
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasie
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70 Chs

What happened to Elder Sun ? 3

[A: Sup if you don't want to read some disturbing content or don't like it just skip this Chapter. Though it tells about how Elder Sun came to know about the Method of getting stronger trough eating Human Meat]


Being done with slicing up the Index Finger he looked at Nedes with an almost devilish Smile and continued with repeating this Process with Nedes whole Left Hand and all the while the Young Man was screaming in agony as piece by piece the Flesh was peeled of of his Fingers only to experience even more pain when Elder Sun burned the Location of the Wound only to cut it open again and peel even more Flesh off.

Being done with the Left Hand he looked at what he had done and then noticed that Nedes lost Conscious and was hanging there with his Head lowered, when he saw that he instantly started to think of a solution so this doesn't happen again.

Coming to a conclusion that he personally didn't like he started searching trough his Storage Ring before he found what he was looking for, it were two round Pills one had a light blue Color that calmed ones Mind just by looking at it while the other was Blood Red and is full of Vitality.

These Pills were the Mind Calming Pill and the Reinforced Vitality Pill, the Mind Calming Pill would help the Person using it to calm down and analyze situations better the downside was that it would intensive ones Senses which also includes Pain so Elder Sun was quite unsettled about using this Pill as he was saving it since he got it from his Adventures to save him, but he then remembered that he wanted to just live his Life and nothing else so he quickly kicked that out of his Mind.

As for the Reinforced Vitality Pill it's use is that it will speed up the Blood Flow as well as the natural healing capabilities of the Body while also reinforcing the Organs that are necessary for the Body to survive, which in turn would weaken your Body for 1 week.

Feeding those to Nedes at the same time he waited for them to be effective while standing next to him while waiting for him to wake up.

After some seconds Nedes slowly opened his Eyes while wondering where he was, but that thought didn't last long when he felt a soul wrenching pain coming from his left Hand.

Looking towards it he was stumped as all of his Fingers were gone it was just his left Arm and at the end of it it was just a Lump.

Already freaking out this scared him even more but something prevented him from losing all his Calmness as if something was holding him back and trying to calm him down.

Seeing that the Pills were working he chuckled maniacally and went near Nedes again.

Nedes seeing this didn't try to up hold his courteous Image, he began throwing Insult after Insult at Elder Sun without stopping while demanding to be freed and giving Elder Sun an Opportunity to be his Dog.

Elder Sun hearing this just smiled and arrived before Nedes, still trowing Insult after Insult Nedes didn't even think about the Consequences until Elder Sun began cutting the Fingers on his Right Hand, but this time he didn't cut them little piece by little piece while closing the Wound by burning it, he just cut the Fingers as if they were some Vegetables on a chopping Board.

Not slow or to fast just in a normal Tempo with steady Hands while completely ignoring the cries of Nedes who was already beg to begging for his Life and being a follower for the rest of his Life.

And so after some time passed all Fingers on the right Hand were cut off as well and instead of Fingers Nedes had just 2 Lumps there. After all the crying and shouting he had no Energy anymore and just hanged with his Head low while crying.

Elder Sun seeing this tried to console him: ,,Now now don't be sad everything isn't as bad as it seems, oh i know what would help you to think more positive, you haven't eaten anything all the hours we were in this House. Am i not right ? So i specially created something for you while you while you were crying"

And with that presented what he created for Nedes, looking up he saw a porcelain plate with some round cut up meat on it, they were placed in the way that there were two Circles on the Plate.

Nedes looking at it first didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, but after looking for some time he noticed that the Flesh on the Plate were in fact.....his Fingers.

Getting even paler than before he immediately threw up. When he calmed himself down a little he looked again at Elder Sun but he no longer saw and elderly Man that was a little emotionless and even unmoral he was seeing a Monster in the Form of a Human.

As for Elder Sun seeing that Nedes was even more afraid of him now was pleased, as he exactly wanted this reaction.

Deciding that it was enough of standing around and doing nothing he got a Fork out of his Storage and took one of the Flesh pieces with it while bringing it towards the Mouth of Nedes slowly.

Seeing this Nedes tried to turn his Head away but Elder Sun just placed the Plate down and held Nedes head in one place while bringing it towards Nedes Mouth, seeing that he couldn't do anything anymore he was at his wits end and didn't knew what to do anymore, but that thinking didn't brought him anywhere either as the Flesh entered his Mouth.

And Elder Sun was making sure that he was also eating it properly while grinning, noticing that he just ate his own Flesh he wanted to throw up again but couldn't as the Flesh strangely dissipated inside him and instead strengthened him, though feeling disgusted by the Fact that he ate his own Flesh he still wanted to live and trough this saw hope.

So the whole time Elder Sun feeding him with his own Flesh was he was pretending to not wanting to eat it while absorbing the Energy. That went on until Nedes ate all of the Flesh on the Plate and Elder Sun looking satisfied while praising Nedes that he was a good Boy and should continue cooperating.

And so Elder Sun continued with cutting him up and feeding him the same way for his other Limbs like his Legs and the other ,Leg' and what belongs to it.

Nedes who was at first trying to get stronger by absorbing the Energy didn't care about escaping anymore, the only thing on his Mind right now was ,,MEAT MEAT MEAT" and nothing else his Eyes already changed into fully red Eyes without any white inside them whatsoever.

Elder Sun didn't notice that at first but after Nedes wasn't crying anymore or cursing him or doing anything else, but just trying to bite at him he decided to look carefully at him this time, he was quite shocked to see nearly no signs of Intelligence inside Nedes Eyes that now were completely Red.

Deciding to see if Nedes became stronger trough some secret Technique he decided to look at Nedes Realm and was quite shocked to see that he became a 7th Small Circle Magician.

Trying to think about all the things Nedes said and did while trying to think when Nedes activated this Secret Technique he didn't manage to come to a conclusion at first, but after thinking for some time he noticed Nedes behavior changed the Moment he fed him his own Meat and quickly came to the conclusion that it had something to do with Human Meat.

Feeling that he needed to research it further he pushed that to later, as he wasn't dumb enough to try it on himself first, seeing the Condition Nedes was in.