

"Son, take care of our home. Now you're the dungeon master. Don't disappoint me." said the father before he exhaled his last breath. The grim reaper didn't spare a second as he sucked out the father's soul, leaving behind a young child alone in this harsh world. The child watched before his own eyes how his father died. He cried non-stop and kept on calling his father as he wished for his father to come back from death. The child held tightly his father's cold fingers in his small hands as he wailed loudly.



The child's wails in the middle of the night woke up his neighbours to come check on him however the neighbours were shocked to see the lifeless body of their dungeon master. One of them shouted for the Healer Master to come and rescue their lord.

"Quick! Call the Healer Master. Dungeon Master is dying!!!"

In less than one minute, the well known Healer Master in their tribe rushed to their lord's side but he stopped in his tracks midway and said in a melancholy tone, "It's too late... The lord's soul has gone up." The Healer Master then looked up at the sky and stared at the dark clouds with watery eyes as if he could see their lord's soul bid final goodbye to all of them.

"Oh our dear lord! May your soul rest in peace."

"May your soul rest in peace."

One by one, the tribesmen offered their sincere pray for their lord's soul. The Healer Master walked up to the stage at the centre of their dungeon and hit the gong with the mallet to announce the death of their lord to the rest of the dungeon residents. In a blink of eye, everyone gathered around the stage and together mourned for their lord. The lord's lead body was then taken to the stage and was put on top of pile of wood logs before they burned the logs. They watched in silent how the body slowly turned into ashes. Then the Healer Master gathered the ashes and put them into an empty urn after the cremation.

Afterwards, an emergency meeting was held. While some still mourned for the lord's death, others were busy talking to each other of who could be the possible successor of the Dungeon Master position. They must choose wisely on whom to be voted as so that they could use their flattery skill to on the right person. However someone among the crowd spoke loudly as to attract everyone's attention to his words, "I heard the late lord has passed the position to his young son."

This immediately caused an uproar among the tribesmen.

"How can this kid lead our tribe? He can't even defeat the dwarf!"

"Yes, that's true!"

"If we let him lead us, he will get all of us be killed by the enemies."

"True! True!"

"Sssssshhhhh... Stop talking. The Sage Master is coming! Let's hear Sage Master's words first."

The moment the Sage Master stepped onto the stage, everyone quieted down and paid close attention to the Sage Master who was an old man with long white beard on his chin. He then stroke his beard a few times before start talking.

"It's a devastating news to lose such a great leader. Hui's father is a true warrior at heart. He sacrificed all of his time and energy to protect all of us. May his soul rest in peace. Next, I heard clearly of all of your concerns about who might be the next Dungeon Master and I want to confirm that the late lord indeed has passed the position to Hui, his one and only son. However, since Hui is still young and he has yet to have his coming of age ceremony, the Dungeon Master position will be opened to the rest of tribesmen to participate in the selection. Thereby the selection for the next dungeon master will begin in thirty days from now on. Who wish to enter the selection must be at the training ground before the thirty-first sunrise. We won't entertain anyone who's late for the first selection phase. All the best everyone!" The Sage Master officially announced the upcoming selection which everyone was waiting for. All of the residents were satisfied with the decision made by the Sage Master. Indeed Sage Master was a wise man.

The crowd then dispersed to their home respectively and some were even too enthusiastic as they had started their practice for the selection tests on that same night. The Sage Master then walked to their late lord's house to check on the young child of the late lord. That child was asleep. He fainted due to the shock he had just now. The mother died while giving birth to him and now the father left him without anyone to depend on. He was an orphan as of tonight. It was the time to send this child to his uncle who was banned from stepping into this dungeon land.

The Healer Master took a square paper out of his silk robe and put it next to the child. He then whispered to the child's ear, "Child. You're the future Dungeon Master however you're too young to hold that position. Go outside and look for your master. He will teach you until you're qualified for that title. Come back when you're ready. I'll be here to look after the throne your father left behind."

"Do you think he will make it?" spoke another voice out of nowhere. The owner of that voice was invisible to the eyes however his presence could be felt in that house.

"He has the special star as his birthmark. Definitely, he's the rightful owner of that throne. Don't worry, he for sure able to groom himself into such a powerful fighter." replied the Sage Master. He wasn't surprised by that mystery voice as if he had known that mystery voice's presence much earlier.

"Then I'll tell the others to keep an eye on him." said the mystery voice.

The Sage Master just nod his head and gazed at the child with eyes full of parental love. Afterwards, he took his leave and let the child slept soundly as for tonight. Tomorrow would be a long day for this child. For the first time, he would be travelling alone at such young age to find his uncle. Only his uncle could save him from this predicament.

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