
21. Chapter 21

Dolores walked towards the spot Mirabel was supposed to be, pushing her worry back with chuckles. Mirabel was fine..she had to be. Dolores will find her under her tree, give her a 'scolding' and the two would laugh about it before Mirabel jumped into her next venture of mischief.

Walking closer she saw it..the blood. "Mirabel?" she whispered stepping forward her foot hovering mid air. "Huh?" she bent down to pick up the pair of glasses "Mirabel?" she looked around "MIRABEL! WHERE ARE YOU?" moving forward her heart nearly stopping when she saw what laid in front of her "Mirabel?"

Mirabel laid there bloodied...eyes shut..and she wasn't moving.

A scream filled the air as Dolores threw herself next to the the younger girl "She's dead...she's dead...she's dead.." she told herself over and over hoping she would prove herself wrong.

She stared at Mirabel's chest pleading in her mind to see it rise and fall..it didn't. "No...no..don't leave me Mirabel please...you..promised me...promised them..." desperate to find a sign of life Dolores pressed her ear against Mirabel's chest to listen for a heartbeat-silence. "NO NO!" she placed two fingers on her neck trying to find the pulse what was not there. The reality hit Dolores and she let out a wail of grief.

Mirabel was dead.

Dolores woke up with a scream. Sitting up panting she wiped the tears forming in her eyes "It was...just a bad dream."

"Dolores? You okay?" Mirabel was laying on her side facing her direction "You were crying out 'no no no' in your sleep."

"Just a...nightmare...just come here." when Mirabel sat up Dolores scooted over and pulled Mirabel into a hug "You're okay...you're okay...you're okay..."

"Yeah...but are you okay? What's wrong? What was the nightmare about? What's with the hugging?"

Dolores sighed "You...you were dead..I didn't get there in time and you...you were dead. I lost you...you..." Dolores couldn't hold back the tears "You were gone."

"Hey...it wasn't real. I'm alive and I'm here. You haven't lost me."

"But I could of." Dolores pulled a piece of straw out of Mirabel's hair "Do you want to talk about what happened yesterday while it's just you and me?" she looked around the stall and grabbed Mirabel's glasses placing them on her face "I'm not going to be mad at you."

Mirabel sighed "Well...I was just sitting under my favourite tree when Isabela came up to me. I was just talking about how Abuela is controlling her and she just started screaming about how she hates me...then she said she wished I was dead and if I was dead everyone would be happier."

Anger filled Dolores's eyes "She said WHAT?! How could see say something like that? To her own sister even? Oh she's lucky I wasn't there or I would of had some words to say. Words Mami would clean my mouth out with soap for."

Mirabel chuckled softly for a moment before her face fell again "When she said that I just snapped. I just kept hitting her until she knocked me off. She pinned me down and starting hitting me. My glasses got knocked off so I couldn't see anything."

Dolores nodded for Mirabel to keep going a frown forming on her face.

"I told her she won and to get off me. I felt something wrap around my throat and I felt like I couldn't breathe as I began to choke but just when I felt like I was going to pass out...or die she stopped, got off me and ran off."

"Do you remember anything after that?"

Mirabel shook her head "Next thing I remember is waking up here. That's what happened Dolores, I swear I'm telling the truth."

"I believe you, Mira."

"What if it happens again? What if I just lose control again? What if I hurt you next time?"

"Oh Mira...you can't help it. It's not your fault. I know you would never want to hurt me, I can help you with this if you will let me. You're not alone anymore you don't have to struggle on your own."

"Am I a monster?"

Dolores's heart broke at the look on Mirabel's face "No...no. You're hurting. Just stay with me okay? If anyone messes with you they'll have me to answer to." she pulled her back into a hug "It's me and you against the world now."

The barn door swung open Dolores having forgotten to lock it last night and Alma stormed in "Right let's get this over with I have other business to attend to today."

Dolores scowled as she stood up pulling Mirabel with her "Or you can just get Isabela to tell the truth and leave us alone." she placed a protective arm around Mirabel neither of them had a chance to clean up so Mirabel still had patches of dried blood on her on top of the dirt. Dolores looking a bit more presentable but not by much.

"No. I want Mirabel to tell me what happened, I want to hear her version of events." Alma's eyes scanned the two up and down "Look at the pair of you, absolutely filthy. You look like you're homeless. "

"We are homeless, idiot." Mirabel scoffed.

"You show me respect ."

