

Hi, my name is Zack Legends.

And here I am running late for my morning class and since I'm late I'm on the verge of rush running straight, mindless of my surrounding, splashing puddles as I ran, half wet due to the sudden drizzle and almost hitting someone but somehow I managed to make it.

"Oooooii..." I yelled frantically as the school guard closes the school gates.

Somehow the security guard still let me pass through the gate.

"Phew... but the challenge never ends here".

Apparently the school added a new registration system on the school gates which we called the "gate pass". The gate pass is an I.D. card verification system similar to a train stations ticket gate, it scans our I.D. and verifies our arrival time.

"Please don't show late please don't show late" I mumbled as I faces the identification monitors at the top of the security office.

The monitor then flashes my I.D. photo (which was terrible as hell) and my I.D. information.

NAME: Zacharias A. Legends


And among those words flashed is the most important word above them all.


"Phew... " I sighed in relief as I leaned over my back.

"Much better than a la..."

But just before I was about to finish I remembered that there is still another battle that I must reach.



"Well (pant) at least I won (pant) 2" I sighed after I read my classroom attendance written as late.

"Yoo..." A deep tough sounding voice echoed at a distance.

And that one's Marcus.

"Hey Ya !" Marcus greets as he hangs his heavy muscle packed bicep around my shoulders "sup".

"Sup" I replied as I removed his heavy arms around me.

"Late again ehh".


"Well Whaddaya expect from someone whose house is closer to school".

"Just like they said the shorter the distance the shorter the worry".

"Yoo..." another voice greets me.

And that's Remerious, we call him Bufoi as his nickname.

"Yo." I replied.

"Say since teachs ain't here why don' we hang out at the canteen first ,Iris, Sissy Marj, Zy, and Den-Den's there waitin'.

"Well since we got nothing to do yeh lets hang out for a while"

Those four are some of my mates in class, we usually hang out on a nearby canteen just below our classroom same goes with the rest while waiting for the teacher.

"I'll just leave my stuffs on my seat and I,ll go as well".

"Alright we'll be waitin'" Bufoi replied.

Everything sounds usual as it should...

Well until...


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