
To Praise the God

Goddo, The God of War, had lived in the Oracle, lived peacefully there with his companion Ragns. Goddo inherited the power from his parents who were the God of War and the God of Wisdom who were found of each other. Most gods thought his legacy was only a fable, his immense power, his slaying of a youkai, and his biggest feat, his defeat of the God of Fire. Nobody after the fabled fight heard of the god, so from that they told the tale of the God of War.

"Ragns, do you know what Athenes said about the control of Fire," Asks Goddo after having not listened to the lecture.

"Goddo, you know you need to listen to her lectures, but she said that to control it, you need to channel the magic through your veins and once you feel it, you release," Ragns torts back with a such-a-dumb-question attitude. After hearing this, Goddo tries and tries but can not produce even a little spark from doing the technique while Ragns can do it without a sweat producing a pale blue flame that slowly grows every second making it paler and brighter every moment. Ragns fries and tries again to help Goddo spark a flame, but just like a fire underwater, the flame sparks for a second but is instantly is put out. While doing so, Runis approaches the two with his partner Withe, and they start chuckling, watching the God fail at magic.

"Goddo, as the God of War, you are a complete failure as one and you should just give in to your failure and let it lead you, but you don't yet you fail," Runis coughs up with choking with laughter while still watching

"Oh, just you watch Runis," Goddo shoots back as if to insult him, but instead, Runis starts laughing harder at what Goddo just said. He tries his magic again and while doing so, the flame turns a blood red and expands leaving a scorch mark on the ground scaring away Runis and Withe as if it were a red demon.