"I only show respect to those who deserve it." Mirabel growled back.

"Enough." Julieta rose a hand "Mirabel, please come out here mi amor. We just want to talk about yesterday. I have brought food for you."

"Of course, Mamá." Mirabel exited the stall Dolores remaining at her side "Let's get this over with indeed so the witch over there will leave me alone." she leaned against a beam Dolores releasing her hold but standing at Mirabel's side like a guard. "Tell me again what Isabela told you but I'm telling you she's lying."

Pepa stepped forward "Isabela came home bleeding and injured. She claims you attacked her unprovoked."

"Oh she didn't say what she said to me before that? Hmm...do go on."

"She claims you tried to kill her and she had to fight you off that's how you got injured. That she was in fear of her life."

"She does realise she could of just taken the glasses off my face and I wouldn't of been able to see anything to do anything right?" Mirabel tapped her glasses with a finger "She didn't need to beat me...or strangle me. I was in fear of MY life."

Pepa shrugged "That's the story she gave us. Said Dolores saw the whole thing and encouraged you."

"Dolores wasn't there. And if she was she would of stopped me."

"That's what I said yesterday. Isabela is dragging me into something I had no involvement in." Dolores rolled her eyes "She's lying." she placed a hand on Mirabel's shoulder "Tell them what you told me Mira."

Mirabel nodded "Well I was just minding my own business when Señorita Perfecta strode up to me. I was just trying to have a friendly conversation but she had to start screaming that she hated me bla bla bla." Mirabel paused to adjust her glasses "Oh and she said right to my face that she wishes I was dead and everyone would be happier with me dead."

"What?!" Julieta cried out as thunder boomed over Pepa's head "Why would she say that?"

"Because she never thinks before she opens her mouth obviously. So yeah that obviously pissed me off and I snapped. I punched that pretty little perfect face of hers. I wasn't going to stand there and take that crap."

"So Isabela got hurt because you can't control your temper?" Alma questioned with a huff "You could of just walked away."

"Excuse me?" Dolores turned to glare at her "Did you not hear what Isabela said to her? Who says something like that to someone? Especially to someone who is already struggling like Mirabel is. We all know she is nuts-"

"HEY!" Mirabel exclaimed though not really offended.

"Sorry but its the truth Mira live with it." Dolores squeezed her shoulder "But it's not your fault." she turned back to Alma "It's yours, but that's not what we are taking about today. Are you seriously defending Isabela saying such a disgusting thing? She's a grown woman telling her someone who is really still a child everyone would be happier with her dead. What if those words were what pushed Mira over the edge? What if those were the words that made Mirabel decide to take her own life?"

Alma looked stunned "I..."

Julieta and Pepa both looked horrified at the suggestion but they couldn't deny it was a real possibility.

Dolores wasn't done "Did you know when she was eleven she tried purposely starving herself to death? She wanted to DIE! At ELEVEN! Because of YOU! And now you're standing here excusing Isabela wishing Mirabel was dead."

"Mira? Is that true?" Julieta looked heartbroken her heart shattering further when Mirabel nodded "Why?"

Mirabel shrugged "What did I have to live for? None of my family wanted anything to do with me. The town treated me...still treats me like some cursed demon."

"Oh mi mariposa.."

"Can we move on? Or are we done so she can get out of here?" she pointed a thumb at Alma.

"Oh right sorry Mira." Dolores could tell her words has caused Mirabel distress and brought back some painful memories though she tried to hide it she could see the tears forming in her eyes "You alright hermanita?" she whispered.

Mirabel nodded "Let's just get this over with." she took a deep breath "Isabela knocked me off her and pinned me down. My glasses got knocked off so I couldn't see shit and she just kept beating me. I felt something wrap around my throat, guess she her stupid vines and tried to strangle me. Guess she decided to let me live another day and stopped before killed me, got off me and I heard her run off. Next thing I remember I was waking up here. Don't know how long I was laying there bleeding before Dolores found me. But that's what really happened."

"Well there you have it, Isabela is a liar. She could of killed Mira with her stupid gift." Dolores put an arm back around Mirabel "You got what you wanted so leave before you upset her again." she made a show of comforting the younger girl "It's okay hermanita I won't let Isabela hurt you again. I just don't get why Isabela lied."

"Dolores..really? You expect Señorita Perfecta to admit she screwed up? Give me a break. First she beats me bloody, then she tries to strangle me then just leaves me laying there. Not even I'm that evil to do that to my own sister." Mirabel tutted "But I guess she more like Abuela than I thought...heartless."

