
knowing Evans

it was a Monday morning, as usual I woke up to clean the house, my siblings were preparing to go to school, I had this urge to visit the graves, my parent's graves, so I waited for my sisters to finish so I could walk with them, the distance to the graves is really long, we are used to it though. My sisters and I parted when they got to their school, I walked patiently to the graves, I kneeled in front of my m9thers grave, I do this every time I visit her, tears would just flow uninvited, I let them be, I felt like a failure, so I opened up to my mother whom I'm not so sure if she hears me or not, I spent an hour with her then went to my father's grave, I spent the same amount of time with him, I cleaned their graves then ended up cleaning all my relatives graves.

the walk back home was unusual, the streets were quiet but they was expected since all the kids went to school, I somehow felt like I was being followed, I looked back to confirm but there was nothing unusual, I felt my hair leave my head, I felt a bit cold, that's a sign of danger, so I ran, I made sure to run like my life depended on it, when I got home, I locked myself inside and caught my breath sitting butt flat on the floor.

my name is Linda, I'm 25 years of age, the first born followed by 16 years old twin girls, since our parents passed away life hasn't been easy, the fact that I'm not working isn't making things better, we are surviving by my parent's policies which will soon stop providing and to be frank, I don't see myself getting a job before that, so the fear of being poor and seeing my sisters struggle is haunting me every night. I'm a nurse by profession, but haven't got a job since I quit my last job two years back, its been a year and half being unemployed. my parents died in a terrible hijacking, they were killed because they saw everything happen, in other words, they were loose ends, I miss them everyday.

thoughts occupied my minds, I wasn't even aware that I fell asleep, a loud bang on the door woke me up "who is it?" I asked

"us" that's my sisters, it must be late then

"oh hi guys, how was your day?" I asked

"well we had to run back home since there are rumors that a black BMW x5 is roaming around kidnapping girls" one of them said

"what?" it must be the reason why I felt uneasy on the streets today

"apparently two girls are missing already" She said

my word, it could have been me.

I'm a thick girl with big butt, I took it from my mother, I have all her looks, small waist, tiny breasts, flat stomach, flat chest, long tiny neck, round face with round big eyes, sharp nose, pointed chin, visible cheek bones, I'm a bit tall, and light in complexion, my sisters are both very tiny, with beautiful round bums, they are a bit darker but not so much.

the following day I went to drop my cv off at town, so since I was there, I did some window shopping, I loved a few things there for me and my siblings, but I couldn't afford them so I put them down and turned to walk out of the store "excuse me my lady, you can take the clothes" a male voice from behind, I slowly turned to see who it was, I smiled "I'd love to, they are very beautiful but I'll come again some other time okay?" I politely said

"I insist" he said with a grin on his face

"that I take the clothes?" I asked laughing

"yes, you can add a few hand bags" he was still smiling

"what's your name?" I asked

"Evens, my lady" he extended his hand for a shake, I shook his hand

"thanks Evens, but I don't want the clothes at the moment" I lied

"just take the clothes my lady, I'll pat for them" he insisted, I took the clothes and he paid "can we have lunch together?" he asked

"well that's the least I could do to say thanks" he nodded then held my hand leading the way

so over lunch I've learned that he's a 35 years old lawyer, he's got other businesses which includes renting apartments, he's smart and also single. we exchanged numbers then he drove me home.

a few months passed, Evans and I are a couple now, he gives me money, allowance that's enough to budget and spent some, he respects and loves me, I have never been treated that way, so he's taking me to his parents, I needed to look good, I wore an above the knees maroon pencil skirt, a white body suit with white sandals. he picked me up, the drive to his parents was quiet and awkward

"are you okay, you seem more nervous than I am" I was looking at him, he concentrated on the road "Evans?" inwas getting more nervous now

"my lady please keep quiet" he spoke

"Why, what's going on?" I asked

"I need to think" with that said, he never opened his mouth again, he told his parents are reciding in town, but we didn't even get to town, he took another route, which made me more nervous, he drove faster, his aura changed from nice to dangerous, I got scared, I threw punches at him, he had to stop by the road side "my lady please stop what you're doing, I'll be forced to tie you up or put you in the boot" he was looking at me

"where are you taking me Evans?" I let the tears flow

"I'm sorry I can't tell you" he too was not pleased with what he was doing

"Evans please don't hurt me, you know my sisters will need me" he hugged me tightly, then tied my hands and body on the sit, he then put a cloth on my face to cover my eyes.

the drive was long, finally the car stopped, he gently took me bridal style, he walked a few minutes then we got into the lift, then got out, from there he carried me like a potato bag, I heard him knock.

"brother, you made it, come in" a very deep hoarse voice said

"where are the rest of the guys?" Evans asked

"I sent them to get us food, there's nothing here" the hoarse voice said

"can we have a word in private?" that was Evans, I stood there not knowing what to do, until someone dragged me to a chair, more like a couch, it was soft and comfortable. After an hour or so, the door opened and there was juice, laughter, I think two or three guys came in, the smell of food hit me so hard

"I'm hungry" I said, silence filled the room, then someone took off the cloth on my face, I looked around, it was 5 guys including Evans, they all seemed his age, and they're all handsome.

"untie her" the hoarse voice said, he's so handsome, he's light skinned, with a scar on his face, damn if it was a different situation I'd be crushing on him. they all have broad shoulders, they seem like they love gyming.

they gave me a plate with three slices of pizza, two drum sticks and a glass of coke, I took the food, they were all looking at me, I took a slice, attempted to bite but put it back to the plate

"I'm no longer hungry" I said

"eat my lady" Evans said

"no" I replied

he came to me, leaned very close to my face

"do you want me to take a bite first?" he asked

I nodded, he then took all three slices bit them, then the meat then took a sip from my drink, he went to sit back on his chair, I also ate, then suddenly the room was back to its noisy self.

it was 7 pm, I saw from the clock on the wall

"Evans can I call my sisters?" I begged

"your sisters will be fine Linda, don't worry" the hoarse voice said

"fine how without me, don't you understand that they're just kids?" I snapped

"Linda watch your tone, don't talk to me in a way I wouldn't talk you with, we respect each other here, we listen and we are very patient" he hissed

I looked at Evans, he quickly looked away.

I spent a week with all these guys, some including would go out now and then, but the hoarse voice never left the place, I know they are brothers, I just don't know which one is older since they all look the same age, I felt like a guest, it would be nice to be here, but now I'm worried about my sisters

"can I call them?" I disturbed their conversation

"them?" hoarse voice asked

"my sisters" I said, he came very close, I was standing by the sink, I felt my blood boil

"Linda, if you dare steal a phone here, you'll hate me" then he pecked my lips and went to sit back down.

"who's older?" I asked, they kept quiet for a bit then Evans spoke

"he is older, followed by this one, then me, then these two are twins." he pointed at the hoarse voice to be the oldest, then the funny bubbly one to be the second, him as third then the last two whom are always laughing to be the last.

"what are your names?" I asked

"Timothy, Caviezel, me, Jeremy and Jimmy." he pointed at them with the same order he used, from older to the youngest.

I went to sit down "can I switch the TV on?" I asked and this time Jimmy replied

"Linda dear, feel at home, the only thing you're not allowed to do in here is to go out that door or to use a cellphone" he was smiling

I nodded.

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