
The King of Titan's Guard

The Prince is on a journey to learn about his people. His loyal guard has decided to join him.

Cal_Writes · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Some Basic World Info

I plan to use D&D as a slight base for character races and building. Their stories are my own, should they resemble any real person or another persons character, it is not intentional.

There is no set world that this story takes place in. It is however set in a Kingdom of my creation. The Kingdom of Titan, this is a world I have created for a D&D campaign. Some of the events that happen in this story are set into the campaign. the only character that appear in the campaign (at the moment) are the ruling family and Star Bach, this does include Tessalon.

The Crown of Titan was cursed thousands of years ago, because of a broken promise between the first king, and an unknown unremembered deity. The King was supposed to give the deity his firstborn, after the deity helped him win the war. After the war had ended, and the kings son turned three, the deity appeared in front of him again, to request what had been promised. The King had grown attached to the young prince, and did not want to give him to the deity. The deity gave him one more chance, to give them the child or else they would curse the crown. The King refused again, and the deity laughed. They snapped their fingers, then disappeared.

The Queen who was with child again had gone to check on her son shortly after the snap, only to find him struggling to breathe. They called the physician, but the prince passed before they could arrive. The queen, now in shock, went into an early labor. She bore another son for the King, but lost her life in the process. The Kings heart shattered, he hired people to care for his son, as he focused on keeping his kingdom afloat. The Queen and Prince's funerals were held on the same day, just three days after the new princes birth, and their deaths.

Rumors spread across the kingdom about what the King had done.

The King kept having a dream about 5 items, his sword, which was crafted by a master darven blade smith, his diary, that he had kept during the war, where he recorded dreams and accomplishments, the crown itself, his relic for the deity, which he had used to pray, and a hour glass. The ones he knows where they are he scatters them across the kingdom, aside from the crown, hoping that keeping them apart would break the curse.

It didn't help, as when he passed the crown to his son, and his first grandchild was born the poor child didn't make it to three months old. The kings second born, quickly thinks that the child he birthed was flawed due to himself, so he refrains from having anymore children, and passes the crown to the child of his friend, who had passed away at an early age, after officially adopting them. The Crown has passed from father to son, even across other families, but yet the firstborn always dies.