
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime und Comics
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142 Chs

Arrival in Konoha

After a sumptuous dinner and good night's rest, the trio of Shiki, Tsunade and Shizune returned to the lake bringing food with them so as not to need to return to town for their meals.

They quickly tested Shiki's skill with shuriken as well as the rope escape jutsu which were good for his age but not that impressive but since Tsunade suspected they would show the same improvement as taijutsu due to the boy's otherworldly comprehension she decided to include them along with the other general shinobi skills in his new training menu while still focusing most of their time into taijutsu.

"From now on, for our over water spars will begin focusing chakra on specific body parts both be it for attack, defence or movement. Now get ready!" And so the two began sparring as Shizune watched from the side.

'If the situation follows the same premise this kind of training will not only make him a powerful taijutsu user but also greatly improve his chakra control . . ." Tsunade thought as she continued to exchange blows with Shiki.'

After a while they had their lunch and while he mindlessly chewed on his food, Shiki began trying to evaluate his current abilities.

'My skill level is at the very least top genin class, my physical abilities are not quite there yet due to my age although I'm still above others in my age group for sure due to my Uzumaki heritage on that note, my chakra reserves have probably reached chunin level already.'

The day went by as Shiki cycled through the general shinobi skills at Tsunade's command anong which his Unsealing and Enclosure jutsus unsurprisingly reached utter perfection well, unsurprisingly for Shiki that is, the two kunoichi were rather impressed.

However since the redhead had already grown completely used to doing everything on top of water including the high speed water skating technique they decided to continue with their journey. Tsunade had also somewhat overcome her reluctance to returning so they were making good progress. She also informed Shiki they would delve into more advanced subjects after reaching the village as they would have access to the Senju jutsu library then.

Since they kept up Shiki's training the journey took longer than the original week or so that was expected but due to that the boy's abilities showed remarkable improvement. His chakra reserves and physical ability of course remained pretty much the same but his taijutsu and chakra control were already high chunin due to being the major focus of the training, while the other skills reached a solid peak genin level.

As the iconic gate of Konoha came into view, Shiki felt a rising excitement after all, he was smack in the middle of one of his favorite animes. The gate guards recognised Tsunade so they didn't even make an attempt to stop the trio but Tsunade was sure her sensei the Third Hokage would be immediately notified so instead of going to meet him she went to the Senju clan compound first instead.

As they all settled in their new house for the years to come Tsunade asked Shiki a question while Shizune set out to make the house livable again.

"I should probably go to meet with the old man. What do you want to do Shiki? Maybe check the vill . . ."

"Can I check out the Jutsu library!?" The boy immediately interrupted with a beaming smile and uncontrollable excitement.

"Fine, I should have known!" The Tsunade told him how to find it and taught him the method of unlocking it as if she had done something insignificant instead of granting him full access to one of the best jutsu collections in the world.

'Woah! I didn't think she would just grant me full access! She must have grown to like me over the last couple of days! I'm quite likeable after all!' Though Shiki narcissistically.

"Thanks Tsuna-nee!"

And with those words of gratitude, the redhead ran off and after finding the entrance in a hidden place out of the main house, he repeated the sequence of seal taught to him by Tsunade to open it.

Entering he found a blindingly bright collection of countless scrolls, well actually, it was kind of dark so he had to go back to the main house to get something to light the chandeliers inside.

Shiki quickly realised there were no extra security measures on any of the scroll even those containing forbidden jutsu, so his thanks turned into worry as he thought about Tsunade's poor judgement in letting a child have unrestricted access to a great deal of dangerous jutsu. But those concerns quickly evaporated when he spotted a particular scroll.

And so, while the redhead ran to the scroll of the jutsu he anticipated learning the most since arriving on this world, Tsunade and Shizune approached the iconic building where the Hokage's office is located.

Soon they were face to face with the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen in his office.

"Tsunade, you finally decided to return! What a great turn of events, you've been very missed!"

"It's truly been a long time old man!" Tsunade answered the greeting, making Hiruzen's face twitch slightly at the form of appellation.

"So what brings you to the village?" He asked-

"What? Haven't I been missed? Why do you care about the reason for my return?" Tsunade provokingly said.

"Tsunade-sama!" Scolded Shizune, followed by an apology to Hiruzen. "My apologies, Hokage-sama!"

Tsunade merely humphed and started sulking making Shizune a bit irritated so Shizune herself said the reason for their return.

"We actually found a great seedling during our travels so we decided to bring him to Konoha so he can further develop here."

"Hoh? A seedling good enough to convince Tsunade to return, how promising! How old is he?" Hiruzen asked.

"He's four years old but his talent is not the only reason we decided to bring him here, although he truly is talented." Shizune further explained.

"The what other reason is there?" The Hokage continued to ask.

This time the no longer sulking Tsunade responded.

"Because he is an Uzumaki."

The Hokage was visibly surprised after all it is quite rare to find a descendant of the Uzumaki in this day and age but quickly settled down.

After talking for a couple more hours about various things it was finally decided the Hokage would accompany the two kunoichi to see this child by the name of Shiki.

However as they arrived at the Senju compound they were stupefied by what they saw. A multitude of Shikis running around doing different things in response to the scenery Tsunade quickly shouted.

"SHIKI!?" All the Shikis in the range of her voiced turned towards her and answered with a devious smile.

"Why are shouting Tsuna-nee?"

A few minutes later, all the shadow clones had been released with the Hokage, Tsunade and Shiki having all sat in the living room while Shizune prepared some snacks.

"So what was that Shiki" Tsunade asked.

The boy carelessly responded.

"I was just trying out the jutsu I learned in the library while you went to talk with the old man." He said while casually pointing to the Hokage.

The man himself didn't even register being called old man as he considered that a four year old boy learned the Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu in a few hours.

After the four all had some snacks and tea the Hokage left and Tsunade dismissed Shiki saying they would talk about what they would do for his training from now on, tomorrow.

And so Shiki went to his room and started considering his next move.

Now that I have the Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu I can also start to train in some of the things from the legacy I'm really looking forward to the Soul Melding Seal though.

Soul Melding Seal: Meld a refined soul into the soul of the user, over time the user will gain all of the innate talents possessed by the soul, talents acquired after birth are not acquired by the user and gifts gained must still be developed through harduos training otherwise they will not reach the magnitude of the original, the seal can only meld seven souls to the user's and once a soul is introduced it is permanent.

'First I must isolate the desired characteristics of the soul with the Soul Reading Jutsu then, I must refine it separating the parts correspondent to those characteristics finally, I must strengthen the refined soul by either infusing it with pure soul energy that can be refined from any soul or by refining it with souls that have similar characteristics. After that it is ready to be added to the Soul Melding Seal, even though it is not that much an instant power up all I need is to train hard, then all those integrated talents will shine.'

'Hmm, I already have a few ideas but first I need to master the method to actually obtain souls so I have about 4 years until the Uchiha Massacre I must master the Soul Gathering Seal and Soul Sealing Pot by then.