarified, her words prompting a startled gasp from Oz.

"Three days!? That's a record for me," Oz exclaimed, his disbelief palpable.

"Yeah, you lost a lot of blood this time, so it's not surprising," Geeta explained matter-of-factly.

(No wonder my stomach's growling louder than a hungry grizzly bear)

"Let's not waste any more time chatting. I bet you're famished," Geeta teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Oz grinned in agreement, his spirits lifted by her infectious energy. With a tender smile, Geeta led Oz to the dining room, where a warm scene awaited them.

Upon entering, Oz spotted Aegir seated with a female goblin who bore a striking resemblance to Geeta, save for her vibrant pink hair.

"Hey there, Ren! Grab a seat! You must be starving," Aegir greeted warmly, his jovial demeanor infectious.

The female goblin beside Aegir smiled gently at Oz as he settled across from Aegir. Her gaze flickered briefly to Geeta, a flicker of surprise passing over her features before she offered a warm smile brimming with meaning.

Surveying the spread before him, Oz's stomach rumbled in anticipation. The sight of a hearty steak, assorted vegetables, and crisp, refreshing water sent his senses into overdrive. Though the fare appeared simple, Oz found himself salivating at the mere thought of sinking his teeth into the feast before him.

"Don't just drool over it, dig in! Your eyes won't satisfy your hunger," the woman beside Aegir teased, her playful admonishment met with laughter from Aegir.

"Absolutely right! Dive in, Oz. You're practically family now. Without you, we wouldn't be sitting here together," Aegir encouraged warmly.

"Oh, right! I haven't properly introduced you two. This is my wife, Gina," Aegir introduced proudly.

"Nice to meet you," Oz greeted with a polite smile, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him at Gina's words.

"The pleasure's mine. Thanks for saving my sister and my husband," Gina expressed sincerely.

"It was nothing. They're the real heroes here. I'm just grateful for their help," Oz replied humbly, his respect for his newfound companions evident in his words.

Aegir chuckled, his eyes twinkling with admiration. "Don't sell yourself short, Ren. Your kindness and bravery speak volumes. Now, enough talk. Let's tuck into this feast before it gets cold!" he declared, signaling an end to the conversation as they eagerly began to savor the delicious meal laid before them.

Oz gingerly picked up a piece of meat and popped it into his mouth. While the taste was admittedly plain, the quality was top-notch! The meat was tender and juicy, bursting with a rich, unique flavor that danced on his taste buds. Whoever had cooked this masterpiece had truly worked culinary magic. Oz couldn't help but marvel at how a dash of seasoning could transform this meat into a culinary masterpiece, a dish that would have people lining up for miles just for a taste.

"What kind of meat is this?" Oz inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"It's Ectra Python meat. Pretty tasty, huh? All thanks to my amazing wife, Gina, here," Aegir boasted proudly, his chest puffing out with pride.

"Wow, Gina, you're a culinary wizard!" Oz praised, genuinely impressed.

Aegir beamed with satisfaction at Oz's compliment, and Gina couldn't help but share in the joy. They devoured their meal with gusto, every bite savored with relish as they watched Oz eat with gusto.

"Whew, thanks for the feast," Oz sighed contentedly, patting his satisfied stomach.

"You're quite the foodie, Ren," Geeta remarked, surprised by Oz's voracious appetite.

After the meal, conversation flowed freely as they exchanged stories and shared anecdotes of their past adventures. Aegir regaled them with tales of his daring exploits, while Gina shared snippets of her life before meeting Aegir. Geeta, in turn, recounted her journey to becoming a magic knight.

"Oh, right, I promised to teach you how to use mana, didn't I, Ren?" Geeta suddenly remembered.

"Yep, you did," Oz confirmed eagerly.

"Alright, then. Let's head out to the backyard and get started," Gina suggested, giving Geeta a nod of approval.

Stepping into the backyard, Oz was greeted by a variety of plants, ranging from medicinal herbs to sturdy timber trees.

"First things first, you need to tune into the mana around you. Focus on stabilizing your breath," Geeta instructed.

Oz followed her guidance, honing in on his breath and centering himself.

"Now, once you've stabilized your breath, try to sense the energy within your body," Geeta continued.

Oz concentrated, scanning his body for any foreign energy. With a focused effort, he discovered a reservoir of mana lying dormant within him, outside the usual channels of his meridians.

(No wonder I couldn't sense it before)

With a surge of determination, Oz attempted to draw out the mana from his body.

Suddenly, a torrent of mana erupted from Oz's being, much to Geeta's astonishment. She had never witnessed such a display of raw mana manipulation, not even from her own brother-in-law.

"You're a natural, Ren!" Geeta exclaimed, her admiration evident in her voice.

But Oz was lost in the exhilarating sensation of mana coursing through his veins, oblivious to Geeta's praise. He focused on channeling the mana, shaping it into a tangible form.


A shroud of black mana enveloped his fists as he opened his eyes.


"Wow! I thought I was just praising you for sensing your mana, but you've already mastered control in less than a day! That's incredible!" Geeta marveled, amazed by Oz's rapid progress.

Oz merely smiled in response, humbled by her praise.

"I still have a lot to learn. I can't even cast spells yet, but you're already a natural," Oz remarked, eager to delve deeper into the world of magic.

"Ah, spellcasting is a whole different ballgame. You'll need to read up on it. I can't explain it all in one go," Geeta explained.

"In that case, can I borrow some books?" Oz inquired eagerly.

"Of course! I'll go fetch them from my brother. Wait here," Geeta replied with a smile.

As Geeta disappeared into the house, Oz took the opportunity to practice manipulating his mana once more.


His fists were once again engulfed in a swirling vortex of black mana. With a newfound sense of determination, Oz sought to combine his mana with his Qi, focusing on melding the two energies together.


The mana took on a liquid-like form, swirling around his hands in a mesmerizing dance. Oz could feel the immense power coursing through this new energy, a potent blend of mana and Qi.

Just as he was about to test his newfound abilities, Geeta returned, bearing a stack of thick, arcane tomes.

"Here you go, Ren! These books will teach you everything you need to know about magic. Just be prepared to do a lot of reading!" Geeta exclaimed cheerfully, laying the books at Oz's feet.

Oz's eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of the books. He couldn't wait to delve into their contents and unlock the secrets of true magic.

(Finally! I'll learn real magic!) he thought, his heart brimming with anticipation.

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