

[Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 30

Agility: 2000

Vitality: 200

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen]


Every book that Geeta had brought is pillar thick. 'I need 4 whole days to read all of this thoroughly' Thought Oz.

There are 7 books that Geeta brought and lend to Oz:

-Magic and how to use it

-Vengeance of the north mirage

-Dragon fire

-Grimoire of death

-Thirsting book


-Guardian's Manuscript

All the books here look mystical and rare. Oz is interested in the Grimoire of death, but he needs to understand the book about magic and how to use it that seems to be the basics first. So, he read that book first. From evening until the morning, he spent his time reading and understanding the book.

In the middle of the night, without him knowing, Oz is reading at a pace way faster than he ever did. He unknowingly finished reading and understanding the pillar thick book at only 8 hours. After he ate dinner with Aegir and fam, he immediately went back to his room and continued to read the book. Aegir and fam only smile seeing the enthusiastic Oz, they just continue their normal daily routine.

(This book is outstanding! to think that the books in this world are written with the same alphabet with English! And to think that the formulas of the magic in this world is easy to understand! It's unbelievable! It's only about using and controlling your mana and understanding the magic formulas! so simple!)

When he about to celebrate his success and he wanted to test it-


[The host had achieved the required intelligence to learn magic]

[The host will be rewarded 'Basic Magics [Special]' Card]

[The card contained the complete power of the basic magic due to the complete understanding of magic by the host]


A handful of blue particles shone in front of Oz's eyes. Slowly descend to Oz's hands.

[Basic of Magic Card [Special]

Description: A card containing the power of the basics of magic; the power of basic fire magic, basic water magic, basic nature magic, basic wind magic, basic light magic, and basic dark magic.



(I got the card!)

(Does it meant that if I understand all the books then I will get all of those powers!?)

"Quite the cheat there," Oz smirked.

Oz stepped out into the expansive backyard, a prime spot for honing his skills. Equipping a basic magic card, he focused his mana and attempted to conjure the spell 'Fire Ball.'


A magnificent fireball erupted from Oz's palms, soaring skyward with an impressive display of pyrotechnics.

"Hot dang! I did it!" Oz whooped with delight, exhilarated by his newfound magical prowess. From childhood dreams to reality, he finally wielded the power of true magic.

"Congratulations," a voice chimed in unexpectedly.


Startled, Oz spun around to find Aegir standing there, sword in hand.

"What a coincidence, stumbling upon you here. So, trying out some magic, huh?" Aegir remarked.

"Yeah, I've always been fascinated by magic," Oz replied, scratching his head sheepishly.

"Heh, I was the same when I first laid eyes on those magic tomes. Hey, how about joining me for some training? You handled Geeta's sword pretty well," Aegir suggested.

"Oh, it's nothing, just a couple of tricks I picked up. I wouldn't last five rounds with you, Aegir," Oz humbly deflected.

"Quit with the modesty, Ren. We're brothers facing danger together, remember? So, spill the secrets," Aegir urged, adopting a more casual tone.

"Alright then, if that's what you want. But where's the sword I'm supposed to-"


Without warning, a sword hurtled towards Oz, who deftly dodged and caught it mid-air.

It was the same sword he wielded against the griffin. Geeta's sword.

"Use that, you seem to have a knack for it," Aegir instructed.

"Yeah, I actual-"

Before Oz could finish, Aegir charged at him, swinging his sword with all his might.

(He means business!)

With practiced skill, Oz parried Aegir's strike and redirected his momentum, exploiting his brute force to unbalance him. Aegir stumbled, impressed by Oz's expertise.

"As expected, you're quite the expert," Aegir acknowledged.

"Nobody in the tribe can block that strike, let alone use my own force against me like that. You're something else, Ren. This tribe will be lucky to have you," he added.

"Um," Oz mused, torn between conflicting thoughts.

(I completely forgot. I haven't figured out what to do about them yet.)

(Since arriving here, the tribe has shown me nothing but kindness, and unwittingly, I've grown attached. But I've also been deceiving them about my origins as a goblin.)

(I'd like to stay longer, but I also have a world to explore.)

"If you're still undecided about staying or leaving, take your time to think it over," Aegir advised, flashing a kind smile.

Oz returned the smile.

"Thanks, Aegir, but I think I've made up my mind. I'll venture out and explore the world, but I'll come back to the tribe someday. I just need to prepare myself first before I set out. So wipe that sad look off your face, Aegir," Oz declared with a smirk.


"You mean-"

"Yeah, I'll return to the tribe eventually, but not just yet. I'm going to embark on a little journey of self-discovery first. So no need to give me those puppy-dog eyes," Oz teased.

Aegir snorted. "Who said anything about being sad? Quit daydreaming,"

They shared a laugh and resumed their sparring until the sun bathed the forest in its golden glow. Finally, they called it quits and settled into wooden chairs in the backyard.

"Ren, there's something I need to discuss with you," Aegir began, his expression grave.

{Author's Note: Just to clarify, there's no boys love in this story, so keep your imagination in check!}

Oz nodded, indicating his readiness to listen.

"We've been having trouble with some Orcs causing a ruckus lately. Would you lend a hand in dealing with them?" Aegir asked, concern etched on his face.

Oz sighed. "Why even ask? Just point me in the right direction, and I'll handle it. After all, you're the one who saved me," he replied coolly.

Aegir chuckled. "Then you'll be training me in swordsmanship every morning until you leave for your journey," he declared shamelessly.

Oz smirked. "As long as you provide the snacks,"

Aegir laughed. "You're quite the character,"

With each passing day, Oz found himself growing more attached to the tribe. His knowledge of construction and weaponry proved invaluable, and he was welcomed as a cherished guest by the tribe leader and his kin. Together, they worked harmoniously to improve the tribe's defenses and livelihood.

(Darn it, these folks are too darn lovable. It's like I'm getting stuck here if I'm not careful.)

Weeks turned into months, and Oz became an integral part of the tribe. Every goblin he encountered greeted him with smiles and warmth.

Oz shared his expertise on farming techniques, weaponry, and defensive strategies, while absorbing the tribe's collective wisdom. He engaged in spirited discussions with the mages and exchanged sparring sessions with Aegir and his family, forging bonds of camaraderie and mutual respect.

Life at the tribe flourished, with Oz as their guiding star, bringing prosperity and joy to all.

But one fateful night, as Oz delved into the final tome in his collection, 'Grimoire of Death,' a sudden commotion shattered the tranquility.

*Swords clashing*

*War cries*

*The tribal alarm ringing*



Infusing his mana with Qi to boost his speed, Oz dashed towards the source of the disturbance. Upon arrival, he found four towering figures lying amidst a pool of blood, their bodies riddled with sword wounds. One figure remained alive, captured by the guards.

Thankfully, there were no casualties among the guards, their training from Oz having paid off. Oz breathed a sigh of relief.

"What in the world happened?" Oz demanded, turning to the other guards for answers.

"It's an Orc, sir," one guard replied.


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