
The Infinite Mystery

A generation's mighty and most powerful expert died mysteriously and reincarnated without any memories on a small planet far away from the Cultivation World. This small planet was earth. Five thousand years ago, a great calamity descended on earth. Countless Spatial Cracks appeared in the sky and beasts invaded. After hundreds of years of fighting, humans discovered they could awaken a battle spirit that can help them raise their strength and grant them the abilities that were simply unimaginable for humans before. Qin Feng also awakens his battle spirit but unfortunately, it was swallowed by his own birthmark, The Infinity Symbol. This was just the beginning of the mysteries that surrounded him like invisible specks of dust. He soon discovered that the 'Infinity Symbol' was actually not his birthmark but something mysterious from another world. The Infinity Symbol helped him awaken a Divine Battle Spirit and granted him a Nameless Cultivation Technique that was beyond the world's limit. He also discovered that he could not die! Every time, he was killed, he returned back in time with the memories of what is going to happen in the future. Soon after awakening the Divine Battle Spirit, a mysterious beautiful lady stepped into his life and told him that he does not belong to the earth. He was actually the reincarnation of someone called 'KING'. The mysteries that surrounded him like the invisible specks of dust started to come on the surface from the day of his awakening, revealing many secrets to him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some grammatical errors so please ignore them and enjoy the story. The cover doesn't belong to me. All rights of the cover belong to the original artist.

RazaKarim · Fantasie
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373 Chs

Thunder Spear

Qin Feng did not lose heart. He took in a few deep breaths and adjusted his state of mind, slightly narrowing his eyes.

He did not know what that divine weapon was but he knew that it was born because of him cultivating the First Layer of the Nameless Cultivation Technique.

At this moment, he felt a feeling that has already vanished after his battle spirit was swallowed by the Infinity Symbol.

"T-This feeling... Don't tell me that..."

Qin Feng was surprised beyond belief at this moment because he suddenly felt the presence of a battle spirit within his soul.


Qin Feng shouted loudly and with his shout, a rumbling of thunder echoed.

Suddenly, with a 'woosh' sound, a weapon appeared that floated above his head.

"A spear?"

Qin Feng turned to look at the weapon and saw that this weapon was actually a spear that was covered with countless threads of lightning.

When Qin Feng saw the spear, he got the feeling of dominance.

Somehow, after cultivating the First Layer of the Nameless Cultivation Technique, a thunder spear was born and mysteriously became his battle spirit.

What Qin Feng felt from this thunder spear was three things.

Thunder, arrogance, invincibility!

Feeling the domineering power of lightning, Qin Feng could not help but reveal a trace of satisfaction.

He also understood at this moment that half of the divine weapon that he saw previously was actually this thunder spear.

But previously, when he tried to see the divine weapon, he was unable to see it completely. He also felt terror when he saw a half of the divine weapon but now when he looked at it, he did not feel that terror anymore.

As for the reason, he was unable to understand.

He retracted his battle spirit back and then again he tried to see it in the depth of his mind and soul.

This time, he once again saw a half of the thunder spear and felt the same terror that he previously felt.

"What is happening?"

"Is it possible that the thunder spear that appeared as my battle spirit is currently not complete and only after successfully cultivating the First Layer of the Nameless Cultivation Technique to the peak can I call out the true version of the thunder spear out?"

When Qin Feng saw this situation, he could not help but think that the thunder spear that appeared as his battle spirit was not the true thunder spirit.

According to what he has guessed, the half-divine weapon that he saw in the depth of his soul was the true thunder spear but he was currently not qualified to call it out.

But no matter what, he once again owns a battle spirit and this battle spirit was even more powerful than what anyone could even think of.


Suddenly, Qin Feng once again felt pain in his mind but this time, the pain subsided very soon.

A piece of new information once again appeared in his mind.

He went through that information and suddenly became excited because he has actually gained a new ability after successfully awakening the Thunder Spear as his battle spirit.

This ability's name was also Thunder Spear!

He did not know what this ability was but it should not be that weak considering the terror and might that he felt from the True Thunder Spear.

Qin Feng did not continue to cultivate anymore. He stood up and looked at the mysterious space he was in.

"How will I get out of here?"

The moment he thought of going out from this mysterious space, his eyes blurred and he once again found himself on his bed.


The moment he woke up on his bed, his stomach started to call him because of hunger.

He hurriedly went to the kitchen to eat something but at this moment, he felt that his speed was too fast.

He actually walked faster than a normal person.


He was shocked and hurriedly checked his body and felt the presence of mysterious energy within his body.

"What is this energy?"

Qin Feng muttered in his heart and tried to control the energy. He was surprised to see that he can actually control the flow of that energy.

"Wait! Don't tell me I am already an Elementary Battle Spirit Warrior!"

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he immediately jumped on his spot and carefully felt the presence of that energy.

"I... really am now an Elementary Battle Spirit Warrior!"

Qin Feng confirmed that he was now an Elementary Battle Spirit Warrior.

He was slightly surprised but did not feel much because, compared to the appearance of a new battle spirit, him, becoming an Elementary Battle Spirit Warrior was nothing.

The mysteriousness of the Infinity Symbol surpassed his imagination.

Previously, when his battle spirit was swallowed by the Infinity Symbol, his heart was broken, and blamed the Infinity Symbol for swallowing his battle spirit.

But now, there was only gratitude in his heart for the Infinity Symbol.

He not only got a new battle spirit that was immensely powerful, but he has also broken through the shackles of an ordinary human and become a Battle Spirit Warrior with ease without even knowing.

His speed of cultivation was something that has never been seen on earth and this also proved that the Nameless Cultivation Technique might really be a Legendary Ranked cultivation technique.

He did not dare to be sure because he has never come in contact with any cultivation technique. He could only make a guess in his heart.

"This Infinity Symbol is too mysterious. I can not tell anyone about it otherwise it will definitely bring me a great disaster!"

Qin Feng immediately thought of keeping the existence of the Infinity Symbol as well as everything related to it such as the true Thunder Spear and the Nameless Cultivation Technique as a secret.

He knew the principle of having a great treasure. A treasure can help him but it can also destroy him.