
The Killer's Wife

Layla was kidnapped after getting heavily drunk when her father died . She realises that her kidnapper is no other than the country's most wanted Serial killer and Persian prince Eldar. Eldar couldn't resist those blue orbs , so once he got her vulnerable , he kidnapped her and is ready to kill anyone or anything that dtands in his way of getting her to love him back. Even if he has to force her to love him back !

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter Eight

Layla has been traumatised over Anika's death.

I didn't want her to be. Anika asked for her own death , when she insulted Layla.

But when she tried to hit Layla, it made all hell break loose.

Her girls too, have been sent away to some far away countries.

My father , the King of Persia , has asked for my presence.

I don't know why, I cut ties with him , when he declared that I was a nuisance to him and the Kingdom. I never spoke to him again . So why does he want to talk now ?

I didn't want to go and leave my Layla. She's too vulnerable and I don't want her to know that I'm royalty if not , she'll feel inferior to me.


My phone was ringing and it was my dad.

What does this man want ?

I  picked up the call

"What do you want father?! " I spat at him.

"Is that how to talk to ypur King and father ?" He asked.

"You're not my King. I cut ties with you long ago . Remember?" I growled at him.

"No matter what, you're still the crown prince and the rightful heir to my throne.

Anyways, I didn't call you to argue with you. I called you to invite you to an upcoming royal dinner , between our Kingdom and the Turkish kingdom. The Turkish King's daughter will be there.  And I heard that she's very pretty"

My father said.

Does he expect me to leave Layla for who ever that Turkish princess is? Hell No!

"Sorry dad, but I'm not interested " I spat at him.

"Haha , it's not about what you are interested in or not , it's about what I'm commanding you to do !" He growled at me.

I knew that I couldn't refuse at this point, because, he would come down to this country and take me by force.

I finally gave in.

"When is the dinner?" I asked rudely.

"Tomorrow night " he answered.

What?! Tomorrow?! It's too early ! What am I going to tell Layla?!.

"Hmm.... I will be there " I said and hunged up , without letting him answer.

He was my father but I hated him so much.

He was an abusive man.  He abused my mother and I all the time.

The poor woman , she had to endure all that abuse. She couldn't leave.

I felt so bad for her. I missed her too.

I had to give Layla an excuse for leaving. She must not know about my identity.

I trust that the Boys won't tell her , but the maids , I'm not so sure.

I arrived at Layla's room's door.

I decided to surprise her by knocking on the door.


"Come in " I heard her voice from inside.

When I entered in the room , she looked surprised. Her eyes were red but she looked surprised.

I knew she had still been crying.  I know she doesn't trust me but at least I could make a good impression to her.

"How are you Layla ?" I asked her.

She still looked surprised.

"Umm.... I'm fine. Can I help you?" She asked nervously.

"Umm... well I need to talk to you " I said.

She looked at me quietly. It almost seemed impossible to tell her.

Her eyes had fear , worry , hurt ,heartbreak and submission in it.

"I-I have some important work to do back at Persia. I'll be gone for about 3 days , so I need you to know" I told her.

She just looked at me for a while and said.

"Okay , goodluck "

Wait? that's all ? She's not going to ask anything more ?

"Aren't you going to ask me anything else? Aren't you concerned about where I'm going and what I'm going to do ?" I asked her.

She looked at me and sighed.

"You're old enough to take care of yourself , so I don't really have to ask all this " she told me.

So she doesn't care about me ?

"It's alright, I'll be leaving this evening. Goodbye" I snapped at her.

I don't know why but I was mad at her for not caring about my well being.

"Goodbye Mr. Eldar" she purred seductively.

She was teasing me after making me get mad at her. It kinda cute.

She smiled and winked at me , when I was leaving the room.

This girl was trying to comfort me, by teasing me.

Had she finally returned my love?

I walked back to her and sat beside her. She looked Nervous. She couldn't look into my eyes.

"Are you alright Layla ?" I asked her.

She looked me in the eyes with teary eyes.

Holy Shit! I made her sad again !

"What's wrong baby girl?"

She begun crying.  What happened to her?

"I-I m-miss Muneera" she said between sobs.

That's why she's crying? I had to make her stop.

I kissed her deeply and pinned her on the bed.

I sucked her neck and she moaned.

Surprisingly, she didn't seem to resist. She was submissive.

But I didn't want to go too far.

"I'll let you meet Muneera. I promise " I assured her.

She looked at me and nodded.

I pecked her on the cheek and got off her.

"But you have to go to her with the guys, so that they make sure that you're safe". I added.

She nodded once again and I pecked her hand once again before I left the room.

Now I had to get ready to leave for Persia. I hated to leave Layla alone.

But that bastard of a man , whom I call father and King, won't let me stay.

I have a feeling that something was going to happen and I didn't like it.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

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I love you all 💝