
1.The Treaty

It's been five years since Logan became the Alpha of the Crystal pack and in those years he has made a name for himself. A lot of people has called him ruthless and cruel but he has never cared as long as they feared him, he was okay with it.

Logan stood in his office and reminisce about the times he spent with his father and he felt a strong suffocation in his chest, he thought if only his dad had listen to him then he would still be here ruling his pack.

"knock knock" he heard a knock at the door and he knew only his beta Jack can ever interrupt him in his alone time.

"come in" Logan said with authority and as expected Jack came in but what he did not expect was the serious look he saw on Jack face.

"what's wrong" Logan asked his beta hoping it was not something too serious.

"The human king sent you an invitation, he wants you to attend a ball. He said he wants a treaty." Jack said with a worried look on his face.

"is that why you look so serious. why does me receiving an invitation from the king makes you so worried?" Logan asked his beta still not understand the serious look in Jack face.

" Have you forgotten the last you received an invitation from king Ford you were attacked by the witches"

"And I dealt with them, did I not? send a letter to king Ford and tell him I accept his invitation". Logan said to his beta with a malicious smirk on his face.

"But Alpha..." Jack tried to argue.

"Jack what have I told you about questioning my decisions, and besides if the king plans another attack on me then it could just be the excuse I need to get rid of that lowlife that called himself a king" said Logan with a calculating smile.

"Yes Alpha I will see to it that your orders are carried out" Jack said and excuse himself.

Jack has been Logan beta ever since he became an Alpha but before then they were friends. He knew the rumors about Logan being cruel and ruthless was not true but sometimes he could not help but wonder if Logan is as the rumors says. To Jack ever since the former Alpha died, Logan has become more colder and distant. He could no longer tell what his young friend was thinking anymore, he could only hope that Logan finding his mate will bring him back to the person he was before.

The Royal Palace

The Braun family has always ruled the kingdom of Aldia. It was said that the first king of Aldia married a beautiful woman named Emma who was not approved by his family especially his sister princess Elisa. Rumors has it that his sister friend who was a mage revealed to every one at the day of the queen coronation that Emma was a werewolf and not a human as she has made everyone to believe, and when the king found out he felt betray and order her death. Some believed that the king made a rash decisions and if he had kept queen Emma alive then the humans and the Werewolf would have been able to coexist.

These stories and rumors has been what the young princess Ava has been listening to ever since she was a little child, she felt that the first king did not make a bad decision after all in her opinion queen Emma should never had lied to him, she should have been honest and truthful. Ava felt the only reason Emma was not honest was because Emma must have had a secret agenda.

"Won't you get prepare for the ball"

"No godmother, I see no reason at all to do so" Emma said to her godmother whom she secretly visits in a small cottage no one knows of.

"And besides can't you make me a love portion so that I can give it to any man I fancy?" The truth is Ava godmother is a witch and had saved Ava from being abused when she escaped the palace on her own and ever since then Ava has always regarded Serefina has her godmother and has even grown to love her more than her own mother who according to her only care about the royal family reputation and not the feelings of her children

"I thought you were not going to the ball" said Serefina

"I don't really have a choice, father will have my head if I dare disobey him and he has order me and my sister Elizabeth to get ready for the ball, he said he is expecting a special guest so we should be in our best cloth and behavior"Ava said with a look of mischievousness in her eyes.

"And I assume you will be in neither?" Serefina asked noticing the look in her goddaughter eyes.

"Of course I won't, obeying my parents has never been one of my best qualities" Ava relied her godmother with a look of rebellion.

"But you will always listen to me won't you?" Serefina asked with a smile on her face as she place her hands on Ava cheek.

"Of course I will, you know I care for you more than my own parents" Ava happily replied her godmother

"I know you do", Serefina held Ava hands together and said to her "Ava, you must always remember that no one loves you more than me"

"I know and you should know as well that I love you too so much" Ava said as she gave her godmother a hug.

" you should go back home before your mum finds out that you are no longer in your room" Serefina said separating herself from Ava.

"Yes godmother you are right but I will come back to visit you soon" Ava smiled as she replied to her godmother.

"And I will be expecting you"

"Good bye godmother" Serefina smile and wave Ava goodbye as well but as soon as Ava left the cottage Serefina smile disappear and was replace with a cold glint in her eyes.

"Did you prepared what I ask" Serefina asked the woman who was standing behind her but has kept her presence hidden from Ava.

"Yes mother" said the mysterious lady as she handed over the teeth and blood of a wolf

"speak if you have something to say Lia" Serefina said as she saw a look of hesitation on Lia face.

" How long do you think you can fool Princess Ava? after all you yourself said she is a very smart girl" Lia asked Serefina worriedly.

Serefina gave a deep dark chuckle to Lia question and said to her " Ava trusts me more than anyone, she will be ready to give her life for me if possible. I agree that she is smart but she is also naive and innocent, she sees me as hero and her emotional support" Serefina held Lia chin and said to her "For twenty years I have planned this, when queen Roseline was pregnant with Ava I knew that she would be the one I need to make me immortal I have waited years for this"

"But I don't see anything special about Ava" said Lia with hatred in her eyes as she mentioned the young princess name .

"That is because she hasn't awaken yet but when she does the blood from her heart will be able to make me immortal"

Serefina let go of Lia chin and held her cheek softly the coldness in her eyes disappear and she said to Lia gently "You are my daughter, although I did not gave birth to you, I raise you as one. Lia you should learn to stop thinking with emotions and use your head instead after all mum won't love you anymore if you aren't useful. Do you understand?"

"Yes mother" Lia answered with love in her eyes for her mother Serefina whom she has vowed to do anything for.

Hello my beautiful readers I hope you all enjoy this story, to be honest this is my first book on webnovel and I don't have an editor yet so pardon me if there are a lot of grammatical errors. I hope you all support me as I participate in the "Werewolf lover and I" contest. Thank you

Rosepetals456creators' thoughts
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