Alma growled when she heard Mirabel's comment "Heartless? Me? You should be grateful I showed you mercy!"

"Mercy? You call this MERCY?! Am I supposed to thank you for simply letting me live? For letting me suffer in agonising pain because my face was BURNING all alone? You have a sick idea of mercy if that's the case. No matter what I do I'll always be wrong won't I? If I do something you call me a demon who just wants to ruin the family, if I stay to myself you get suspicious and say I'm up to something." Mirabel took a step forward.

"You say I'm turning everyone against you...and I must say..I'm very pleased with myself for that. Keep doing what you're doing..and I must thank you for sending me Dolores. It has proved very..beneficial. And you wanna know what's fun?" Mirabel looked over her shoulder snd gave Dolores an amused smirk "I have more influence on this family than you think so let that thought keep you up at night." she chuckled "Oh and one more thing look down for a moment."

Alma looked down in confusion "What on earth are you talking about-" was cut off by her own pain as a fist connected with her nose and a crunch was heard letting out a startled gasp as she put her hand to her nose pulling it back to see blood.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that.." Mirabel inspected her knuckles chuckling as Dolores pulled her back hiding a smirk "And I must say..felt good..real good..."

"Mirabel...that's enough please. No more you'll get yourself work up again." Julieta raised a hand pleading with her daughter.


"Be happy it wasn't your neck.." Mirabel muttered quietly so only Dolores could hear.

"Here." Julieta passed an arepa to Alma from the food she brought with her "Eat this."

"Calm down Mira...please for me hermanita." Dolores rubbed Mirabel's back.

"She's not your sister!" Alma snapped "Stop calling her that."

"Really? You just got told your perfect princess nearly killed someone, you learned Mirabel wanted to die because of you and all you're concerned about is wherever I call Mirabel my sister or not? I don't give a crap what you think. Mirabel is my baby sister." Dolores fixed a glare on Alma "Family is not about blood, it's about love. Actually loving your family is clearly a concept you never heard of so I don't expect you to understand. You deserved that punch in the face."

"How dare you talk to me like that!" Alma pointed a finger at Dolores "I love my family!"

"Love your family so much you make Mirabel and me live out here? Love your family so much you kept Mira locked up for five damn years over a candle? No you don't love us don't say you do."

"I'm doing everything I can to protect my family."

"Protect your family? Is the supposed to be a joke?" Mirabel took a step forward "You're so damn selfish it makes me sick." another step closer "You never paused a moment to think about how I felt. For years my mind has been cracking. Do you know what it's like to feel your own sanity slipping away?"

Dolores could see where this was going and it was not going to end well "Mirabel? Mirabel come over here please she's not worth it."

But Mirabel wasn't listening as anger filled her eyes "Well? ANSWER ME! "

Alma took a step back "You have issues, you should work on those."

"That didn't answer my question, Alma." Mirabel's voice with venomous "Answer the question. NOW!" the girl was trembling now.

"Mirabel...mi mariposa come here." Julieta reached out a hand "Please calm down. Come here to Mamá."

Mirabel continued to stare Alma down "Answer me!" she got right into Alma's face

"Get away from me!" Alma shoved Mirabel back causing the girl to lose her balance and crash to the floor.

"HEY! I thought I told you to never touch her!" Dolores immediately jumped to Mirabel's defence helping her stand back up "Get out!"

"I didn't mean for her to fall, I was just trying to get her out of my face. Calm down I swear you're both crazy as each other. Besides she punched me."

"You know Abuelo Pedro would be really disappointed in you...to see what you did to his family. He died so you can use your children and grandchildren as slaves. Sad." Mirabel growled

"Don't you bring my Pedro into this!"

"I bet he is looking down at you in disgust. He died for what exactly? For two of his granddaughters to be living in a donkey barn?" Mirabel scoffed "Is this really the life he wanted for us? Then again maybe you always been this way so he let the soldiers kill him just to get away from you. Though if you ask me..should of been you. I bet Abuelo wouldn't treat us like this."


Mirabel laughed "You'll what? Go on. Hit me." at those words Dolores moved closer towards Alma "Cause Dolores here tends to take that very personally."

Pepa thundered "Just go Mamá. Leave the girls alone you got what you wanted."

Alma nodded "Right." she was about to walk off when she pointed a thumb at Mirabel "Get help for that one. She's psycho. Lock her up."

