
Chapter 6: Start to High King

"Jared hold them there!!"

"Yes sir"

We encountered three goblins, but with an extra body helping out, taking them down is way easier than doing it solo. Jared ended up using his skill, 'Battle Cry' to aggro the goblins leaving it to be a simple stab procedure on all three of the monsters.

[Small goblin killed, no CS given

+1 class advancement (1/50)

[Small goblin killed, 1 CS given

+1 class advancement (2/50)

[Small goblin killed, no CS given

+1 class advancement (3/50)]

The most important part of the advancements and CS distribution between myself and my clone, was that we were both given the same amount. Apparently from the information the system gave me, if my clones don't participate in the battle, they won't get the experience needed for their advancements.

Jared was using a small wooden shield he looted from one of the goblins, and a small sword. I was now holding a broken spear and axe, that I was repeatedly using and dropped them. I began to loot the goblins and decided to take one of their axes and a small dagger in case of emergencies. One of the goblins had a bag of coins and uncooked rabbit, which I decided to take for myself since he will no longer need it.

And like that we headed of towards the main city of the kingdom my village was part of, to start my revenge and road to becoming High King. The journey was long, 4 hours in, I had to set up camp, making a small fireplace and taking out my backpack that contained; 2 pots, a set of wooden fork and spoon, and a waterskin that belonged to my father.

The knights took all the food and wealth that was left in my village, leaving me with almost nothing to take with me in this journey. I began to cook the rabbit after the necessary requirements, skinning, drying, and cutting. I left it to cook and decided to make myself another clone, repeating the long process. My MP finally restored itself, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so, leaving Jared on watch duty.

'Clone Manufacture'

My clone was as follows;

[Name: Kira Mika (??)(??)

Race: Clone

Class: Apprentice Mage(FFF|PROF: 0/50)

Overall Rank: FFF

Title: Second clone of Eren Mika

HP: 140

MP: 60

Skills: Fireball (FFF|PROF: 0/50) (MP Cost: 5) Meditation (FFF|0/50) [Restores 1MP per minute]

Stats: (Clone points: 0)

STR: 3 AGL: 3 END: 2 INT: 7 SNS: 2]

I was interested in magic, and wanted to see for myself since I was currently not able to cast any. My thinking process for the names is that for my first four, they would carry a similar name to myself. they would become my four trusted generals in the far future, and to have an impact. People tend to trust families than a lone wanderer.

The rabbit was finally finished, and I began to eat. The newly added clone looked at me, this one was a female, but due to the system clones don't have a gender. She had blonde silky hair, with blue eyes and similar features that resembled my mother. I tore off a few pieces and gave it to both my clones.

"eat this"

they both responded.

"Thank you sir"

This would be a problem. Them calling me sir, every single time, this will ruin everything.

"From now on, just call me brother or Eren... Just for now"

Both responded with

"Yes brother"

The night was growing long and I felt really exhausted, I really needed a long night of sleep.

"You two, alternate for watch, wake me up when the sun comes up"

"Yes brother"

Just like that I fell asleep from a bed of leaves I made, and two shirts making a pillow.

"Wake up brother, as you requested the sun is up"

I stood up, stretching and feeling all my sore muscles aching throughout my body.

"Good lets go"

I began to pack everything in my bag, and before we set off, I looked at Kira with nothing in hand. I ended up giving her my dagger.

Just like that, we set off for the beginning.

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