
The Item Maker System

"In a moment in human history, people in mankind received systems, each person had one that was different from the other(Although, many were similar, they would never be exactly the same). You could receive a system that gave you the ability to conquer the world, or maybe a system that makes you able to create a harem. But, of course, with systems, other outer wordly and strange things would appear, like dungeons, alien invasions. Quests started to appear for everyone, that could relate or intervene in other person's quest or interest, and even maybe force you to collaborate with another person to reach a goal. Quests, dungeons, monsters and other system related things would give you experience to improve through your system, and items, that have abilities, like a ring that gives you protection, a necklace that improves your vampiric ability or maybe even a legendary dagger! As for me, I got the Item Maker System. What does it do? I can transform daily, basic things, such as cellphones, tables, chairs, or any other thing, into an item. Pretty good, right? Well... No. It just doesn't work! How am I supposed to be someone in life if my system doesn't work?" Ilmarinen said, furious to himself! But, little did he know, that his life would change completely. (The cover is just temporary, I pretend to change it later.)

BambooDealer · Fantasie
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6 Chs

A Brand New System.


Three men, every single one of them with an AR hanging from their necks, walked down an alley. They all were wearing the same thing, a black suit, with a black tie and a white shirt beneath. They seemed like bodyguards at first glance, but there was something to it.

They went in the direction of a man, fallen, apparently lifeless. "We found the main traitor, boss." One of them said, putting his wrist close to his mouth, probably talking into a microphone.

When they got closer to him, the body moved, quickly drawing a pistol and shooting the man in the middle in the had. The fallen man had a pretty good aim, even if he was injured. The other two man quickly subjugated him, firing with their weapons. "Fucking little rat. Well, it doesn't matter anymore, he can't protect the package being dead." One of them said, as he moved the AR to his back and started to search every single part of his body.

"No... No, no, no... FUCK!" The man searching the body screamed in anger. "What it is it, Matthew?" The other man asked, as he noticed that his companion clearly lost his shit. "The fucking crystal! It isn't here! We got tricked by this sneaky little bastard!" Matthew said as he got up and kicked the lifeless corpse.

"The package has been lost. The traitor's body is clear." The man that was watching Matthew said onto his microphone in the same way as before. "How the fuck did he hide something that shiny among everything that was going on? Do you think he threw it away?" Matthew said as he walked away from the alley, as he heard the police sirens coming reaching them. "I don't know, but the boss will find a way to find it, don't worry too much, even if he loses his patience, I don't think we are going to be killed."


Meanwhile, in the mafia's hideout.

"He... He fucking got away with the crystal?" A man sitting in a luxurious chair, with smoke from his cigar flowing from the ashtray on his desk. He punched the table, with visible anger on his face.

"Sir, don't worry. If one of them has the crystal, I can track them. They can't run away from us for too long." A figured slowly appeared from the shadow, as if he was there all along. He was old, with a fancy mustache, seeming like a butler. "I know that, Merlin, but it was almost there. I had it, and then it slipped away from me. After we are on the clear, send some men to search the place, try to find the cameras around, bribe the policemen, the shop owners, anyone you need to. We are going to get it back."

"Understood, sir." Merlin said, as he went back into the shadows and left the room, he was now going to make the arrangements to find what his boss needed, but, little did they know that their efforts were going to be useless.


Ilmarinen woke up, his vision was fuzy and he was light-headed. A lot of things happened in just a few hours, he even passed out in the middl of nowhere after using an unknown crystal. Perhaps Ilmarinen was on meth, and he didn't about it. Gladly, that was not that case.

Once he regained his focus, a bunch of pop-ups were in the middle of his vision.

[System Alerts]

System Enhancement Core has been used.

Failures in the system have been found, rebooting...

Reboot completed

{Welcome, user! This is the [Item Maker System] You have been gifted with! We should start with the [Tutorial Quest] for now.}

... What? The system was working? After 16 years of being useless, it finally talked with Ilmarinen! He could almost cry! And a Quest? Right off the bat? It was his lucky day! He quickly went to the Quest Tab and searched for his Quest.

[Quest Tab]

Main Quest:

[Tutorial Quest]: Create a [Common Tier] Item or higher.


- +5 Stat Points

- 100XP

It... It's finally there! A quest! He can finally improve! Ilmarinen never felt so happy in his entire life. Every single day of his life, he used the skills that the System have him in everything he could, but he never got a Item that wasn't [Trash]. He was the example of what not to be for most people. The System he despised so much, yet expected to work, was finally here!

He looked at it for quite awhile until he snapped out of it and started to look around the system. He wanted to see what new things he could do, and he accidentally found another Quest! How lucky could he be? Two Quests right when he got his System to work.

Secondary Quests:

[Improving Yourself]: Create a [Uncommon Tier] or [Rare Tier] Item


- 100 XP

- 5 Credits

- If you create a [Uncommon Tier] Item, you'll receive a random [Rare Tier] Item.

- If you create a [Rare Tier] Item, you'll receive a random [Epic Tier] item, extra 100 XP and extra 10 credits.

Ilmarinen was seeing Tiers that he couldn't even think of buying. Buying a [Common Tier] Item, for him, was expensive. Items that came out of dungeons and quests or were made by another Craftmans were expensive, for the material needed to be made, or how hard it was to complete a Dungeon or the Quest. Although most people had a usable System, Items were still expensive, because Items had a lot of varieties.

Items used by Cooks, Architects, Thieves, Kings and all of the other jobs that one could have, and type of systems that existed. Finding a good Item that was useful for you, and that accessible, was rare. Of course, improving through Quest rewards not only Items, but also Skills, Credits and Skill Points, but buying Items is quicker and easier.

"Some tabs here that I never saw before... Perhaps my stats are different now... I can also check this new Shop tab now... And perhaps I received a new Skill?" Ilmarinen said to himself as he browsed around to see what changed.

[User's Profile]

Name: Ilmarinen

Age: 21 years

Level: 0 (0/100 XP)

Attributes (Can't be improved through the system):

HP: 20

ATK: 20

DEX: 15

MP: 0

Energy: 120

System-Related Attributes:

Luck: 0

Skill points: 0



[Item Maker] {Unique}

Ilmarinen stared at his profile for a moment. Nothing... changed. He still only has Luck as an atrribute that can be influenced by points, he still only has 2 skills, and he still has the Attributes of an above average person without a system. How? This isn't where the system was broken AT ALL?

No, no, there must be something good besides the quests right? He has now an Inventory and Shop tabs! Ilmarinen never had even heard about a Shop tab before, normally transactions were made through online auctions, or sometimes on physical stores especialized in Items.

The Shop tab had a lock icon on its side, so couldn't use it for now, maybe after some quests he would be able to do so. And the Inventory tab, well, was an Inventory, not many people had this kind of tab, actually, it was really rare, so it was a win for him.

"I should go home, I can finally use my Skill! Maybe I could use it on a lighter and make something that deals fire damage! Perhaps as strong as a flamethrower!" Ilmarinen said to himself as he got up and started heading home, feeling luck for what happened. But, what he didn't know was that it wasn't go to be that easy and that he forgot that his Luck was still 0.


Ilmarinen finally reached home, ready to use his brand new system. "Perhaps I should use it on... My clothes? I mainly use the ones I'm using now every single day, it's not going to hurt to change them into Items." He said as he removed his jacket and put it over his bed. "My hopes aren't high, but... If it is a Rare Item, I'm going to scream really loud." Right after saying that, Ilmarinen used his [Item Maker Skill].