Something in Mirabel snapped once more as she lunged forward dodging Dolores's attempt to grab her and wrapped her hands around Alma's throat "I HATE YOU! SUFFER LIKE YOU HAVE MADE ME SUFFER-" two sets of hands pulled her off and kept her restrained "Let me kill her! She deserves it!"

Julieta and Pepa glanced at each other from either side of Mirabel and both tightened their grip making sure Mirabel restrained.

Dolores ignored Alma as she stood in front of Mirabel cupping her face with her hands "Shh, she's not worth it. Calm down. I know you're upset but calm down. I know what happened with Isabela was hard but it's going to be okay." she took her hands off Mirabel's face "Let her go, trust me."

Mirabel felt the hold on her be removed and immediately Dolores pulled her into a hug "I'm sorry...it..it happened again. I am a monster."

"No, no you're not." Dolores reassured her.

"She is!" Alma stared at Mirabel in horror "She tried to kill me! She punched me for no reason! She is a monster!"

Mirabel pulled away from Dolores and with a scream ran out of the barn.

"MIRABEL! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? COME BACK!" Dolores called out before turning to face Alma with as much hate she could muster "Now look what you have done! Can't you just keep your mouth shut? Stay the fuck away from her, I mean it." she turned around and stormed out the barn to go track Mirabel down.

Alma stood speechless Dolores had never swore at her before her eyes turned to her daughters who were both looking at her in fury "What?"

Pepa growled "How about we all step outside so I don't flood this barn?"

Alma didn't get a choice as both daughters each grabbed an arm and dragged her out "What is the meaning of this?"

"Really, Mamá? You're really asking that?" Julieta folded her arms "Why must you always upset Mirabel? She suffers enough without you adding to it."

"She tried to strangle me in there. And my nose..."

"She knows she did wrong I am not excusing her actions but why couldn't you just keep your mouth shut? Dolores was handling it just fine. She was calming down."

Alma sighed "I am...sorry. But one day that girl is going to end up in a jail cell if something isn't done. She's unstable."

Pepa face palmed "You think we don't know that? You really think calling her a monster is helping? You have to be gentle with things like this. She's just a child. I'm not excusing her actions either but I would be crazy too if I was her. I think anyone would lose their mind in the same circumstances."

Julieta threw her hands in the air "You know what? Just forget it. I'm going to go make sure my daughter is okay. " she spun around and stormed off.

"Julieta! Wait! I'll come with you!" Pepa called after her with one last glare at Alma "Stay away from them, just stay away."

Alma watched her daughters retreat, she could still feel Mirabel's hands tightening around her throat. Still see the look in her eyes almost as she was looking into the eyes of the devil himself.

She didn't care what excuses she was given she felt something evil inside of that girl. There was a darkness in her that grew each day.

She sent Mirabel away to protect the family...the miracle but that hasn't stopped her. She was still whispering in the family's ear and turning them against her. Everything was fine until Mirabel came back into the picture. Now she had Dolores who had turned rebel, Lusia was working less, Julieta was being more picky on what injuries she would heal and Pepa had stopped performing her duties to the farmers all together.

All because of Mirabel. Why didn't they see what she was? She has proven two days in a row how quickly she would turn on someone. Of course Isabela crossed a line saying that to her and Alma planned to talk to her about that, but the fact Mirabel's go could go from calm to violence so quickly was worrying.

With a sigh she began walking forward, she had duties to attend to in town and this interaction had taken longer than she intended.

She didn't trust Mirabel at all nor Dolores now and she admits she was afraid of them. She understood Julieta and Pepa still cared for them as their daughters she really did but they had to see they were dangerous.

Tonight she would sit down and talk to her daughters, each day Mirabel got more and more influence over them.

No she was stopping Mirabel's game in its tracks.


Dolores found Mirabel fairly quickly and lead her to the outskirts of the Encanto hidden away. She now sat with an arm around Mirabel and stared towards the down a scowl on her face. She heard the disgusting comments directed towards them as she lead Mirabel past. Sure Mirabel was covered in blood but did they stop to think that maybe Mirabel was injured? No of course not.

"They all hate me..."

Dolores turned to face Mirabel "They don't matter. They are just kissing up to our pathetic excuse of a grandmother so they can use the family's gifts."

"You know...I think a little bit of revenge will go a long way. Don't you think?"

"What do you mean?"

