Moonlight was beaming down on Andres' team as they jumped out of the wrecked ship. Sand graded under their feet. Andres directed the team to head towards the creature which was reaching for their ship again. They need to gain its attention before it took hold of the ship again.
Logan flipped out a short, widened, musket-looking thing and lit it on fire. The creature was too far for him to possibly shoot. However, he aimed it up in the air.
"The hell is that?" asked Jaivva.
A small ball of fire shot up, landing afar where they couldn't quite see. An explosion was seen flashing the dark sky to a white and purple hue. Sound was heard a few seconds after.
"You're still supporting DPS," laughed Andres.
It was evidently one creature. But there were more than twenty tentacles flailing in pain. Some dug their squared claws several feet into the sand. Others flung in the air. Andres pushed the team, bringing himself forward to form an attack column formation.