
New home

Location:mental hospital;osaka,Japan

Date:January 3 2023


yashiro akirayama pov👁️

we walked through what seemed to be a long walk way

I couldn't see where we were going because of the blind fold they tied around my eyes

"This is your new home kid" one of the three guards holding me said as he took of the blind fold

The bright lights made it difficult to see at first but I finally understood where they had taken me to

"Am not allowed here, I am just 17, don't you need to be 18 to be sent to this place?" I asked

"The judge gave us a special order to being you here, your a danger to all the other teenagers in the junior holding center" another guard said as they left me standing there

my new home?

This place where the most messed up people are locked up, so that they don't burn the world to the ground

I took a deep breath and looked up

it seems like I was in the dinner area and it was almost time to eat

every one was wearing orange jump suits

every one had collars on their necks, everyone including me

suddenly a voice came from large speakers hanging in the ceiling"Time for dinner, and I swear if any of you get into a fight I will stop serving dinner for the next six months" it was a female voice

every one stood up and moved toward a counter on the left side of the huge hall

"you too yashiro" she added

I wasn't surprised she knew my name, they probably know the name of all the prisoners

I went to the counter and asked the service robot to give me some rice

I took the rice and sat down alone in one corner

"give it back!!" a voice said angrily

"the f*CK are you talking about?" another voice replied

I turned to where the commotion was happening

the first voice belonged to a really huge man about 7ft tall,very muscular,and his skin color Wes red

while the second voice was a man roughly about 5'11

"why did you take it from me!!?" the red man screamed again

"yo dude,I ain't got nothing of yours,so you better back the f*CK up"

the red man raged with anger

he raised his hands up and smashed the table in front of him

the other man stood up ad tried to run but he was not fast enough

the red man grabbed him by the shoulder and raised him up into the air, getting ready to slam him into the floor , when the guards arrived

they push the button on the remote they were holding and the red man started screaming louder as the collar shot bolts of electricity into his body

"no stop I need it,tell him to give it back!!"he screamed as he fell to the ground

the other man looked so confused

"get this one to the solitary confinement " a guard commanded as he pointed to the red man "and take this on to the clinic " he said pointing to the other man


This is my life now? what the hell did I do that was so wrong? I can't remember why I am here,what horrible thing did I do in the past?..

The End