
The Island's Inhabitant

Fantasy Romance
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What is The Island's Inhabitant

Lesen Sie den Roman The Island's Inhabitant des Autors Dani_Lewis_Smyth, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Zoey McKnight has already lost so much: her mother, her father, her uncle, and her cousin and best friend. She can't bear to lose their memory too. While attempting to relive their lives through the j...


Zoey McKnight has already lost so much: her mother, her father, her uncle, and her cousin and best friend. She can't bear to lose their memory too. While attempting to relive their lives through the journals and artifacts left behind in her aunt's attic, Zoey finds herself starting an incredible and dangerous journey in a new world. With the help of a glowing sword and vague instructions from a scroll, she must assume the mantle of the Guardian of the Blade and destroy a great evil housed upon an island in this mysterious new land of Calcasia.

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