Mirabel frowned "This town has been torturing me both physically and mentally for five years. I can't take it anymore Dolores...I can't take it. No no I'm going to make them know how it feels. I'll stand back and laugh as they beg for my mercy. But they won't be getting it. No mercy...no compassion. They never showed it to me."

Dolores glanced over to the distance outline of the town "You want revenge on the town now?"

"I do." Mirabel growled.

"And you just thought of that just now?"

"No, I been thinking of it for a while...I just feel that they should pay. For what they did to me, what they did to you...how they use our family." a small smile spread across Mirabel's face "Besides, they need someone to play the role of the villain in their lives? I'll be their villain. You don't have to join me if you don't want to but I'm doing this."

Dolores shook her head "I'm sticking by your side if you feel that this is really necessary..."

"It is you can't talk me out of it so don't try."

"Then I will help you, for you if anything. Just so you know if I feel you're starting to go to far I'm stopping you. Just don't do something without talking through it with me first, okay?" Dolores rubbed her shoulder "And no more going out alone. I'm serious about that. You could of died yesterday, Mira."

"I know..."

"Do you want to talk about what happened earlier? What was that about? You just suddenly went loca."

Mirabel shifted uncomfortably "I just...lost control again. I can feel my mind cracking...I'm scared Dolores. What if I hurt you? I know I'm losing my mind and there's nothing I can do to stop it."

"Oh, hermanita..." Dolores sighed "It's not your fault...maybe if I stepped in years ago I could of prevented it from getting this bad. I heard everything but didn't do anything. I feel guilty."

"It wasn't you. It was Alma and this damn town." Mirabel curled up her fist "But...that's why I'm going to make them pay isn't it?" a grin spread across her face "They can laugh all they want but you and I will be having the last laugh."

Dolores frowned in concern for a moment "Of course...of course... " she was torn. Was she feeling a bit vengeful? Sure this town turned their backs on her over night. And put her poor prima...no hermanita now through a living hell. But she was worried this will backfire horribly and Mirabel will end up seriously hurt or killed. But she supposed that's what she was here for, to protect her. It was her duty to remain the sane reasonable one. And if she did feel like Mirabel was getting too out of line well she could literally pick her up and carry her out of the situation to calm down.

"Yes yes...because of what they have done...I won't stop at the candle and Casita. I'm taking down this Encanto as well..."

"Mira...what exactly are you planning?"

Mirabel just smiled and chuckled "You'll see...you'll see..."

Dolores rose an eyebrow "Right..." she looked into the distance "So...what now...do you want to go back now?"

Mirabel shook her head "No...can we just sit out here for a while?"

"Of course."

"Do you wish you still had your gift sometimes?"

"Err...well it would be nice to have in certain situations like yesterday..I would of heard you were in trouble. But overall I'm glad it's gone...even if I do feel like I'm deaf compared to before...I'm free. I used to hear everything...now." Dolores shrugged "I tried to like being who I was but now it's clear that me was fake." a small smile appeared on her face "Now I can be me, not who Abuela wants me to be. You should of seen her face when I swore at her today after you ran off."

"What did you say to her?"

Dolores chuckled "Told her to stay the fuck away from you. She didn't like that much, but I was serious she can stay far away from you. She is always upsetting you."

"I'm used to it." Mirabel sighed "She's been making my life miserable since I didn't get a gift."

"Well she can stay away from you."

"Do you think I went to far?"

"You shouldn't of punched her as much as she was asking for it nor should of you of tried strangling her. Doing that will get you into some serious trouble, Mira. They'll put you down as unhinged and lock you up. Then you'll be behind bars and with your reputation they won't be letting you out anytime soon."

Mirabel sighed "I know I know."

Dolores pulled her closer "Just try not to be so...violent, okay?"

"I'm not normally."

"Are you sure you want to go after the town?"

"Yes...this town has gotten away with it long enough. After going through hell for five years it's time I collect my debts. Karma is knocking. I was just a child...there's no forgiving that." Mirabel growled "And how quickly they turned on you all on the word of Alma Madrigal. They rejected, disrespected and neglected us! And in doing so...only created what they were trying so hard to stop."

"You don't have to do this."

"But I do . They had their turn..now it's my turn. They want to fear me?" Mirabel chuckled "I'll give them a reason to." she glanced at Dolores "I'll make Alma watch as piece by piece her paradise crumbles."

Dolores glanced back in the direction of the town they had no idea what was coming for them. And much to Dolores's silent horror she found herself looking forward to it.