
The king of the zombies fell in love with me

The end of the world is coming, and the zombies are surrounding the city Charlotte Devlin found a handsome boy, but she didn't expect that the little boy was actually the king of the zombies? Charlotte doesn't know what secrets are hidden, nor how he will affect the fate of the world. However, Charlotte knows one thing, that is, she cannot leave the man who has grown into a war god beside her. Even if the world has become so cruel and merciless, the strongest king of the zombies in the world will be beside her, braving all obstacles for her.

Dreamtracker · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Buttered Bun

Charlotte scanned the room, her mind racing. With one more person in the house, the amount of space needed for activities would increase. Although the mute might only need a place to sit on his bottom and look out the window, Charlotte herself would feel crowded.

The little mute will grow up, won't he?

But no matter how much she took inventory, there were still too many things that she couldn't throw away or dispose of. She sighed and realized that what she needed was a larger house.

Moonyang is the fourth largest city in China, which is quite crowded and has high housing prices. Charlotte is saving money and will never spend a lot of money to buy a new house.

"I have to make you suffer, little mute." Charlotte sat down and said, "I'm too poor to buy a bigger house.

She looked at Malone and said, "Autistic children don't need much space anyway. Wait until you're not autistic."

She let go of the pillow and pulled it off the bed again: "And this pillow, it's all mine from now on."

In this way, Charlotte officially began her life of adopting a mute child.

The little mute is a bit boring, but he is still very well-behaved. He doesn't snore when sleeping, and his daily habits and hygiene habits are very good. He is also very quiet, and no matter what he does, he won't disturb Charlotte.

Charlotte recalled that when she first met the mute, he was so dirty that his gender was not even visible. His hair was so messy that it could be used as a bird's nest. She sternly warned him to be hygienic and clean, but she was overreacting. The mute loved taking a bath very much. He spent more time in the bathtub than Charlotte did in the past two nights. He even fell asleep in the bathtub last night.

Although the feeling of living together with someone new didn't make her feel too repelled, she didn't feel much inconvenience despite having one more person in her life.

The point is that the little mute is handsome, and sometimes seeing the little mute makes me really happy. She thought that she couldn't take the little mute out casually in the future, for fear of being coveted. The world is too chaotic, and too good-looking boys can also be in danger.

However, Charlotte also has her own troubles. First of all, the little mute is a bit picky. He doesn't eat egg whites, beans, or canned meat that has been frozen for a long time. He only eats A15. Sometimes Charlotte wishes she could scream at him. Despite her anger and annoyance, Charlotte still has to accommodate him and bring him some sweet cakes he likes to eat from time to time.

It's like treating your own child.

Charlotte became a mother at the age of 19, which is a major milestone in her life.

Charlotte has been running around fixing her car these days, but her old car has been beaten into a sieve, and the transmission has been smashed. Along the fuel pipe, it was found that the oil burner was also broken. There are problems everywhere. The car repairman told her not to fix it, and the money she spent on repairing it is enough for her to buy a new one. It's better to sell it as scrap metal and get some money.

This car was left to her by her father, who drove it for more than ten years. Even if it can't be repaired, she won't sell it as scrap metal.

However, she needs a new car. No matter what she does, whether she robs or smuggles, she needs a car. Without a car, she can't move a step.

She thought about it for two days and finally decided to buy a new car. After all, cars are a source of income, and this cannot be saved.

She went to several car dealerships to look at cars, and finally picked out a few that she liked and that were also within her price range. She decided to take Little Mute to have a look as well.

The mute boy will live with her in the future, so he should choose a car that he can also look at.

Early that morning, Charlotte took the mute child out and specially put a baseball cap on him. The mute child didn't resist, but when she tried to put a pair of sunglasses on him, the mute child refused and said he wouldn't wear them.

"You know to pay attention to your appearance at such a young age. All right, don't wear it if you don't want to."

She took Malone out and they had to walk on two legs because the old car was scrapped.

In the 136th year of the Dark Era, there were already signs of recovery. The government had renovated many buildings, and the crowded streets were littered with garbage. People were bustling, with vendors, street sleepers, and people hiding in dark corners selling unknown smuggled contraband. Although it was chaotic, it was full of vitality.

Wherever there are people, there is anger. Although such anger inevitably mixes with violence, bloodshed, and greed, everyone believes that this will be the starting point for civilization to start again, and this is the darkness before dawn.

Charlotte had long been used to such sights, but she noticed that Malone seemed mesmerized by the hustle and bustle of the street. His little head was never still, as he looked here and there, his wide eyes filled with curiosity, as if he had never seen these things before.

Charlotte was curious about what he was looking at, and when she followed his gaze, she saw that it was nothing more than ordinary stalls and shops, which could attract his attention with a little colorful decoration, and he didn't know how to hide his gaze, like a little fool.

She pushed down the brim of Malone's hat and pointed to a bakery he had been staring at. "Want to eat?"

Malone's eyes were fixed on the bread and butter in the window, and he slowly shook his head.

"If you don't want to eat, that's fine. I happen to be out of money, and this is expensive." Charlotte nodded with satisfaction and pulled him up to go.

But Malone just shook his head, and now the soles of his shoes seemed to be stuck and not moving.

Hey, you're shaking your head. I know you don't want to eat. Let's go.

Malone stood still, staring at the bread with concentration and sincerity.

Charlotte put her hands on her chest and said, "Do you really want to eat it?"

Malone didn't speak, just stared blankly.

"Hey, you little mute," Charlotte sighed and pulled him inside. "Just say what you want to eat. Don't shake your head and look awkward. I don't know who you learned it from.

She bought two buttered buns, one for the mute child and one for herself.

The artificial cream made of water, starch, and vegetable oil may be a bit greasy in taste, but it is also a treat for people who eat canned food and protein bars for a long time. Charlotte took a bite and the cream melted in her mouth, with a rich aroma and delicious taste.

As she was about to take a second bite, she noticed a gaze staring at her.

She turned her head and found that Malone had eaten his bread in one bite and was staring at the one in her hand with a hungry gaze.